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Chapter 11: She's Dead?


After Yoongi was officially able to leave the hospital, he sighed himself out and the group all went home because they're honestly too afraid to eat somewhere after the current events that happened.

Yoongi sat on the couch on his phone, it was silent except for the sound of the TV playing some random game show in the background. Jin sat on the counter in the kitchen, trying to convince Namjoon that Wonderwomans jet really does exist and that no one can see it because her jet is invisible.

Jimin, Taehyung, and Junglook were playing monopoly, Jungkook laughing at Jimin, who was raging because Taehyung bought the Avenue he was planning on getting.

Hoseok had gotten some snacks and sat down beside Yoongi, who was too focused on playing a game to notice the older beside him. "You doing okay?" Hoseok finally asked after awhile, Yoongi hummed and then turned to the older. He nodded after realizing what he said and then immediately went back to his phone.

"You sure?"

"I'm fine, Hoseok." Yoongi mumbled, Hoseok nodded as he grabbed the remote and flipped through multiple channels, he kept a side eye on Yoongi though, just Incase the smaller started to feel bad again.

Everything was going fine until Jimin yelled at Jungkook for taking the last avenue left on the board, plus he was going bankrupt and he was one hundred percent sure Jungkook, who was the banker, was cheating to get the houses and money he had.

"Jiminie hyung is so competitive, that's why I don't play with him anymore," Yoongi mentioned, Hoseok nodded as he looked back at the group. "I can see why," he said, he then turned his head back to Yoongi. Looking over the smaller as he concentrated on a game.

"You'll burn him to a crisp if you keep staring like that," Jin mumbled as he grabbed some chips from Hoseok's bag. "Fuck off," Hoseok hissed, Jin shrugged as he sat on the loveseat to watch the Tv. "Just sayin,"

"So you guys really don't know who did this?" Namjoon said, sitting beside Jin. "Positive," Yoongi said, Hoseok nodded. "It's so weird though, what could be a possible reason as to why someone would come for the two of you,"

"Maybe possessive people, like that crazy Stephanie bitch. Something really wasn't right in her head," Yoongi mentioned, Hoseok lightly hit him.

Jin shrugged, "Who knows? Maybe something wasn't right in her head because the rest of her was left." Multiple groans filled the room as Jin had a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Hoseok, you were a bit player in your day, anyone else you went with that you would assume crazy?" Namjoon asked, Hoseok bit his lip and then shook his head.

"No. But Stephanie did have a sister that I went out with. But she's not exactly uh, here anymore." Hoseok said, Jin gave him a weird look and then his eyes widened. "She's dead?"

Hoseok nodded with a sad look in his eyes, Yoongi looked at Hoseok and noticed the way his eyes began to water. "I'll be back," he said, getting up and going into a random room.

"What the hell?" Jin asked, Namjoon only shrugged as he grabbed his ringing phone.

"Hello?" He asked, answering the call, "Yes, he's here with me." Yoongi and Jin shared equally confused look. "Right now? Okay...we'll be on our way," He said, putting his phone down and looking at Jin with a puzzled look.

"They want us to come to the government office that we got paired in. Apparently they want to ask us a few questions," Namjoon said, Jin nodded as he grabbed his coat and keys. He also took Hoseok's bag of chips. "I guess we should go then, bye guys!" He said, already out the door with Namjoon waving behind him.

"What's wrong with Hoseok?" Jungkook asked, coming to sit beside Yoongi. Yoongi shrugged as he flipped through channels on the TV. "Don't worry about it." He said, though he himself was worried about it more than probably anyone in this room.


This is a short chapter but the next chapter will probably longer and hella confusing because I'm even confused about it.

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