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Chapter 34: How Are You Two?


Blair sighed as left the bathroom, sticking The pregnancy test back into its box and grabbing the other one. She was about to go back into the bathroom when Yuseon called her.


"What're you doing and why do you have a pregnancy test? Multiple pregnancy tests?" He asked, Blair looked at him and rolled her eyes. "I told you almost a month ago, Yuseon. I'm pregnant." Blair muttered, putting the unopened box on her dresser.

"Okay? Then why are you taking multiple tests if you've known this for almost a month?" Yuseon asked, Blair sighed as she looked at the taller, pouting slightly and then smirking. "I'm really hoping I run into them today. They've been fine for too long. I say it's time to change that."

"Still not following."

"Damn it, Yuseon." Blair groaned, rolling her eyes. "That night I got Hoseok drunk, we had sex, he got me pregnant, and now I need proof he got me pregnant in case I run into them today. Got it? I'm really going to break them up this time. No doubt about it." She smirked, Yuseon narrowed his eyes at her.

"How are they supposed to believe that, though? You could've had sex with anyone and gotten that test done." Yuseon said, Blair didn't show any sign of realization as she opened one of her drawers and pulled out a recorder.

"Why do you think I asked you to buy this the night before?" She asked, a smirk growing on Yuseons face. "I recorded everything, from the time we got into the house to the time I got dressed and left. There's no way he can deny it when I've got it all right here."

Yuseon nodded as he stepped closer to the girl, watching as she stuffed the box with the used pregnancy test in it and the recorder in her bag. "I'm hoping I meet them at their favorite restaurant, that one with the really good milkshakes and burgers?"

Yuseon nodded, "Yoongis in love with that place."

"Yeah, that brat. Anyways. I plan on going there. Then—"

"Are you going to break the news?" Yuseon interrupted her, Blair nodded as she looked at him as if he were stupid. "Not about the baby you're carrying, I mean the baby you already have." Blair's face immediately went blank. Her lips parting a bit as she thought things through. "That's a good question. Not today though. But soon...at a time Hoseok would never expect it. But not now, right now, the baby I have in me is all that matters."

"How can such a pretty face be so evil?" Yuseon asked, getting dangerously close to Blair's face before she put a hand in front of his. "These lips? Are for Hoseok only. And yours? Are for that brat. Remember?" She asked, arching an eyebrow. Yuseon smirked as he backed away from her.

"That is true. Can't wait til I can get my hands on him." Yuseon muttered, Blair nodded as she pulled on her shoes and made her way towards the door. "Patience, Yuseon. Your little brat will be under you in no time."

"I sure hope so."

Yoongi smiled as he listened to Hoseok talk about Mayla and Minji, apparently, the two were supposed to be paired together but Mayla had told Hanuel moments before she turned in her test that she loved Minji, but that she didn't want to make their lives awkward by being forced to be in a relationship.

And the fact that she was lesbian.

"Anyways, they're still searching for someone for Mayla, but Minji told me he got paired with a girl by the name of Jeon Minju. He was blushing so much while talking about her. It was cute." Hoseok muttered, Yoongi nodding as he listened.

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