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Chapter 44: Room 212


1 Week Later


"Still no fucking leads." Jimin sighed, slamming the front door shut, almost two weeks and his bestfriend has yet to be found, the police don't even have a good lead on him. All they can say is that the events that night are, "Not like a regular case", they said it was planned so perfectly that there was no evidence.

"There has to be something, who just sits at home and perfectly plans a kidnapping?" Jimin asked, Taehyung sighed as he kissed his temple, pulling the smaller into his chest. "Jimine, calm down,"

"Everyone keeps telling me that. Jimin call down, Jimin, you're freaking out. What the hell do you want me to do?! Sit here and act like Yoongi's fine?! Like he wasn't fucking kidnapped?!" Jimin yelled, tears coming to his eyes. "I miss him! And no one cares! No one's showing they care! I'm the only one freaking out, and because of that, you guys tell me to calm down. If you really liked Yoongi, you would be acting the same way! God, I hate everything right now!"

"Jimin, we're not telling you to calm down because we don't care, it's just that freaking out won't help get him back, it's best to be calm about this. Think about Jeongguk, he's probably in just as much pain as you are in, but he's staying calm. All of us are worried, you have to understand that. We'll get him back." Taehyung said, Jimin nodding as he held the younger close to him as he sobbed.


"Hoseok? Have you eaten any?" Jin asked, using his spare key to enter Hoseok's house. He didn't get an answer and sighed, "Guess he's still asleep."

"I'm awake," Hoseok mumbled, opening his bedroom door, at this point, he's gotten used to the random stabbing pain in his wrist at any time, sometimes it jolts him awake in the middle of the night, sometimes it gets to him while he's dancing. Which makes his students worry for him more than they already have.

He can't help but think about all of the pain his boyfriend is receiving. What if when they find him, he's pale and weak? Or bruised  head to toe, the amount of pain he's feeling from his wrist must be ten times worse for Yoongi. "Are you okay?" Jin asked, Hoseok blinked and realized he was just staring at the ground.



"Don't-- even say it," Hoseok said, Jin sighed, "We aren't doing shit to find him, we're useless. The police aren't doing shit, we have nothing to go on, and Yoongi is in so much pain and I can't even be there to help him! I'm afraid of what will happen when we do find him, what if there's nothing to find-"

"Alright, Hoseok that's enough," Jin said, grabbing Hoseok's shoulders, forcing him to look into his eyes. "When we do see him, he will be alive, and well, he will be with you. I promise."

"Don't promise me shit when you can't even help!" Hoseok yelled, tears now streaming down his now pink cheeks. "We are sitting ducks! Why can't you see that?! We aren't helping him! We aren't fucking looking, we-"

"WE DON'T HAVE ANYTHING, HOSEOK!" Jin yelled, "No evidence, no suspects, nothing. If you expect to find him when we have literally no clues and nothing to back everything up then you're fucking delusional!" he said, Hoseok sighed as he pulled away from Jin. "I'm sorry, I wish we could help but we can't, you can't, Hoseok."

Hoseok didn't answer him, he only looked down at his hands, blinking and letting silent tears fall from his eyes. "Are you going to the studio today?"

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