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Chapter 59: Broken

It's only been two days since Hoseok was put into his coma, both Jin and Namjoon took a few days off from work, if they hadn't, there would be no telling what shape Yoongi or Mia would be in.

Yoongi tried his best to care for Mia, be by her side every second he could. But Mia could sense something was wrong, she knew something was wrong. She would stay with him for only a few minutes up to an hour before she became uncomfortable with the sad atmosphere, then she'd jump off the bed and run over to Namjoon or Jin, the two sighing as they held her.

Yoongi barely ate, he ate when his stomach growled and only then, which could take hours and sometimes til the next day. Even when he ate, his meals were small, practically snack sized, something Mia could eat and still not be satisfied and full with.

Jin sighed as he once again came into the bedroom to check on Yoongi, the smaller was under the covers, silent. "Yoongi?" He asked, no response.

"Please, can we talk?"

No response.

"I know you're hurt—" Jin started, but he was interrupted by Yoongis broken voice. "You don't understand, Jin." He muttered, his voice barely audible under the covers. "I'm losing him,"


"Everyday, I lose a part of him, I feel him slowly slipping away." He explained, Jin's eyes widened, "Then let's talk to—"

"I already did, he said what's happening is rare, but he'll find a solution." Yoongi said, Jin sighed in a small bit of relief, at least he was willing to talk about his situation. "What if she finds us?"

"Who? That Steph girl?"

"Yeah, What if she comes and demands that I give her Mia?" He asked, Jin shrugged even though he couldn't see him. "Then I guess...we'll call for help."

"What if she plans on taking her by force—"

"Yoongi, you can't think like that, you're making things harder for yourself." Jin said, he knew Yoongi was in a bad place, but he couldn't help but get angry at how he was only hurting himself more and more with these terrible thoughts.

"How can I not, Jin?!" Yoongi yelled, suddenly pulling the covers from over his head and sitting up, tears covering his cheeks. "I barely escaped death and I'm- I'm not even sure if Hoseok's going to be able to! I can't even care for Mia, I'm fucking pathetic!"


"You didn't see him, Jin, you didn't see how willing he was to die, it's like he's been waiting for that moment. Like he was ready to be put out of his misery. He told me everything would be fine but it's not it's not fine, he's dying and all I can do is sit in bed and cry, Mia doesn't even wanna be around me anymore and you expect me to think good thoughts?!"

"I never said it had to be good thoughts, just try and calm down, don't think about Steph or anyone, Okay? You need to focus on your wellbeing." Jin said, Yoongi let out a shaky sigh as he started to calm down.

"I need to be alone,"

"You've been alone all this time—"

"Please." Yoongi said, tears once again filling his eyes, Jin sighed and nodded as he stood from the bed, making his way over to the door. He was ready to leave without another word until he opened the door to see a crying Mia.

"Yah, What happened?" Jin asked, ready to pick her up to comfort her, but she moved away from him. "Appie," she muttered between her cries, Jin turned to look at Yoongi, who seemed to only want to cry harder when he saw his daughter. He looked at Jin and nodded, the older sighed as he moved out of the way to let Mia through, the small girl running over to the side of the bed and jumping into Yoongis arms.

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