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Chapter 7: HOSEOK


"This is a bad idea Jin," Jungkook warned, Taehyung nodded as he took a bite of his pizza. "Yeah man, you're playing with Fire,"

"I camped for a week, I know how to handle fire correctly, thank you very much." Jin said, Namjoon rolled his eyes as he slid into the booth beside Jin, Jimin following behind him. "You we're afraid of a grasshopper,"

"That shit was bigger than my hand! I could've died!" Jin whined, pouting like a baby, Namjoon chuckled as he kissed his boyfriends cheek. "I know babe, you're a big fat pu-"

"Say it, I dare you," Jin said, narrowing his eyes, Namjoon only smiled wider, his cute dimples showing. "Puddle of joy," Jin rolled his eyes as his phone dinged. "That's what I thou- oh!"

He yelled, nearly jumping out of his seat, everyone turned to him with confused and concerned expressions. "Yoongi's here!" He exclaimed, nearly pushing Taehyung and Jungkook out of one side of the booth and moving them to sit beside Jimin.

"There! Now Hoseok and Yoongi would have to be forced to sit beside eachother!" Jin smiles, looking at his boyfriend then at the trio of soulmates, they all looked at him like he was crazy.

"What?" He asked, Jimin shook his head as he grabbed his pizza. "Nothin." He mumbled, watching as the bell on the door rung, signaling someone was coming in. "That's Yoongi," He said, Jin nodded as he waved his arms around to get Yoongi's attention, Yoongi rolled his eyes as he sat at the booth with Jin.

"Hi, Namjoon, Taehyung," Yoongi said, greeting the two people he's barely ever met at the table, Jungkook gasped as he held his shirt. "And you're not going to say hi to us?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "You're absolutely right, Hello dumb and dumber," he said, Jimin smiled as Jungkook faked a pout. "I'm so fucking glad you're back, I have so much to tell you,"

"Oh I bet you do," Jin smiles, Yoongi huffed before he continued, "do you know that son of a bitch of a company had the audacity to-"

"HOSEOK!" Jin suddenly yelled, Yoongi gave him a look before he whipped around to see that red haired son of a bitch standing at the door giving Jin a worried look.

"Jin, I know damn well you didn't," Yoongi started, Jin only smirked as he nodded, he watched as Hoseok came up to the table. "Why is he here?" He asked, carefully sitting beside Yoongi, they both once again felt a shock when they're arms brushed together.

"Because I heard about your little situation and it's sad that you think it's appropriate to be mad at the government for his type of thing," Jin said, Yoongi scoffed as he grabbed a slice of pizza and took a bite out of it. "Says the guy who plans on marrying his perfect match over here."

Namjoon only smiled as Jin laid his head on Namjoons shoulder. "I can understand why you could be so upset," Namjoon said, Hoseok rolled his eyes, "Tell me about it," he mumbled, texting on his phone with a pissed off expression.

"Oh come on! It's usually the opposites who are the cutest!" Jimin whined, Yoongi groaned. "Again, says the guy who has not one but two soulmates who are similar to you," Jimin giggled as he took a sip of his drink.

"Well, listen." Taehyung said, grabbing another slice of pizza. "Can't you two just forget the whole Phile thing? It's been three-four days since we've been together and I've honestly already forgotten what both of their Philes were," Taehyung said, both Jungkook and Jimin gasped dramatically.

"But" Taehyung continued after laughing. "I still love them for their personality, just throw all of that Phile stuff out of the window," he said, both Yoongi and Hoseok huffed and rolled their eyes. "Taehyung?"


"Shut the fuck up," Hoseok snapped, Yoongi nodded with a look. "I could deal with him, I could! But sadly, shit happened years ago that I just can't get over," Hoseok said, glaring at Yoongi who stared daggers back.

"Oh please, the bitch was a slut anyways," Yoongi mumbled, "And for the record, I didn't fuck her, I'm gay." Yoongi continued, Jimin choked on his drink. "Jesus Christ, Yoongi," he said in between coughs. Yoongi only rolled his eyes.

"The bitch is crazy," He said, reaching over the table to grab Jimin's drink. Jimin just glared at him. Hoseok sighed as he nodded. "She actually is. She still tries to call me saying some shit about wanting to get back together because we matched Philes or some shit. She's-"

"Fuckin' Crazy," Yoongi muttered, Hoseok slapped his arm. "Upset that I dumped her," Hoseok finally said, Jin smirked as he looked at the two, he then turned to his boyfriend. "It's working~"

"Is it?" Namjoon asked, watching as the two continued to stare daggers at eachother. "Mhmm, trust me. Watch this." He whispered before he turned to the two and smirked. "When did you guys meet?"

"When we met?" Yoongi asked, he then turned to Hoseok with a confused look, Hoseok shrugged. "Eleventh grade," he said, Yoongi nodded. "And...how did you meet?"

"He was in my literature class and we had to work together 'n shit. He was actually cool until this stupid rumor went around that I slept with his crazy girlfriend and he wanted to fight 'n shit so the teacher split us up and we haven't talked since." Yoongi said, as if he remembered the day like it was yesterday.

"Bingo." Hoseok said, taking a sip of the drink he had ordered a few minutes ago. Jin nodded as he turned to Namjoon with a slick look. Namjoon sighed, he never knew what his boyfriend had up his sleeve and that honestly frightened him.

"So What did Hoseok do after he found out it was a lie?" Jungkook asked, now actually interested in the story. "He still wanted to kick my ass," Yoongi chuckled, "As if he thought he could hand me my ass," Jimin smiled as he reached across the table to get his drink back.

"He can't hand you something you already have," Jimin said, Yoongi winked at him as Jin chuckled. "And goddamn do you have a lot of it,"

"Okay, enough," Yoongi groaned, though he still had a smile on his face. Hoseok took a sip of his drink before he spoke again. "Anyways, after the whole situation with Stephanie, I dumped her and she went on and added more fuel to the fire saying she was going to go date Yoongi because he had a bigger dick than I had anyway. I took actual offense to that,"

"You probably have a bigger dick," Jimin said, biting into his pizza. "I should know," Taehyung pulled a confused look as he turned towards Jimin. "Should you?" He asked, Jimin nodded as smiled at Yoongi, who only scoffed.

"Am I missing something here?" Hoseok asked, clearly confused. "Fuck buddies," Jin and Jungkook said, Yoongi face palmed and hid his best red face. "What?" Both Namjoon and Hoseok gasped.

Jimin nodded as he continued to drink his soda. "Not any more though, that shit ended a year and a half ago." He said, Yoongi nodded as he grabbed Jimin's drink again to take a sip. Jimin groaned.

"Explains somethings." Namjoon said, Jin nodded as he pulled out his phone. "Okay, lets make a rule you two," he said, pointing to Hoseok and Yoongi. "The two of you will push whatever drama or whatever this is aside and you will focus on building a new relationship. I've already made reservations at this restaurant, the two of you will eat there for at least an hour and then we'll see where to improve from there." Jin said, both Yoongi and Hoseok groaned.


"Whine and im kicking your ass," Jin snapped at Yoongi, who huffed and closed his mouth. "Got it?"

"Yes!" Yoongi and Hoseok Both said in unison. Jin nodded with a smile. "Good, then let's eat. yeah?"

I'm starting to kinda make a schedule for updating. Let's see if I can follow it 🤠

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