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Hi quick note before the chapter starts. I spelt counseling wrong for like...the whole chapter so just ignore it because I'm too lazy to look back and find every word. Enjoy.

Chapter 6: He has a point


"They did what?" Yoongi asked, anger already boiling inside of him.

Jimin woke the younger up tell him about some meeting he had in two hours for he and Hoseok. He said the government did this because of the fact that the two were unhappy with their results. Like some stupid counseling would make a difference.

"Yoongi, Honey, Calm down, I understand you're upset-" Jimin started, But was quickly interrupted by Yoongi. "Oh, upset is an understatement I can't believe this!" He yelled, Jimin sighed as he followed the younger into the living room of their shared house.

"You're upset, I get it, but they just want to help," Jimin said, cringing at his own words because goddamn, he's not helping at all. "Trying to help? Chim, if they wanted to help they would change this goddamn thing and give me my actual soulmate!"

"What do you have against him anyway?" Jimin asked, Yoongi sighed as he flipped down on the couch. "I've known him since highschool and he's a total dick."

"Was he the dick or were you the dick?" Jimin asked, Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I was the dick, but there was a good reason for it. He was an asshole to me becasue there was this rumor that I fucked his girlfriend,"

"Ooh," Jimin gasped, holding Yoongi's arm, "That was that Stephanie thing that was going around? Holy shit..." he said, Yoongi only smiled as he patted Jimin's shoulder. "Yes..that was it, but I'm gay as hell, I don't understand why that rumor went around anyway. Anyone with the right mind would know it's fake."

"I honestly think she was jealous of me," Yoongi continued, Jimin shook his head with a confused look. "And why would you think that?"

"First of all, more guys hit on me than her, second, I have a bigger ass than her," Yoongi pointed out, Jimin began to laugh as he nearly fell on top of Yoongi, Yoongi only smiled as he pushed Jimin away.

"Go get ready," Jimin finally said after laughing for so long, Yoongi groaned, he hoped Jimin would forget. "I'm going I'm going ya cock sucker," Yoongi mumbled, Jimin gasped as he threw a pillow at the Younger. "Min Yoongi!"

Yoongi chuckled as he went into his bedroom, he opened his closet and pulled out a black shirt and tight, leather pants. He slipped that on and quietly creeped into Jungkooks room, he opened the door and kept an eye on the still sleeping Younger as he went over to his dresser.

He pulled out a grey sweatshirt and slipped it on before he quietly made his way towards the door. "Thanks Gukkie," he whispered before he ran out and slammed the door behind him. He chuckled at the loud help on the other side.

He grabbed his phone and keys as he made his way into the kitchen. "What did you do?" Jimin asked, smiling at the Younger as he sat on the barstool.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Yoongi said, turning his head to the sound of a door closing behind the two. "You ass!" Jungkook yelled from his door, he was shirtless and only in sweatpants. "Why did you do that!"

Yoongi only rolled his eyes as he got up and walked towards the younger, "Because I can," he smiled, Jungkook narrowed his eyes as he looked over him. "Isn't That my sweatshirt?"

Yoongi only smiled wider as he patted the youngers bare chest, "Maybe, go put a shirt on," Jungkook groaned as he went back into his room to change, Yoongi grabbed his shoes and made his way back to his original seat on the bar stool.

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