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Chapter 36: Fine!


Jungkook groaned as he left his room to get the door that someone was harshly knocking on. Taehyung whining at the lack of warmth as he left.

"Whoever it is. Please come back like...never." He muttered, opening the door. He should've known it was his dear Yoongi Hyung, he's been visiting a lot recently. What he didn't know was that his Hyung was crying so hard he could barely breathe and his face was redder than a tomato.

"Hey, what happened?" Yoongi pouted as he looked up at the younger, trying to control his breathing as he entered the house with no words. "Did you— did you drive here in that condition? Yoongi, I know damn well you can barely see while crying." Jungkook said, closing the door and going to sit beside Yoongi.

"Who is it Gguk?" Jimin yelled from his bedroom, Jungkook sighed, "It's hyung."

"Literally everyone is your Hyung. Be more specific." Jimin muttered, opening the door and walking into the living room. His eyes widened when he saw Yoongi and he ran to his side almost immediately.

"Yoongi, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jimin muttered, pulling Yoongi into a hug as the smaller sobbed onto his shoulder. Jungkook pouted as he looked at them, not knowing what to do. "What happened?"

"Can I just...can I stay here for awhile?" Yoongi muttered, Jungkook made a face and shrugged at Jimin, who only had a confused look written on his face. "What? Where's Hoseok? And why can you stay at your house?"

"We got into another fight."

"Again? Holy shit, you two fight more than polar opposites which...is...what you two are..." Jungkook trailed off, biting his lip as he decided to just keep quiet. "How about you go cuddle with Tae until I'm done talking." Jimin muttered, Jungkook nodded as he went back into his bedroom.

"Yoongi, What happened?" Jimin asked, Yoongi only shook his head. He hated Hoseok with everything in him right now, but he didn't need his friends ganging up on him, he's got this under control. "Yoongs...I cant help you if you won't tell me,"

"I just need to get away from him for awhile, Okay? Then I'll be fine." Yoongi muttered, Jimin sighed as he turned away from the other, trying to think of what to do or say. "How long has this fight been going on?"

"Three days? This is the first time I've talked to him and it just ended in another argument." Yoongi said, Jimin groaned, he wanted nothing more than to march over to their house and ask what the fuck Hoseok did to his Bestfriend. But he decided to just stay calm for Yoongis sake.

"Fine, But promise me you'll have an actual conversation with him and you won't explode and leave the house like I'm assuming you did just now." Jimin said, smiling because he could read his friend like a book.

Yoongi groaned as he covered his face, he finally stopped crying and was trying to regain his thoughts. "Promise." He muttered, Jimin patted him on his back, "Hey, do you have that hoodie I gave to you? That was my favorite one and I really want it back."

Yoongi pouted as the thought about where he left it, he then once again groaned when he realized he was throwing random things everywhere, and he remembered a hoodie falling into Hoseok's bag for practice. "It's in Hoseok's dance bag." He said, Jimin sighed.

"Well, you need to talk to him anyway, go get it tomorrow." Jimin smiled, Yoongi looked at him and rolled his eyes as he pushed the older away. "I'm serious, Min Yoongi. Talk to him."



Yoongi sighed as he entered the studio late, after everyone has left, usually Hoseok stays for a couple minutes to make sure he has everything and there's times where he would get distracted, plus, since no one else uses the studio, he has to lock up.

The closer he got to the damn place the the more he started to regret coming. He could've gotten anyone to do it, hell, he could've asked Mayla to do it and then meet her to get it. He's regretting a lot of things now.

He decided to suck it up and just go through with it, he opened the door and waited for Hoseok to notice him. But he realized the older is currently listening to music and there's no way he's going to get his attention by standing in the door way.

"Hoseok!" Yoongi yelled, the older jumping at the sound of his name, he turned around and sighed when he saw Yoongi. Pausing his music and stuffing his phone in his pocket. "I accidentally threw Jimins hoodie into your bag,  so I came to get it."

"Yeah, I was wondering who's this was." Hoseok muttered, throwing the hoodie at Yoongi, who caught it and was ready to walk out when Hoseok called him back. "Yoongi, Wait."


"I know damn well you didn't just come here for that hoodie," Hoseok said, Yoongi pouted as he gripped the hoodie tight in his hands. "Well, no...but I'm not in the mood."

"Now's a better time to talk than any, ya know, about the baby and shit."

"No, you and Blair need to talk about the baby, you fucked her, remember?" Yoongi said, Hoseok sighed as he rubbed his wrist, the spot starting to heat up. "Calm down, I know that much...I'm just saying...Blair isn't going to just let me and you take care of her baby, I'm still going to have to be in contact with her..this is my child after all."

"I'm sorry, I'm not taking care of your child." Yoongi said, "You can go off and be that kids parent along with Blair." Hoseok shook his head with a sigh. "Yoongi, come on—"

"No, Hoseok, I already told you, I'm done. I can't and won't do this anymore." Yoongi said, rubbing his own wrist with the tattoo on it, which was still sunny with only a few clouds covering it. "You might as well get a tattoo with her while you're at it."

"Yoongi, you're being really fucking stupid right now, if you would listen for—" Hoseok started, but Yoongi shook his head, "I don't want to listen anymore."

"But you never gave me time to explain, to tell you every detail of what happened! You're being really fucking stubborn!" Hoseok yelled, starting to get irritated by the younger actions. "I don't need your fucking explanations! I don't want anything to do with you!"

"You know that's not true."

"I should know if what I say is true or not. And the truth is, I don't want to be with you anymore, you put me through more pain than Yuseon did and now you want me to do things that will only break me even more! We're going tomorrow to get rid of these fucking tattoos and that's final!"

"You know what? Fine! Let's get rid of them! You never wanted to be with me in the first place!" Hoseok yelled, he knew he was going to regret this later at night when he's thinking about this whole thing, but he could care less. He's so fucking upset.

"Fine! Fuck you!" Yoongi yelled, pushing open the glass doors and walking outside, Hoseok was about to turn away from the smaller, but then he saw a figure in black coming up behind Yoongi.

"YOON-" Hoseok was trying to yell, but before he could, he felt sharp pain in the back of his head, he fell to the ground and he could barely move.

He opened his eyes to look outside for Yoongi again but saw that he and the figure was gone. He also never saw whoever hit him in the head. He groaned as he closed his eyes, even breathing hurt him, but Yoongi just disappeared and he was just nearly knocked out.

He slowly reached for his phone, ready to call the first person who knew about the whole cheating situation, hoping he'd stay awake long enough to explain everything and then call for help.

Me: *already has tons of angst in my stories*

Also me: *adds crazy, random shit to make the readers think about where they went wrong when they thought they were going to read this nice, easy, soulmate story.*

Love you guys 🤠🥰

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