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Chapter 17: You're a kinky motherfucker


Hoseok was stretching for the dance practice today, they were going to review the dance a few more times before the CEO of the company comes in to see it. So Hoseok was hoping everyone would give it their all.

He was just about to check his phone, that was vibrating, when one of his students came in, early. "Oh, hi, Blair, what are you doing here so early?" Hoseok asked, Blair shrugged as she took a seat infront of the mirror, probably checking her reflection and how she looked.

"I was already around the area picking up something's so I thought I might as well stay instead of coming all the way back." She explained, Hoseok nodded as he finally grabbed his phone.


Yoongi must be really excited for your date.

He won't stop smiling.

Hoseok felt his blood boil, he was getting tired of these messages and he was starting to feel extremely protective of Yoongi.

Alright, that's it

Who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want from us?

Wtf Hoseok?

It's me, Taehyung. Dumbass

Hey Tae


Who the fuck did you think I was?

No one
It's nothing.

Whatever, you have a class to teach anyway.

Hoseok sighed in relief as he put his phone down, the younger must've gotten a new number.

"Hey, Hoseok, right?" A males voice suddenly said, Hoseok turned to the guy with a wide eyes. "Yeah, that's me," Hoseok sighed, the man nodded. "I was supposed to come yesterday, but I ran into some problems, my names Yuseon." The man explained.

"Oh? You were supposed to come for practice?" Hoseok asked, Yuseon nodded again, Hoseok bit his lip and then turned back to the slightly shorter male. "Are you a fast learner?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," Yuseon said, Hoseok smiled as he grabbed his phone. "Alright, then I guess we can get started and you can learn as you go," Yuseon nodded as he joined the group near the mirror and waited for the class to start.


Once the practice was over, Hoseok was told the CEO couldn't come in today because of business reasons, Hoseok was fine with this because he just got someone new in the class that still needed a few more improvements before his moves are near perfect.

He sighed as he checked his phone, smiling as he looked at the multiple texts from Yoongi, the photo Jimin recommended Hoseok use as his background only adding to the cuteness.

He put it down without responding as he grabbed his bag to look for his water bottle. "Damn you, non living object, where are you?" Hoseok mumbled to himself as he continued to rummahe through his bag. Not noticing Yuseon who came up beside him.

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