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(There are probably so many mistakes, I wrote this at 1 am so excuse any mistakes)

Chapter 26: Image Sent


Blair and Yuseon sat in her room, talking about normal stuff other than plans to completely ruin others lives. They were talking about their favorite things and past relationships.

"Question." Blair started, sitting in her chair and spinning around, her hair in a bun and a tight, red dress on that stopped mid-thigh, they were planning on going out tonight, to celebrate things that others usually wouldn't celebrate.

But tonight was different, they were finally going to split the two love birds up long enough for Blair to make her move, so this night was definitely special.

"Ask away," Yuseon smiled turned from the mirror and to her, his hair was nicely parted and he had a white tux on, it was definitely a special night. "I was wondering," Blair started, tearing her eyes away from the older, "Did you ever love that brat? Or was he just for show?"

"Which brat? I've had many in my days." Yuseon smirked, Blair rolled her eyes with a small smile, "I'm sure you have, but I'm talking about the one you have the photos of,"

"Yoongi? Hmm?" Yuseon asked, Blair only nodded as she turned to fix her makeup, "Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe at first, in the first month or two, but then I got bored." He explained, Blair hummed as she raised an eyebrow, looking at Yuseon with a small smirk. "But you stayed with him?"

"I liked seeing him mad, or sad whenever I cheated, or at least he thought I cheated, he never caught me in the act." Yuseon sighed, looking up at the ceiling as he remembered things from years ago. "I also liked seeing him under me, if you know what I'm saying."

"Oh, I know exactly what you're saying, no need to get into details—"

"His red face and those pouty lips, man, what I would give to see that again." Yuseon bit his lips and groaned, Blair made a sound of disgust as she spun in her chair a few times, she looked at herself in the mirror and decided she would take her hair down instead of putting it in a bun.

"Well, you can have him all you want once I'm done with him and Hoseok." Blair smiled, standing up and pulling her dress down as she looked at Yuseon. "What's the deal with you and that guy anyway? Why do you hate him so much?"

"Why do I hate him? You know damn well why, that baby in there is his." Blair growled, pointing at the door to the side of the room, where her three—year—old slept. "How are you so sure—"

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

"I'm just saying, Hoseok doesn't seem like the guy to hit it and quit it, that baby may not—" Yuseon tried to reason, Blair groaned as she stepped closer to Yuseon. "She's. His. Baby. End of discussion." She said, she sighed angrily as she tapped her foot on the ground.

"Gimme your phone."


"Give it to me." She demanded, Yuseon rolled his eyes but handed her his phone, she quickly typed in his password and went to his photos. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked, watching as she clicked on the multiple photos of Yoongi and then to his messages.

"I'm sending these to him now."

"But I thought we agreed on—"

"I'm doing it now! The quicker we can do this, the quicker I can get that fucker in bed and end their relationship then and there! I'm doing this." She said, giving Yuseon a deadly glare, he sighed as he only stepped behind her and watched as she typed some fake ass apology message and then sent everything, photos and all.

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