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Chapter 18: You Did Well, Seokie


Yoongi sighed as he listen to his most recent work, it was complete trash. Or, at least, that's what he thought, everyone else would always try to tell him the project is fine and he's just overreacting.

He decided to stop listening when he saw Hoseok leave his bedroom with a messy bed head. "Hey," Yoongi smiled, Hoseok lazily brought a hand up and walked over to the smaller, kissing his hair before he sat beside him on the couch.

"I'm so fucking tired," Hoseok groaned, knowing he had to go to the dance studio today, so he had to be awake as possible because the CEO should be coming in today. "Then get some more rest," Yoongi said, Hoseok shook his head.

"I can't leave you here alone," Hoseok pouted, Yoongi made a face as he closed his laptop. "I've been up since seven, I think I'll be fine,"

"Why were you up so early?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi shrugged as he checked his phone to look at the time, he had to go to the company around eleven, it's ten right now. "I couldn't sleep, I felt so weird," he explained, Hoseok bit his lip and looked out the window, he can't tell Yoongi about the photos, not right now, at least.

"What's wrong?"


"You look like you're hiding something," Yoongi pouted, getting closer to Hoseok, Hoseok shook his head as he continued to bite his lip, looking everywhere but Yoongis eyes. "Nah, I'm cool,"

"Okay then, look at me," Yoongi challenged, Hoseok groaned as he tried to look at Yoongi, his lips trembling, "And tell me you're not hiding something," Yoongi added, Hoseok sighed but continued to look at Yoongi, he stared into his dark eyes and realized he couldn't. He couldn't lie to him.

"I can't." Hoseok whispered, turning away from his boyfriend, Yoongi didn't hear him, Yoongi whined as he grabbed Hoseok's face and climbed on his lap. "Tell me!" Yoongi pleaded, "Please! Please! Please!"


"Pretty please," Yoongi pouted, Hoseok shook his head, Yoongi whined as he put his head on Hoseok's shoulder, "I'll do anything,"


"No." Yoongi said immediately, "Almost anything," he corrected himself, Hoseok smirked as he kissed Yoongi and pulled him off his lap. "Go get ready to go the company," he said, Yoongi pouted But did as told, getting up to get dressed.

"Will you tell me later?"

"Go!" Hoseok laughed, Yoongi smiled but went into his room to get changed.


Yoongi nervously came into the big company building, it went by the name BigHit, a company for singers, dancers, and producers. He knew Hoseok was here, he was probably already teaching his class, Yoongi thought about going over to the dance studio part of the building but he decided against it.

"It's huge isn't it?" A voice said, Yoongi turned around and looked at a girl about his height with long, blonde hair. "Yeah," he only said, the girl nodded as she fixed the bag on her shoulder. "I'm Mayla," she smiled, Yoongi also smiled as he shook her hand. "Yoongi."

"Are you here waiting for dance practice?" Mayla asked, Yoongi bit his lip and shook his head, "No, I'm actually here for producing," Maylas eyes lit up, she grabbed Yoongis arm and started to jump up and down, "You're a producer?! I always wanted to sing, well, I no, that's my sister, she loves to sing." Mayla trailed off, Yoongi stopped listening after awhile when he saw Hoseok step out of his car with a bag around on his shoulder, fuck, he looked hot.

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