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Chapter 15: Please Come Home


"Jeon Jungkook, If you put down that card our relationship is over!" Taehyung yelled, the two were playing Uno and they are way too competitive. "Can you two shut the actual fuck up?" Jimin asked, typing furiously on his laptop. "This essay is due tonight and I haven't even touched the file yet."

"Sounds like a you problem," Taehyung mumbled, "And we're not you, are we?" Jungkook asked, Jimin stopped typing to flip him off and then went back to his essay.

"Hey, fuckers," Jin smiled, coming into the apartment without needed a key. "I told him not to but he did it anyway," Namjoon sighed, closing he door behind him as Jin stuffed a bobby pin in his pocket. "Seen Yoongi today?"

"Nope. Why?" Jimin asked, his eyes not moving from he laptop. Jin groaned as he pulled out his phone, attempting to try and call Yoongi one more time before he sighed in defeat. "He texted me earlier but I didn't see it until now. He said he felt uncomfortable, like he's being watched."

"Shit, really?" Jungkook asked, putting down a blue four card and Taehyung groaning in frustration when he realized Jungkook won. "We're over." He mumbled.

"Yeah, I told him to just come home but he hasn't responded. I wanted to know if he came back or not but I have my answer." Jin sighed, sitting on the couch and running a hand through his hair. "First he was poisoned and now he feels like he's being watched? I hope I'm not overreacting and it's just a baby staring into his soul like babies always do."

"I don't think that's the case." Namjoon sighed, watching as Jungkook and Taehyung restart their game of Uno, he decided to join. "Maybe he's on his way home right now, don't stress, Jin." Taehyung said, putting down a yellow one card.


"Hey guys, sorry for coming in unannounced but the door was unlocked. So, after I went to the dance company I texted Yoongi because his tattoo was starting to change so that the sun was peeking out, I asked him what's wrong and he said it's just stress. But, after I took my shower, it got worse and now half the sun is peeking out and there's only one raindrop. What's happening?" Hoseok said, Jin sat up with a frown.

"Somethings definitely wrong. What do we do?"

"Does anyone know where he is?" Hoseok asked, everyone shook their head. "Jimin? He didn't tell you where he was going?"

"Nope, he just told me he was leaving and left, I thought nothing of it." Jimin pouted, no longer looking at his laptop and the intense game of Uno has been paused.

"Then what the fu-" Jin started, but Namjoon held out his hand. "Where does he usually go when he tells you he's going somewhere?" He asked Jimin, the smaller frowned and then shrugged, "Usually to get some coffee, or to the park to work on some music, and there's times where he goes to eat. There's no telling where he's at." Jimin said, everyone sighed in frustration.


Babe? Where are you?
Everyone's seriously worried and my tattoo is changing.

You're scaring me

And you told Jin you were feeling uncomfortable like someone was watching you? Please come home

We're all here and worried please



"Guys, look at this, I was texting Yoongi and this came up." Hosoek said, worried, Namjoon was the first to get up, he looked at the texted and frowned, "A code?" He asked himself, Taehyung looked at it and shook his head. "No, it's clear, you just have to look at it." He said, snatching the phone.

"It says, He isn't coming right now," he said and then frowned, "The hell is that supposed to mean?" He then looked at Jungkook, who shrugged. "Whoever he's with, he's feeling uncomfortable with them." Jin said, snatching the phone took look at the text himself.

"Why is he still there then? Can't he just leave?" Jimin asked, starting to get really worried about his Bestfriend. Jungkook feeling the same. "Keep texting him, Hoseok." Jin said, shoving the phone back to the younger, he nodded as he continued to text him.


What does that mean?
You're not making sense

Who are you with?


"They replied again." Hoseok announced, Jungkook looked at his phone and then to Hosoek. "What the fuck did you do?" Hoseok made a face. "It says you did this, Hoseok, so what the fuck did you do?"

"I- I didn't do anything!" Hoseok said, Jin groaned, "You had to have done something!" Hosoek shook his head. "I don't think I did anything! What the fuck?!"

They continued to talk about the weird messages, they didn't even realize the fact that someone opened the front door and was now standing behind them, watching everything unfold.

"Uh Guys?" Yoongi asked, "What the fuck are you doing?" Everyone stopped talking and turned to Yoongi everyone automatically letting out a sigh of relief, Hoseok looked at his tattoo and saw the sun starting to go back into the clouds and the raindrops starting to form again. "Yoongi What the fuck were these messages?"

Jimin asked, taking Hoseok's phone and pushing it in his face. "I don't know, I think my phone was hacked while I was at the café. Like my lock screen was changed to a skull and I couldn't get into my phone. I took it to the store but they told me it would be best to just throw it out and get a new one. Assholes." Yoongi shrugged, sitting down at the table Jungkook, Namjoon, and Taehyung were just playing Uno.

"But what about you feeling uncomfortable and feeling like you were being watched?" Jin asked, Yoongi sighed, "I was, but the feeling went away after awhile and that's when my phone was hacked," he said, Hoseok let out another sigh of relief as he sat down beside Yoongi and grabbed his hand. "Babe, you cannot scare me, or the rest of us, like that." He said Yoongi rolled his eyes as blushed covered his cheeks.

"Well, I'm just glad you're safe, but this is kinda like the poison thing right? We don't know who did it and nothing leads no where." Namjoon mentioned, Jin nodded as he bit his lip. "Yeah, But we know one thing," he said, Taehyung made a face. "What's that?"

"Whoever did this is coming for Yoongi to get at Hoseok."

We love weird things happening to Yoongi in this household ☺️☺️☺️

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