Chapter 1

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A small kit runs around in a frenzy. She meows very loudly out of fear.

"Mama!" The kit cries, but there is no response.

The kit is a kittypet named Misty. Her housefolk took her mother and her littermates with them as they stay near the lake this greenleaf. However, she ran off into the forest out of curiousity all alone and got completely lost. She has no idea how to get back to her housefolk. Her blue eyes are wide, terrified of what else might be in the forest. She then lays down and hides behind a tree, frightened by every small noise she hears.

"We don't have to worry much about RiverClan. They usually don't threaten the borders. SkyClan is a totally different story though. They've caused issues for a while." Misty hears a cat meow. She did not recognize the voice at all. She crouches down low, hiding behind the tree. She is terrified of these cats. She shakes out of fear and her fur is standing up. She has always been told stories about the cats that live by the lake and that they eat kittens. Her tiny heart beats fast once the cats come right towards her. She deeply hopes she isn't noticed by the cats.

"Look! There's a little kit." Misty hears a cat meow.

Oh no... they're gonna eat me! Misty thinks, but she continues to stay completely still, still hoping the other cats won't see her.

"Awww, poor thing. It looks so scared.." Misty hears another cat meow. She could hear the cats' footsteps around her as they gathered around her.

"Hello, little kit. What's your name and why are you here?" She hears another cat ask her. She is hesitant to answer, but she does, afraid that they will eat her if she doesn't explain herself.

"M-My name is Misty." Misty mews, fear in her voice. "I'm lost. I don't know where my housefolk and my mama are." She then explains.

"Aww. She's so cute." Misty hears a cat say. "Should we take her in? We shouldn't leave her here alone. It's dangerous." The cat then asks the others.

"No. She's a kittypet. Once a kittypet, always a kittypet." Another cat replies.

"But she's just a kit." Another cat then meows. "Another animal can easily use her as prey." The cat meows.

"And she's so cute!" Another cat then adds.

"So? She isn't a part of ShadowClan. We shouldn't care about her safety. We don't need another mouth to feed." A cat meows.

"You are both outnumbered, Blacktail and Ivyleaf." A cat then meows. "The majority of us thinks we should take her back to camp and see what Ashstar thinks, so that's what we're going to do."

"Fine. Who is taking her to camp?" A cat asks.

"I will." Misty hears a tom respond.

"Okay. We will continue the patrol." A cat then meows.

"Good luck." The tom replies. Misty's heart sinks out of fear once she is lifted off the ground by her scruff. She looks up at the tom. He is is a ginger tom. Misty closes her eyes as the tom carries her, accepting her fate.

What is going on? Misty thinks. Where is this cat taking me? She thinks. I'm in big trouble... who is Ashstar?

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