Chapter 7

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Here's yet another chapter to make up for the time I wasn't updating!


Mistypaw's eyes flutter open as she awakens from her slumber. She looks around at the other nests and realizes that all of the other apprentices are still sleeping in their nests. Oddly, except for Bearpaw.

Huh... where is he? Mistypaw thinks. She gets up out of her nest and stretches. Then, she pads out of the apprentice den. She glances around camp and realizes that Bearpaw is nowhere to be found. Also, it is before dawn. Mistypaw assumes that she must've woken up early because she fell asleep earlier the previous night.

Oh StarClan, where is Bearpaw? I really hope he's okay. Mistypaw thinks, continuing to look around camp a bit closer. However, Bearpaw is still not found. A terribly worried Mistypaw then quickly sneaks out of camp with a silent dash, hoping to not be caught exiting camp this early while it's still dark.

Mistypaw quickly pads along the leafy forest floor, looking for Bearpaw. The absence of Bearpaw is really worrying Mistypaw. She is frantically searching for him.

I really hope nothing bad happened to him.. Mistypaw thinks, scanning the area for any sign of the brown tom. Then, as she was reaching the RiverClan border, she started to hear voices. She curiously walks closer to the sounds of the voices. Then, she immediately recognizes one of the voices as Bearpaw's.

"You know you're really beautiful, right?" Mistypaw hears Bearpaw meow. She starts to feel a pang of anger. Her slow padding quickly speeds up as she moves towards the voices with a quicker speed. Then, she spotted them. The voice she heard was definitely Bearpaw, but he is talking to an unknown she-cat at the RiverClan border. They are still at their respective sides of the thunderpath, but Mistypaw couldn't help but feel anger at Bearpaw. She dashes our of the forest and right to Bearpaw. She notices Bearpaw's terrified expression once he spots her.

He knows he's in trouble. Mistypaw thinks.

"Bearpaw, what in StarClan do you think you're doing?!" Mistypaw meows angrily at Bearpaw. Mistypaw had just assumed that the she-cat was a RiverClan cat by just where she was a while ago, but now Mistypaw can smell the RiverClan scent. Some of Mistypaw's back fur sticks up.

"I've... got to go." Mistypaw then hears the black-and-white RiverClan she-cat say. She hears paws thumping on the hard ground as the she-cat dashes off.

"Uhh... I was just talking to Rainpaw." Bearpaw replies nervously.

"This early?" Mistypaw asks. "Do you have a thing for her? Because it sure does seem like it. Clan cats don't have secret meetings with other clan cats like this." She meows, swaying her tail back and forth angrily. She can tell that Bearpaw is feeling both nervous and ashamed.

"Um, maybe...?" Bearpaw replies quietly and admittedly, looking down at the ground.

"You know that it's against the warrior code! You need to stop meeting with her, right now!" Mistypaw replies with her ears flattened.

"But... pretty much every cat left in ShadowClan is related to each other. It isn't a very good idea to have mates inside the clan." Bearpaw explains.

"So what? It doesn't really matter. Just as long as you don't become mates with Sagepaw I think you're good." Mistypaw replies.

"It may not matter to you, but it matters to me. You don't even have any relatives in ShadowClan. So, of course you don't care." Bearpaw replies. "Rainpaw is the most beautiful she-cat I've ever seen. I was in awe when I met her at the gathering." He meows.

"It's against the warrior code, Bearpaw. You could get in huge trouble if you're caught." Mistypaw explains. "We're both too young to be thinking about mates anyways." She meows. "Now, promise me that you'll stop seeing her. You can be friends at gatherings, but stop meeting with her in secret and crushing on her. If you keep on seeing her and I find out, I will tell Ashstar." She meows. Bearpaw lets out a sigh.

"Fine." Bearpaw replies. "I promise I'll stop seeing Rainpaw." He says with an upset tone of voice.

"Good, now let's go back to camp before any of our other clanmates wake up and realize we're gone. I was worried sick about you." Mistypaw meows. Then, the two cats walk back to ShadowClan's camp together. They make it back in their nests without being caught by any of their clanmates.

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