Chapter 2

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Once the ginger tom makes it to ShadowClan's camp, he gently places Misty down on the ground. Misty is in shock by the amount of cats here. She hides behind the ginger tom. The cats begin to ask the tom many questions like 'where did you find that kit?' at the same time.

"Silence!" A voice meows. Then, the cats go silent.

"Applebranch, where did you find this kit?" The cat asks him.

So his name is Applebranch. Misty thinks.

"We found her all alone in the middle of the forest. She ran off from her housefolk and got lost. She told me her name is Misty. We thought it would be a good idea to bring her to camp since she would be in danger if we left her all alone." Applebranch replies. The cat, who seems to be in some sort of leadership, nods.

Then, the cats begin to argue over what to do with Misty. Misty continues to hide behind Applebranch, very confused about what is going on. The cats throw arguments back and forth on whether or not to take the kit in. These arguments are all ones Misty have heard before when the group of cats found her.

"Stop!" The leader-like cat meows again. She then looks over at Applebranch and Misty. "Misty, it's okay. You don't have to hide." She meows. Misty nods and walks out from behind Applebranch, stepping closer to take a better look at the cat. She is a gray she-cat with blue eyes like herself.

"Do you want to join ShadowClan?" The cat then asks her. Misty thinks for a moment, then responds.

"Yes." Misty responds with a nod.

I know that if I stay here, I won't be lost and alone anymore. Also, I think I'm starting to trust Applebranch. Misty thinks.

"Then, it's settled. Misty is now a part of ShadowClan." The cat meows. "My name is Ashstar, and I am the leader of ShadowClan. Welcome." She meows. Ashstar approaches Misty and tears her pink collar off with her teeth. Misty was a bit scared she would bite her neck though. A few cheers come from the clan, while some cats stay silent. "From this day on, you will be known as Mistykit. You are one of us now." Ashstar meows. Mistykit can't help but feel a bit of joy.

"We're going to see if any of the queens will take you in, okay?" Applebranch then meows to Mistykit, looking down at her. Mistykit nods, understanding. He picks her up by the scruff again and takes her over to a den. Mistykit gets a happy feeling once she catches the scent of milk when they walk inside of the den. Mistykit takes a moment to look at the cats inside. Mistykit spots a gray cat and two gray tabby cats. The gray cat has two kits that seem to be the same age as Mistykit next to her and one of the gray tabby cats has three smaller kits near her belly. The other gray tabby does not have any kits with her yet. The three cats look over at Mistykit. Their maternal instincts then kick in.

"She's adorable!" One cat meows, purring at the sight of the kitten. The other two cats then agree with her. Applebranch gently puts Mistykit down on the den floor.

"Would any of you like to take her in? Her name is Mistykit. The clan just took her in. She was a kittypet but she got lost in the forest." Applebranch explains.

"I think it would be the best idea for me to take her in. She seems to be around five moons old, which is the same age as my kits." The gray cat then offers.

"Okay then." Applebranch replies. He picks Mistykit up again and carries her over to the cat, placing her down next to her.

"Mistykit, this is Graycloud. She will take care of you from now on. Those are her kits, Bearkit and Sagekit." Applebranch meows, looking over at the two kits sleeping next to their mother.

"Hello." Graycloud meows, purring.

"H-Hi." Mistykit replies, a bit overwhelmed by the whole situation.

"I will take good care of you and treat you like my own, I promise." Graycloud meows.

"Thank you, Graycloud." Applebranch meows. Then, Mistykit watches as Applebranch leaves the nursery.

I guess this isn't so bad. Mistykit thinks as Graycloud begins to groom her.

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