Chapter 34

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It is the night of the battle. The entirety of ShadowClan stays awake, waiting for SkyClan and the rogue's strike. They now have an advantage since they know their plan. If they did not know, ShadowClan knows they would be in trouble. The clan is very grateful for Mistystorm and Bearclaw, since they probably saved some lives or even their whole clan.

Bearclaw waits impatiently, sitting at an edge of ShadowClan's camp, waiting for any signs of their attackers. The clan has practiced battle skills and came up with their own plan all day. Now, they are ready to fight back.

Suddenly, Bearclaw's back arches once he spots SkyClan cats and rogues coming down from the trees. They seem stunned since ShadowClan was not sleeping in their dens like they expected.

"ShadowClan, chase them out!" Ashstar yowls. Then, ShadowClan cats begin to attack the SkyClan cats and the rogues. Bearclaw spots Blacktail and charges right towards him. He pounces on his former clanmate and successfully knocks him to the ground. Bearclaw kind the black tom down to the ground.

"Oh, Bearpaw. You've grown big and strong, haven't you?" Blacktail comments with a smirk.

"Yes, I'm Bearclaw now, and what about it?" Bearclaw meows.

"It will be an honor to take you down." Blacktail replies. Then, he uses his hind leg to successfully push Bearclaw off him while he was distracted. Blacktail then leaps for Bearclaw. He can hear many yowls coming from the cats fighting around him. Bearclaw is then knocked down to the ground. Blacktail pins him down.

"Not on my watch!" Bearclaw hears a familiar voice yowl. He then watches as a familiar gray coat leaps for Blacktail and knocks him off himself.

"Mistystorm!" Bearclaw meows.

"I will take him down by your side!" Mistystorm yowls as she pins Blacktail to the ground and successfully leaves a few quick scratches on his chest. Bearclaw takes this opportunity to attack as well. He dashes closer and sinks his teeth into Blacktail's exposed shoulder. This makes the black tom yowl in pain.

"You have no chance, Blacktail. It's two against one. You and your rogues should retreat before things get worse." Mistystorm meows coldly. Blacktail's eyes widen from fear and the tom nods.

"Good. You can go now, only if you leave ShadowClan territory." Mistystorm hisses.

"Fine, fine." Blacktail replies. Mistystorm then releases the tom from her pin. Then, the two young warriors watch as their former clanmate runs off.

"Thank you so much, Mistystorm." Bearclaw meows, purring. "I was starting to think I was in trouble." He meows.

"I'd do anything to make sure you're okay, Bearclaw." Mistystorm replies, looking over at him with a loving gaze.

Bearclaw then looks around to see how the rest of the clan is doing. There are much less SkyClan cats and rogues than there were before. Plus, the remaining ones are now outnumbered. Not long after, all of the SkyClan cats and rogues have left ShadowClan territory.

"We did it, ShadowClan! There are no deaths, gratefully. But, if you're injured, go see Cloudheart and Sagepool." Ashstar meows cheerfully. "This wouldn't be possible without Bearclaw and Mistystorm." She adds, giving the two warriors a loving and proud gaze.

I think I might know what we need to do for the prophecy. We have to continue to spy on them and figure out all of their plans so we can save the five clans. That makes sense! Bearclaw thinks.

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