Chapter 39 (Epilogue)

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It is now almost moonhigh. It is time for Ashstar to choose her new deputy. The clan has been grieving over the deaths of Swiftfang and Graycloud. But, now it's time for something much more positive in ShadowClan. Bearclaw watches as Ashstar leaps onto the high branch.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the high branch for a meeting!" Ashstar yowls. The clan then gathers around the high branch.

"During the battle at the gathering, we sadly lost our brave, loyal, and strong deputy, Swiftfang. Now, as my duty as the leader of ShadowClan, I must choose a deputy before moonhigh." She meows. "After a lot of thought, I have decided on who should be ShadowClan's new deputy." She tells the clan. "I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of ShadowClan is Daisybloom. Daisybloom, you are a strong, loyal, kind, and brave warrior of ShadowClan. You always watch over ShadowClan's well-being and you would be the best fit for the role of ShadowClan's deputy. You are a cat I can trust to be a great leader of ShadowClan if something were to happen to me." Ashstar meows. The clan cheers and congratulates Daisybloom.

"I honestly wasn't expecting this.. thank you so much, Ashstar." Daisybloom meows to her leader.

"You deserve it, Daisybloom." Ashstar meows. "The clan meeting is now dismissed." She then meows.

"Wait, can I announce something real quick?" Mistystorm asks.

"Of course, go ahead." Ashstar replies.

"I'm expecting Bearclaw's kits and I will be moving into the nursery." Mistystorm announces. The clan is very cheerful and congratulates Mistystorm. Bearclaw looks over at his mate in shock. He is quite upset.

"Mistystorm... you battled while expecting kits? That's not good for you or them and you know that!" Bearclaw meows.

"I didn't want to miss out on the battle. We're the ones who spied on SkyClan and the rogues, after all." Mistystorm replies.

"But... what if something happened?" Bearclaw meows.

"Calm down, Bearclaw." Sagepool meows. "She's not very far along and she and the kits fine now, so there's no reason to be upset about it now." She meows to her brother. "Be happy, you're going to be a father now."

"You're right, Sagepool. You're always right." Bearclaw replies, flattening his ears.

"I know." Sagepool replies with a purr of amusement.

Bearclaw licks Mistystorm's forehead.

With both our kits and Ivyleaf and Frostpath's kits, this will be a new era for ShadowClan. It will be a good one. I just know it. Thank you, StarClan, for everything. Bearclaw thinks.

The End

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