Chapter 38

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It is now time for the gathering. Ashstar picked Mistystorm, Bearclaw, Daisybloom, Graycloud, Thornpelt, Sootwhisker, Applebranch, and Doveflight to go along with her, Swiftfang, Cloudheart, and Sagepool. The group that is going to the gathering crosses the log bridge together, very well prepared to battle SkyClan cats and rogues.

"Mistystorm and Bearclaw, since you two found out about the plan, you two should be the ones to announce it to the clans." Ashstar meows as they cross.

"Okay." The two mates reply in unison. Once ShadowClan arrives on the island, they realize that the other three clans are already there, chatting like normal. They have no idea what's about to hit them.

Mistystorm watches as Ashstar leaps onto a branch and then gets the other clans' attention.

"May I have everyone's attention please!" Ashstar yowls. Then, every cat looks over at the gray-furred leader.

"What's the matter, Ashstar?" Cloverstar, RiverClan's leader, asks.

"Two of our warriors, Mistystorm and Bearclaw, have something very important to announce." Ashstar replies, looking over at the two warriors. Then, every cat's eyes are on the two of them. Mistystorm realizes that Bearclaw has gotten a little shy, so she speaks up.

"SkyClan and some rogues will be attacking us tonight." Mistystorm announces. A few gasps and chatting can be heard from the clans. "Bearclaw and I overheard their plan. They will attack once the gathering starts, so we must make sure we are prepared for their attack. We should act normally until they do." She meows.

"You have two great warriors in your paws, Ashstar." ThunderClan's leader, Briarstar, meows.

"Thank you." Ashstar replies. "As Mistystorm said, I think we should go on like normal until they attack. But, we must be prepared to fight back at any moment. We have no idea exactly when they will attack, we just know that it will be as the gathering is going on." She meows.

"Let's go on with it then. Ashstar, what's going on in ShadowClan?" Mudstar, WindClan's leader, asks.

"Prey is plentiful in ShadowClan. Also, we have two new warriors, Doveflight and Sootwhisker, as well as the birth of five new kits. ShadowClan is doing very well." Ashstar meows.

"That's good to hear." Mudstar replies. Right after his sentence, loud yowls can be heard on the island. Mistystorm looks around in fear, wondering what to do. She notices a vulnerable rogue out in the open, so she leaps for him, knocking him to the ground and successfully pinning him.

"Surprise! We knew of the plans all along." Mistystorm meows happily, scratching her claws against the tom's chest and belly. The tom yowls in pain, Mistystorm releases him, and he quickly dashes away.

SkyClan and some rogues cannot win against the power of ShadowClan, ThunderClan, WindClan, and RiverClan! Mistystorm thinks.

Mistystorm looks around her for another cat to attack and to see how the clans are doing. Despite outnumbering SkyClan and the rogues, some of the cats are struggling.

They must have been preparing for this for moons. Mistystorm thinks.

She then spots one of the things she was hoping not to see. Graycloud's lifeless body laying bloody on the ground. Mistystorm lets out a wail and rushes over. She quickly nudges the gray she-cat.

"Graycloud! Wake up!" Mistystorm wails. "You were one of the only cats who accepted me when I joined ShadowClan. You took care of me and nurtured me. Please, you can't leave me.." She meows.

"I'm afraid she's gone, Mistystorm." Swiftfang meows to the warrior. "Try not to think about it until after this though, young one. We have a battle to win." He meows. Mistystorm replies with a nod and looks around her for a cat to attack. Suddenly, she watches as Blacktail leaps right for Swiftfang.

"Back off, Blacktail!" Mistystorm meows angrily, leaping for Blacktail right as he leaps for Swiftfang. However, Mistystorm misses and hits the hard ground. Blacktail successfully knocks the old tom down to the ground.

"You are not my father. You're just like any ordinary cat in power to me." Mistystorm hears Blacktail meow. "You brought me into this world, but now I'm going to take you out. You should've retired by now." He meows. Mistystorm gets up so she can interfere, but she is too late. Once she gets up and turns around, she spots Blacktail biting Swiftfang's neck into the life in the old deputy's eyes fade.

"No! Swiftfang!" Mistystorm yowls. She gives Swiftfang a cold and angry gaze. "You're going to pay for this, you hear me? You killed your own father!" She hisses.

"And? Does it look like I care?" Blacktail replies. Mistystorm leaps for the black tom, knocking him down. Unable to control her rage, she does the same exact thing Blacktail did to Swiftfang. The gray she-cat bites her ex-clanmate's neck until he goes limp. It wasn't until afterwards when she realized what she had done.

Oh no! Warriors don't kill to win! Mistystorm thinks. She then looks around herself with wide eyes. She realizes that most of the SkyClan cats are gone. She notices Foxstar's lifeless body.

Looks like someone killed the other evil cat as well. Mistystorm thinks. She then watches as the final cat, a rogue, quickly dashes off.

Most of them must've gave up once Foxstar was killed. Mistystorm thinks. Loud cheers come from the winning four clans. They have won, all thanks to Bearclaw and herself.

"We do have quite an amount of cats that we have lost in the battle from all four clans, but we still won. I know it wouldn't be that way if it wasn't for Mistystorm and Bearclaw." Ashstar says to all of the other cats. "We are very sad about the cats that were lost, but we should focus on the good times with them and their sacrifice and bravery." She meows. "ShadowClan seems to have lost a brave warrior and our deputy, Swiftfang." She meows. Suddenly, SkyClan's deputy appears with the other clans. Every cat has an angry gaze on him, not knowing what he will do.

"I promise I will be a good leader to SkyClan and I will repair SkyClan from the mistakes Foxstar has made." The deputy, Badgerscar meows.

"Thank you, Badgerscar. We appreciate it." Briarstar meows. "I had to deal with a similar thing. I know you will do well." He meows. Mistystorm then watches as the black-and-white tom quickly dashes towards the log bridge.

"Which cats have the other clans lost?" Ashstar asks, looking over at the other leaders.

"ThunderClan has lost Oakbranch and Lionpounce. We honor them. They were great warriors." Briarstar meows.

"WindClan has lost Sunflame, Stagdust, and Quickstep. We are very saddened by their loss." Mudstar announces. "And RiverClan?" He asks.

"RiverClan has lost our deputy, Minnowfur, as well as Stonefoot. We will miss them greatly." Cloverstar meows. "Let's all head back to our camps. Many cats are injured and need immediate attention." He adds. Every cat agrees and they all head back to their camps, proud of their victory.

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