Chapter 3

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"You can't catch me!" Bearkit meows, dashing around camp.

"Yes I can!" Mistykit replies, chasing after Bearkit. Bearkit squeaks and runs faster, his pads hitting the ground with a lot of force.

Sagekit watches her littermates play from a distance, purring as she watches them.

"Why won't you play with them, Sagekit?" Graycloud asks her smallest kit, giving her a lick on the head.

"I never win, so I don't see the point in it." Sagekit replies, purring more due to the lick. "It's more enjoyable to just watch Mistykit kick Bearkit's tail anyways." She adds.

"The thing is, Sagekit, winning isn't the important part in playing a game." Graycloud replies, turning her head to keep her eyes on her other kits.

"What is it then?" Sagekit then asks, looking up at Graycloud.

"Having fun is the most important part." Graycloud replies.

"Oh, I see." Sagekit replies. "When will Toadkit, Frostkit, and Nettlekit be big enough for me to play with them? I'll probably win against them because they're smaller than me." She meows.

"Not much longer. They're not really as young as you think they are. They just seem younger since they were born weak due to the complications of Moonheart's birth. They should get stronger soon." Graycloud responds, watching Bearkit and Mistykit.

"Oh, I didn't know that." Sagekit replies. Sagekit watches as Mistykit tackles Bearkit to the ground. Bearkit squeals again as he hits the ground. Sagekit purrs in amusement. She then dashes towards her littermates.

"Look out 'cause I'm joining in!" Sagekit meows, tackling her two littermates at the same time since Mistykit had Bearkit pinned. Mistykit then squeals herself as she is brought to the ground.

I wasn't expecting that! Sagekit is actually participating! Mistykit thinks. Bearkit purrs in amusement.

"Take that, Mistykit!" Bearkit meows. "Sagekit barely even plays and she still took you down!" He claims.

"Says the one who always loses to me!" Mistykit replies. "Ever since I was brought into the clan you have never beat me!" She meows.

"I will beat you once before we become apprentices, I know it!" Bearkit responds.

"You wanna bet?" Mistykit then meows. Sagekit just watches them in amusement.

"Cut it out, you two." Graycloud interrupts, walking over to the three kits. "It's almost time for you three to get back into the nursery anyways." She meows.

"But, Graycloud..!" Mistykit complains. Graycloud shakes her head.

"It will be dark soon." Graycloud replies. "The three of you should get some sleep when the time comes." She adds. "Tomorrow is a big day." Mistykit and Bearkit sigh in unison.

"Yes, Graycloud." They say in unison and then walk back to the nursery together. Sagekit looks up at Graycloud, not moving.

"What do you mean by big day?" Sagekit asks, tilting her head a little.

"I'll tell you three tomorrow." Graycloud replies.

"Are we going to become apprentices?" Sagekit then asks as her and Graycloud begin to walk back to the nursery together.

"You'll see, my dear." Graycloud replies. The cats then enter the nursery together and curl up with each other as Graycloud lays down in her nest. Once it is late out, all four cats have fallen asleep.

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