Chapter 11

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Bearpaw walks out of ShadowClan's camp alongside Mistypaw, Daisybloom, and Applebranch.

It's been a half-moon since Blacktail was exiled. Since Sagepaw decided to become a medicine cat apprentice, she already had her new mentor. Nettlepaw, however, was given a new mentor through ceremony. Her new mentor is her previous mentor's littermate, Ivyleaf. The clan has been more cautious lately since Blacktail could be anywhere.

Now, Bearpaw and Mistypaw are going to do a little bit of training with their mentors. Suddenly, Bearpaw speaks up.

"Race ya to the edge of our territory!" Bearpaw meows excitedly, dashing off. His paws thump against the soft ground.

"Hey, wait up!" Bearpaw could hear Mistypaw meow. However, he kept on running. He could hear the yowls of their mentors, trying to get the two trouble-makers to stop and stick with them. He continues to run.

After a while, the brown tom finally reaches the edge of the border. Past this border is unclaimed territory. It belongs to no clan. It is said to be very dangerous, so many cats don't bother to go on unclaimed territory. He then stops.

"What was that for, you mousebrain!?" Bearpaw hears Mistypaw meows once she reaches the border as well. "We left our mentors behind!" She meows.

"I don't know, I just felt like running. I also felt like I could beat you and I did." Bearpaw replies.

"Because you got a head start!" Mistypaw replies, slightly annoyed by the other apprentice. Then, their happy mood is destroyed as it is replaced with fear.

"Is that... who I think it is? And who are all of those other cats?" Mistypaw meows.

"That's definitely Blacktail.. but I don't recognize any of the other cats." Bearpaw replies.

"B-Bearpaw, we should leave." Mistypaw meows nervously.

"No, we will be fine. I'm not scared. I can protect you." Bearpaw replies, lifting his chin up with pride. Then, Blacktail turns his head and looks directly at the two apprentices. The both of them then squeal with terror and dash back towards they last saw their mentors. Then, they spot Daisybloom and Applebranch, seeming to be looking for them.

"Oh, there you two are!" Daisybloom meows happily, glad they're okay. Applebranch, however, had a different response.

"Don't do that again, you hear me." Applebranch meows with a slightly angry tone. "We were worried sick about you two." He says. Both Mistypaw and Bearpaw look down.

"We're sorry.." They say in unison.

"Because you two did that, neither of you will be getting your training today. You need to learn that it is not okay to do things like that. So, you're being punished. You two must stay in camp for the rest of the day, you hear me?" Applebranch meows. The two apprentices nod in response. "Good." Applebranch then meows. "Let's head back to camp." He says. Then, the four cats walk back to camp together. Daisybloom and Applebranch are taking the lead as Bearpaw and Mistypaw walk behind them.

"I'm sorry for starting that, Mistypaw. I had no idea—" Bearpaw starts to say, but Mistypaw breaks him off.

"No, it's okay Bearpaw. You didn't know. You just wanted to have fun." Mistypaw meows as the two of them walk side-by-side. Bearpaw then decides to change the topic.

"Blacktail has always worried me." Bearpaw admits. "I never liked his more aggressive and demanding personality." He meows. "Also, he was one of the cats who still didn't accept you as a member of ShadowClan. I can't believe there's still cats who don't consider you to be a true warrior apprentice. You're amazing, former kittypet or not." He meows.

"Thank you, Bearpaw." Mistypaw replies, purring a little as she gets a warm feeling inside. Then, the cats made us back to camp. Bearpaw dashes over to the fresh kill pile and grabs a squirrel in his jaws.

"Wanna share this?" Bearpaw asks in a muffled voice.

"Sure!" Mistypaw replies. Then, the two apprentices sit together and share the squirrel, trying to keep Blacktail off of their minds even though it is seemingly impossible for them to.

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