Chapter 16

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Bearpaw walks through the forest along with his mentor, Daisybloom, Mistypaw and Applebranch, Graycloud, Swiftfang, and Icewhisker and Toadpaw. They are currently on a hunting patrol. It's leaf-bare, so prey is scarce. They have to catch whatever they find. The patrol walks together through the snow, looking for any signs of prey. Then, something unexpected happens. Other unrecognizable cats burst out of the bushes and from behind trees. Bearpaw's eyes widen in fear.

Are these... rogues? I don't recognize any of them. But, that doesn't matter. I have to defend my clan right away! Bearpaw thinks.

He focuses his emerald gaze on a ginger tabby rogue and leaps for him, landing on his back. The tabby attempts to throw the apprentice off, but he only fails. Bearpaw sinks his claws into the rogue's back and the rogue lets out a yowl of pain. Bearpaw then leaps off of the rogue's back and quickly charges at the rogue, tackling him to the ground. He scratches the tabby's ear, tearing it a little. The tabby soon gets the upper hand, throwing the apprentice off of himself with one of his hind legs. However, that does not last long as Bearpaw tackles him yet again before he gets the chance to attack. Bearpaw leaves a scratch on the rogue's chest and he yowls yet again. Bearpaw is thrown off by the rogue yet again and he watches as the tabby tom runs out of ShadowClan's territory.

"Yeah! Leave and never come back!" Bearpaw hisses as the rogue dashes away. He looks around his surroundings to see that most of the rogues were successfully fought off by the rest of the patrol. There weren't too many of them anyways. He watches as the last rogue remaining quickly surrenders after realizing that it's her against eight cats. Bearpaw looks over at the rest of the patrol.

"Great job." He meows, feeling proud of himself and his clanmates. None of the cats on the patrol seem to be seriously wounded and they successfully fought off the rogues, so he his in a good mood.

"What is it with patrols I'm in getting attacked?" Mistypaw then meows, which gets some amused purrs from the rest of the patrol.

"I'm very proud of you, Bearpaw." Daisybloom compliments her apprentice. "You fought very well today, especially since it was your first real battle. I'm very impressed." She meows.

"Thank you, Daisybloom." Bearpaw replies to his mentor.

"Let's head back to camp. We need to make sure Ashstar knows about this. All patrols need to be very alert from now on. I can make sure I send out a new hunting patrol later." Swiftfang, the clan's deputy, meows. Then, Swiftfang leads the patrol back to camp. Not long after, the cats arrive back at camp.

Many cats at camp ask about what happened while they were on patrol.

"Our patrol was attacked by rogues. Thankfully, we successfully fought them off with no major injuries." Swiftfang explains. Bearpaw notices that a concerned Wolfclaw is peeking out of the nursery.

Swiftfang is her mate. I bet she was worried after hearing the commotion. Bearpaw thinks.

"Well, I'm glad all of you are okay." Ashstar meows in response. "But, every cat that exits the camp needs to be extra cautious and alert from now on. This is the second time we've had a patrol being attacked." She meows.

"Ashstar, can I speak to you in private about this?" Swiftfang then asks. "This is very serious and we should discuss it more just you and I." He meows.

"Sure." Ashstar replies.

"Can I speak to you as well?" Daisybloom asks. "Me too?" Applebranch asks his mate.

"Of course, come along with me to my den." Ashstar meows. Bearpaw watches as the four cats walk off towards the leader's den.

I wonder what Daisybloom and Applebranch need to talk to Ashstar about. What if we're becoming warriors?! Bearpaw thinks.

"It looks like you've had your first real battle too." Mistypaw meows to Bearpaw.

"Yeah. It was easy though." Bearpaw replies. "It's kind of anticlimactic though. I was hoping that my first battle would be big, tough, and that I would be claimed as a hero afterwards." He admits.

"You're a dreamer, of course things wouldn't be how you expect them to be." Mistypaw meows in response. "I'm cold." She quickly admits, leaning against Bearpaw.

"We're all cold, Mistypaw, it's leaf-bare." Bearpaw replies. "You feel warm though." He adds. He watches as he notices an injured Toadpaw limping towards the medicine cat den.

I hope he's okay. He was probably in the worst shape out of the entire patrol after the battle. Bearpaw thinks. He then watches as Ashstar unexpectedly leaps onto the high branch.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the high branch for a meeting!" Ashstar calls out. The clan then gathers beneath the high branch.

Maybe we are becoming warriors! Bearpaw thinks.

"Today, as you all know by now, one of our hunting patrols was attacked by rogues. I was told about the bravery and skill of two apprentices on the patrol by their mentors and they believe that they are ready to become warriors. I approve of their wishes, so Bearpaw and Mistypaw are now ready to become warriors of ShadowClan." Ashstar announces.

Oh StarClan, yes! My dream is coming true! Bearpaw thinks.

"Bearpaw, please come forward." Ashstar says. Then, Bearpaw does what he is told.

"I, Ashstar, leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn." Ashstar meows. She then looks down at Bearpaw. He looks back up at her happily.

"Bearpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" She meows.

"I do." Bearpaw then responds.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Bearpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Bearclaw. StarClan honors your strength and skill, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan." Ashstar meows.

That's such a cool name! Bearclaw thinks.

The clan begins to cheer his new warrior name. "Bearclaw! Bearclaw!" They cheer.

"Thank you, Ashstar." Bearclaw meows happily and steps back to where he was. 

"Now, Mistypaw, please come forward." Ashstar meows. Mistypaw does what she is told. Bearclaw watches, proud of his friend.

"I, Ashstar, leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn." Ashstar meows. She looks down at Mistypaw.

"Mistypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" She asks the apprentice.

"I do." Mistypaw responds.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Mistypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Mistystorm. StarClan honors your honesty and loyalty and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan." Ashstar meows.

The clan then cheers Mistypaw's new warrior name. "Mistystorm! Mistystorm!" They cheer.

Ashstar leaps off of the high branch and rests her muzzle on both Bearclaw's and Mistystorm's heads and the two new warriors each lick their leader's shoulder.

"The clan meeting is now dismissed." Ashstar announces and then walks off.

"I can't believe we're warriors now!" Bearclaw meows happily.

"I really wasn't expecting that." Mistystorm replies. "I was caught off guard." She says with a purr of amusement.

"I guessed that it would happen, but I didn't think it actually would until Ashstar called for a clan meeting." Bearclaw admits. "You deserve it though." He meows.

"So do you." Mistystorm replies, purring a little. The two cats lean closer to each other and Bearclaw licks the top of Mistystorm's head.

"I couldn't be any prouder than how proud I am of you right now." Bearclaw meows.

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