Chapter 18

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Mistystorm walks back into camp after going on a border patrol. Thankfully, there were no signs of any intruders. She has been upset ever since hearing about the prophecy. She feels left out and unimportant. She starts to head over towards the warriors' den where she would be warmer, but then she was interrupted.

"Hey, Mistystorm." Cloudheart meows.

"Oh, hey Cloudheart. What's up?" Mistystorm replies.

"Can I speak to you? Bearclaw and Sagepaw are already in the medicine cat den waiting for you." Cloudheart informs the younger cat.

"Sure." Mistystorm replies. Then, the two cats walk in the snow over to the medicine cat den together.

I wonder what this is for. Mistystorm thinks. Then, they walk inside.

"You three, please listen to me closely since this is very important. First, I will explain the prophecy to Mistystorm." Cloudheart meows.

"Mistystorm, I received a prophecy before you joined ShadowClan. It said that two small kits will grow into very strong cats, work together, and save all five clans from eventual doom." Cloudheart explains. "I was told that it will mean either the survival or downfall of the clans, so it is extremely important." She meows.

"Okay.. so.. what does this have to do with me?" Mistystorm asks.

"I had a sign in my dream last night." Cloudheart reveals.

"A sign?!" Bearclaw replies. "Do you think it has to do with the prophecy?" He asks Cloudheart.

"Yes, that's why I am telling you three about it." Cloudheart replies.

"So, why is Mistystorm here when you think it's about Bearclaw and I?" Sagepaw asks.

"I was about to get to that." Cloudheart replies. "In my dream, I was stuck in a terrible storm and I was surrounded by mist. I tried to find my way out, but I couldn't. Then, I woke up." She meows. "So.. since I was stuck in a misty storm in a dream the night after I told Bearclaw and Sagepaw about the prophecy, I think Mistystorm is one of the cats in the prophecy, not either Bearclaw or Sagepaw." Cloudheart reveals.

"Yes!" Mistystorm cheers. Then, she gets glares from the three other cats in the den. "I'm sorry." She quickly meows.

"So, that's what I wanted to tell you three." Cloudheart replies.

"I'm happy for you, Mistystorm, but I also wish we didn't have one of us left out of the prophecy." Bearclaw meows.

"I feel the same way." Sagepaw then says. "But, I don't think I'm one of the cats in the prophecy. I think it's the two of you. I am not worthy enough." She meows.

"Don't say that, Sagepaw." Bearclaw meows. "You're just as worthy as the rest of us, just in different ways. Mistystorm and I are warriors, while you're a medicine cat apprentice. We have different strengths." He meows.

"Wow, Bearclaw, I had no idea you were capable of saying things like that." Mistystorm comments.

"Now, Bearclaw and Mistystorm, you two can leave. Sagepaw needs to stay though since we're going to do some training." Cloudheart meows. Mistystorm and Bearclaw nod and then exit the den.

"I can't believe this.." Mistystorm meows.

"I guess you're officially a part of the prophecy you were upset about all day and night." Bearclaw meows.

"I don't know if I should feel happy or upset.." Mistystorm meows.

"Feel happy!" Bearclaw suggests. "Try to focus on the good things." He meows.

"Since when did you become so wise?! You've always been a mouse-brain!" Mistystorm comments.

"I guess I've matured a little." Bearclaw meows.

"Are you still scared of that spider?" Mistystorm meows, teasing her friend a little.

"Oh StarClan, don't remind me." Bearclaw replies. Mistystorm purrs with amusement.

"Hey, you two!" Toadpaw meows happily, dashing over toward the two warriors. "Guess what?" He asks them.

"What is it, Toadpaw?" Mistystorm asks.

"Icewhisker complimented me so much during training today! I'm so happy!" Toadpaw meows excitedly.

"Good job, Toadpaw!" Bearclaw meows. "I bet I can still beat you in battle practice though." He adds teasingly.

"You're probably right." Toadpaw replies. "Nettlepaw is easy to beat in battle practice because she's tiny, Frostpaw is too slow, and Icewhisker is old." He meows.

"Well, at least you're honest." Mistystorm replies with a purr of amusement.

"I got lucky while hunting and caught a fat squirrel!" Toadpaw says happily. "Want to share it with me and the other apprentices?" He asks.

"Sure." Bearclaw replies.

"Alrighty." Mistystorm replies.

"Okay then!" Toadpaw replies. Then, Mistystorm, Bearclaw, Sagepaw, Toadpaw, Frostpaw, and Nettlepaw all shared small pieces of the large squirrel together, chatting happily amongst themselves despite the cold.

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