Chapter 24

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Sagepaw exits ShadowClan's camp along with her mentor, Cloudheart. Today was a lot warmer than the previous days. It seems like newleaf is finally approaching. Sagepaw walks alongside Cloudheart as they walk towards the moonpool.

"This is your fourth time, correct?" Cloudheart asks Sagepaw. Sagepaw nods in response. "I'm very proud of you, Sagepaw. You are such a great apprentice and a very quick learner." She meows.

Where did that come from? Sagepaw thinks.

"Thank you, Cloudheart." Sagepaw replies, purring a little.

Soon, the two cats finally arrived at the moonpool.

"Hey, Cloudheart and Sagepaw are here!" Berrybush meows happily.

"Hello all of you." Cloudheart meows. "I'm assuming Littlepoppy and Maplepaw won't be at this meeting either?" She meows.

"I'm afraid we won't see them here for a while. The same goes with SkyClan at gatherings." Goldenfeather meows, sitting beside her apprentice, Aspenpaw.

Then, at that moment, Blizzardsnow and Rainpaw arrive.

"Hello Blizzardsnow." Berrybush meows.

"Hey." Blizzardsnow replies, walking up towards the moonpool with Rainpaw trailing behind him.

"Since everyone is here, shall we get started?" Goldenfeather meows. All of the medicine cats nod. "Okay. Are there any announcements or news that any of you would like to share?" She asks.

"Greencough surprisingly was not a major issue this leaf-bare for WindClan." Berrybush meows. "We only had one case, but the cat that caught it survived and it did not spread. There were a few cases of whitecough, but it is not as harsh as greencough, so there weren't many worries." He meows.

"It was pretty much the same for RiverClan." Blizzardsnow meows. "I'm honestly surprised." He adds.

"And for ThunderClan." Goldenfeather meows.

"The same goes for ShadowClan, actually." Cloudheart meows.

"Well, I'm glad that this was a pretty mild leaf-hare for the clans." Goldenfeather comments. "Any other news?" She asks the other medicine cats.

"Yes." Cloudheart meows. "I am satisfied with Sagepaw's knowledge and I believe she is ready to become a full medicine cat." She meows. This catches Sagepaw by surprise, as well as the other medicine cats.

"This early on in her training?" Blizzardsnow questions. Cloudheart nods.

"She is very skilled and talented. She learned very quickly and I believe she is ready to become a full medicine cat." Cloudheart meows.

Wow! I can't believe it! Sagepaw thinks.

"So.." Cloudheart meows, looking over at Sagepaw and purring with pride. "I, Cloudheart, medicine cat of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons. Sagepaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Sagepaw replies, purring a little.

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Sagepaw, from this moment you will be known as Sagepool. StarClan honors your kindness and knowledge and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of ShadowClan." Cloudheart meows. Then, Cloudheart rests her muzzle on Sagepool's head and Sagepool licks Cloudheart's fluffy shoulder.

"Congratulations, Sagepool." Goldenfeather meows.

"Yes, congratulations Sagepool. You will be a great medicine cat." Berrybush meows.

"Thank you." Sagepool replies.

"Now, shall we receive messages from StarClan?" Goldenfeather asks. The other medicine cats nod. Sagepool then laps from the moonpool. Eventually, she falls asleep. She opens her eyes to find herself in StarClan yet again.

"Congratulations, Sagepool. I'm very proud of you." She hears a familiar voice meow. She quickly turns her head to spot Acornfall.

"Thank you, Acornfall." Sagepool replies with a respectful nod.

"Ever since I learned about you after your birth, you've caught my interest. You are a very interesting cat with a very interesting destiny. You are very special, Sagepool, just not in the way you may think." Acornfall meows.

What does that mean? Sagepool thinks.

"Thanks again." Sagepool meows.

"You remind me a lot of myself when I was young and alive." Acornfall meows. "We are kin, after all." He meows.

"Really?" Sagepool replies, tilting her head.

"Yes. Remember the stories about Addertooth you were told as a kit?" Acornfall asks.

"Of course. He was Tigerstripe's father." Sagepool responds.

"Addertooth was my kit." Acornfall meows.

"Wow! I never knew that." Sagepool meows, a bit surprised.

"Well, now you know." Acornfall meows with a purr. "It should be around time for you to wake up. Remember that I'll always be here for you." He adds.

"Okay, goodbye." Sagepool tells him.

"Goodbye!" Acornfall replies. Then, Sagepool wakes up.

"Oh, you're awake!" Cloudheart meows once she sees Sagepool open her eyes. "Let's head back to camp." She meows. Then, the two medicine cats walk back to ShadowClan's camp together.

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