Chapter 12

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Sagepaw wakes up, feeling a nudge at her shoulder. She growls a little, keeping her eyes closed.

"Sagepaw, it's time to go to the moonpool. Did you forget?" Sagepaw hears Cloudheart's voice meow.

Oh, right! I forgot! How did I forget?! Sagepaw thinks to herself.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that." Sagepaw replies, finally opening her eyes. The silver tabby stands up out of her nest and stretches.

"Let's go. I don't want us to be late." Cloudheart meows. Then, the two cats head off, walking towards the moonpool.

"Are you excited, Sagepaw? It's your first time!" Cloudheart meows with a cheerful tone in her voice.

"Yeah, but I'm a bit more nervous than I am excited." Sagepaw replies.

"There's nothing to be nervous about. All of the other medicine cats are nice and you'll get to visit StarClan." Cloudheart meows. "I was nervous my first trip to the moonpool too." She meows. "I'm glad I'm not walking to the moonpool alone anymore. I've been wanting an apprentice for a while, you know." She meows. "But, I never knew that my apprentice and I would have so much in common. You're like the kit I never had." She meows with a purr. Sagepaw can't help but purr as well.

She's a really warm-hearted cat. Sagepaw thinks.

"I feel the same way." Sagepaw replies. "We just started getting close and you're already like a second mother to me." She meows.

"Oh, we're here! I can see the moonpool." Cloudheart quickly realizes out loud. "I wasn't really paying much attention." She admits. Sagepaw lifts her head up a little and spots the moonpool in the distance. She can see some cats already there. She recognizes some of them from the gathering she went to.

It's so beautiful. Sagepaw thinks, admiring the moonpool.

"Let's go." Cloudheart meows and the two walk together to the moonpool. Once they arrive, the medicine cats greet Cloudheart. Sagepaw looks around at the other cats. There's a ginger-and-white she-cat, a gray tabby tom, a white tom, and a black-and-white she-cat.

"Hello Cloudheart! Who is that with you?" The gray tabby tom asks her.

"Oh, this is my 'apprentice,' Sagepaw." Cloudheart meows.

"Oh! It's nice to meet you, Sagepaw. I'm Berrybush." The gray tabby tom meows.

"I-It's nice to meet you too." Sagepaw replies nervously.

"It looks like you finally got an apprentice." The ginger-and-white she-cat meows. "I'm still waiting on mine. I'm getting old and I don't want to die and leave ThunderClan with no medicine cat." She meows.

"Don't worry, Goldenfeather, you'll get one soon." Cloudheart replies. "Littlepoppy waited even longer than you to get an apprentice and now she has one." She meows.

"I'm hoping I get one of Violetmoon's kits." Goldenfeather meows.

"Oh, speaking of Littlepoppy, do you think she'll... make it tonight?" Berrybush questions.

"Knowing their situation.. I doubt it. I don't think Foxstar will let them." Goldenfeather meows. "I'd hate being in SkyClan right now. I hope they're doing alright." She says.

"Berrybush?" The white tom then meows.

"Yes, Blizzardsnow?" Berrybush replies.

"I'm sorry if this is a personal question but.. where's Nectarmist tonight?" Blizzardsnow asks him. Sagepaw watches as Berrybush's mood suddenly changes.

"She's with StarClan now, Blizzardsnow." Berrybush replies. At that announcement, all of the medicine cats' moods change. They are silent for a few seconds, but then a cat speaks up.

"We're so sorry to hear that, Berrybush." Cloudheart then meows.

"She was a very good cat and a great friend of mine. May she rest well in StarClan." Goldenflower meows.

"Shall we start now?" Cloudheart asks.

"Yes, let's start, especially since we have a new apprentice here with us." Goldenfeather approves. Cloudheart then turns to look at Sagepaw.

"Sagepaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?" Cloudheart asks her.

"It is." Sagepaw replies.

"Then come forward." Cloudheart meows and Sagepaw does what she is told. "Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal her Clan in accordance with your will." She meows. "Now, drink from the moonpool and you'll have a dream from StarClan." Cloudheart tells her apprentice. Sagepaw nods and laps the cool water of the moonpool. Then, she lays down and begins to fall asleep.

Sagepaw opens her eyes to see herself in StarClan yet again. She hears the sound of paws behind her, so she turns around. She sees Acornfall again, but this time with an unfamiliar cat.

"You've made the right choice, Sagepaw. Thank you for listening to what I told you. You're going to become a great medicine cat." Acornfall meows.

"Do you have any advice for me, since you were medicine cat and all?" Sagepaw asks Acornfall.

"I guess there's nothing against me giving you a little piece of advice." Acornfall meows. "Remember to always put your clan first." He tells her. "That's what I tried to live by as a medicine cat." He meows.

"I will remember that, thank you." Sagepaw replies. "Who's that?" She then asks, looking at the other cat with him. For some reason, she intimidates her.

She's kind of scary. Sagepaw thinks.

"I'm Duskstar. I was the leader of ShadowClan before Ashstar. She and I were best friends." Duskstar meows. "I've been watching you a lot and you've really caught my interest. You definitely have a bright future ahead of you. So, I asked Acornfall if I could accompany him tonight and he said I could." She meows.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, Duskstar." Sagepaw meows with a respectful nod. Then, Sagepaw's dream ends randomly. The silver tabby opens her eyes. She turns her head and notices that Cloudheart is awake as well. It doesn't take long for Cloudheart to notice too.

"Are you ready to head back to camp?" Cloudheart asks her apprentice.

"Yes." Sagepaw replies.

"Bye Sagepaw!" Sagepaw suddenly hears. She turns around to see Blizzardsnow's apprentice.

"Oh, goodbye." Sagepaw replies to the other medicine cat apprentice. Then, Cloudheart and Sagepaw walk back to ShadowClan's camp together.

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