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(A little bit after the last chapter)


LEADER Ashstar— Gray she-cat with blue eyes

DEPUTY   Swiftfang— Black tom with yellow eyes

MEDICINE CAT Cloudheart— White she-cat with blue eyes
APPRENTICE, Sagepaw (silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes)

WARRIORS Icewhisker— White she-cat
APPRENTICE, Toadpaw (gray tom)
Applebranch— Ginger tom
APPRENTICE, Mistypaw (gray she-cat with green eyes)
Smokefur— Dark gray she-cat
APPRENTICE, Frostpaw (white tom with odd eyes)
Daisybloom— Gray-and-white tabby she-cat with one blind eye
APPRENTICE, Bearpaw (brown tom with green eyes)
Ivyleaf— Ginger she-cat
APPRENTICE, Nettlepaw (gray tabby she-cat)
Tigerstripe— Brown tabby tom
Moonheart— Gray tabby she-cat
Graycloud— Gray she-cat with blue eyes
Thornpelt— Gray-and-white tom

QUEENS    Wolfclaw— Gray tabby she-cat; mother to Swiftfang's kits: Dovekit (gray she-kit) and Sootkit (dark gray-and-white tom-kit)



LEADER Briarstar— Gray tabby tom

DEPUTY   Thistleseed— Golden-brown tabby she-cat

MEDICINE CAT   Goldenfeather— Ginger-and-white she-cat

WARRIORS   Oakbranch— Dark cream tom
Paledawn— Cream she-cat
Lionpounce— Ginger tom
Lilypetal— White she-cat
Sparrowfeather— Brown tom
Russetpelt— Ginger she-cat
Rosethorn— Brown-and-white she-cat
Waspclaw— Pale gray tabby tom
Lightingstrike— Ginger tom
Branchfall— Brown tom
Snowyleaf— Brown-and-white she-cat

QUEENS   Violetmoon— Cream she-cat; mother to Sparrowfeather's kits: Eaglekit (brown tom-kit) and Aspenkit (cream she-kit)

ELDERS Dappledpelt— Tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
Finchflight— Gray tom


LEADER Mudstar— Brown tom with hazel eyes

DEPUTY Snakefang— Gray tabby tom

MEDICINE CAT Berrybush— Gray tabby tom

WARRIORS   Dovewhisper— Gray she-cat
Sunflame— Ginger tom
Stagdust— Brown tabby tom
Hazelclaw— Tortoiseshell she-cat
Yelloweyes— Black she-cat
Rabbitear— Pale brown tom
Quickstep— Gray tabby tom
Ravencall— Black tom
Petalstorm— Tortoiseshell she-cat
Stonefall— Gray tom
Meadowbreeze— Brown she-cat
Breezewhisker— Tortoiseshell she-cat
Deerleap– Brown she-cat
Dogfang– Brown tabby tom


ELDERS Weedwhisker— Brown tom
Whitebird— White she-cat


LEADER Cloverstar— Brown tom

DEPUTY Minnowfur— Silver tabby she-cat

MEDICINE CAT Blizzardsnow— White tom
APPRENTICE, Rainpaw (black-and-white she-cat)

WARRIORS  Duskshadow— Black-and-white she-cat
Moonfeather- White she-cat with black splotches
Primrosefrost— Pale brown tabby she-cat
APPRENTICE, Stonepaw (dark brown tom)
Darkcloud- Black tom
Doestep— Black-and-white she-cat
Puddlesplash— Brown-and-white tom
Shellclaw— Brown she-cat
Floodstream— Gray tabby tom
Shadebush— Black she-cat


ELDERS Sandfern- Pale ginger tom
Reedstorm- Brown tabby tom


LEADER Foxstar— Golden-brown tom

DEPUTY Badgerscar— Black-and-white tom

MEDICINE CAT Littlepoppy— Golden-brown tabby she-cat
APPRENTICE, Maplepaw (ginger-and-white tom)

WARRIORS Birchleaf— Brown-and-white she-cat
Lightningclaw— Dark brown tom
Tawnytuft— Ginger-and-white she-cat
Eaglefeather— Brown tabby tom
Blossomsnow— Gray-and-white she-cat
APPRENTICE, Nightpaw (black tom)
Echowhisper— Gray she-cat
Strikeclaw— Black-and-white tom
Robinflight— Dark ginger she-cat
Crowshadow— Black she-cat
Jaywing— Gray tom

QUEENS Bristlefur— Ginger she-cat; mother to Strikeclaw's kits: Sorrelkit (tortoiseshell-and-white she-kit) and Pinekit (dark ginger tom-kit)

ELDERS  Brightflame— Ginger-and-white tom
Twigshade— Black tom

Blacktail— Black tom with yellow eyes

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