Chapter 13

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It is now leaf-bare. Our three protagonists have been training hard these past moons, getting better day by day. Sagepaw is currently training with Cloudheart.

"Now, Sagepaw, which herb is this?" Cloudheart asks her, testing her apprentice's memory.

"Catmint, of course. You've been focusing on that herb a lot." Sagepaw replies.

"And what does it do?" Cloudheart then asks the silver tabby.

"It is used for greencough." Sagepaw replies.

"Good, we will probably need a lot of it very soon. It's leaf-bare now and cats are bound to get sick." Cloudheart meows.

"Now, what's this?" Cloudheart asks, pointing at it with her fluffy tail. It is white and silky.

"That's cobweb." Sagepaw replies.

"What does it do and how do you use it?" Cloudheart then asks.

"It is used to slow bleeding, but it can also be used to bind broken bones. You just press it over the wound." Sagepaw replies.

"Good job, you're getting better. You have a good memory." Cloudheart praises.

"Thank you, Cloudheart." Sagepaw replies with a purr.

"Let's do one more for today. It's going to be a bit harder." Cloudheart meows. She walks off towards another herb in her supply. "What's this herb?" She asks Sagepaw, pointing at the herb with her tail. However, Sagepaw has no idea.

"Uh.." Sagepaw says, trying to think. "I've seen it around, but I have no idea what its name is.." She admits, a little disappointed in herself.

"It's okay." Cloudheart meows. "Just remember this. It's coltsfoot leaves. Coltsfoot has flowers that are yellow or white and they grow well here in ShadowClan's territory. The leaves are chewed into a pulp and are used to ease breathing and are also good for cracked or sore pads." She tells her apprentice. Sagepaw nods, understanding her mentor's explanation. "Do you want to stop for now?" Cloudheart then asks.

"Yeah." Sagepaw replies.

"You did great today. You're getting better and better." Cloudheart replies. "Just try to remember coltsfoot next time, okay?" She meows. Sagepaw nods.

"I'll try my best, Cloudheart." Sagepaw replies.

"You can go do your thing now. I'm going to try to see if I can find any more catmint anywhere. It's really tough to find." Cloudheart meows. Sagepaw nods and leaves the medicine cat den. The silver tabby she-cat looks around camp and spots Mistypaw and Bearpaw socializing. She dashes over to her littermate and her adoptive littermate.

"Hey." Sagepaw meows.

"Hey Sagepaw!" Bearpaw meows. "How's the
medicine cat training going?" He asks her.

"Pretty good, actually. I like it more than I thought I would." Sagepaw replies.

"Good." Bearpaw replies with a purr. "I don't think I could handle being a medicine cat. I don't think I would be smart enough to remember all the herbs." He meows. "Being a warrior is more appealing to tough and strong toms like yours truly." He adds.

"This 'tough and strong tom' got scared of a spider while we were out training earlier." Mistypaw brings up with an amused purr.

"Hey! It was massive!" Bearpaw meows, a bit of his back fur standing up. Sagepaw purrs with amusement.

"You should've seen how high he jumped. His eyes were huge!" Mistypaw meows, messing with her fellow apprentice. "We all thought it was hilarious. Except Bearpaw, of course." She says.

"I told you to forget that!" Bearpaw replies with a quiet growl.

"I'm sorry, it's just too funny for me to forget." Mistypaw meows.

I'm missing out on a lot by being the medicine cat apprentice, aren't I? I don't get to bond with Bearpaw, Mistypaw, and the other apprentices that much anymore. Sagepaw thinks.

"Are you okay, Sagepaw?" Bearpaw then asks her, noticing her change in expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sagepaw replies.

"Good, I got a little worried there." Bearpaw meows.

"How's warrior training going for the two of you?" Sagepaw then asks.

"Great! I'm getting stronger and stronger everyday." Bearpaw meows happily. "I can't wait until I'm a warrior. I'm going to be the best warrior ShadowClan has ever seen!" He claims.

"You wish." Toadpaw says as he walks over to them, joining in on their conversation.

"Hey, I did great today!" Bearpaw replies.

"Yeah, you did. I'm just messing with you, Bearpaw and you know that." Toadpaw replies.

"Oh, by the way, how's the whole medicine cat thing going, Sagepaw?" Toadpaw asks her.

"It's going well. I like it more than I thought I would. Thanks for asking." Sagepaw replies.

"You're welcome." Toadpaw replies. "I considered becoming Cloudheart's apprentice for a while. The stuff medicine cats do is interesting to me." He meows.

"What convinced you to become a warrior apprentice instead?" Sagepaw then asks curiously.

"I want a mate and kits in the future." Toadpaw meows.

"Oh, okay." Sagepaw replies.

"I've said this to you many times, but that's not a good reason not to become a medicine cat." Nettlepaw meows, joining in with the other apprentice. "Life doesn't revolve around mates and kits." She meows.

Now we just need Frostpaw and we would have all of the apprentices! Sagepaw thinks.

"Well, mine does." Toadpaw replies. "I want... seven kits with my future mate." He meows.

"Isn't that a lot, Toadpaw?" Mistypaw asks.

"Yeah, but kits are too adorable to just have one litter. I'll be the best father ever." Toadpaw meows. "I'll play with and help care for my kits all the time." He says.

"That's kind of cu–" Mistypaw starts to say, but then Nettlepaw gives her a shove, interrupting what she was trying to say. "What was that for?" She asks Nettlepaw.

"I don't know. I just felt like shoving you." Nettlepaw lies. Mistypaw lets out a sigh.

Nettlepaw has changed a lot ever since she became an apprentice. She was so weak when she was a kit and when she first became an apprentice. Now, she's braver and stronger. I think Ivyleaf rubbed off on her. Sagepaw thinks.

"What's up?" Sagepaw then hears. She looks over and spots Frostpaw. "Oh, hey Sagepaw! We don't really talk that much anymore since we don't train together. How's being a medicine cat apprentice?" He asks her.

"It's going pretty good. I like it more than I thought I would." Sagepaw replies.

"That's good." Frostpaw replies. "You're still as beautiful as ever though." He adds.

"You need to stop flirting with me. I'm a medicine cat apprentice now. I can't have a mate. Plus, we're both too young for that." Sagepaw replies.

"Who said I was flirting with you? Calling you beautiful doesn't mean I'm flirting with you. I'm just stating a fact." Frostpaw meows.

"Okay then." Sagepaw replies.

"Sagepaw!" Sagepaw then hears a familiar voice yowl. She turns her head and spots Cloudheart calling for her from the camp entrance. "Come here, I got lucky and found some useful herbs even in this cold weather, but I need some help carrying all of them." She meows.

"It looks like I have to go." Sagepaw meows. The other apprentices then say goodbye to her as she dashes over towards Cloudheart.

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