Chapter 30

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It is the night after the gathering. Sagepool sneaks out of camp yet again to meet Stonefoot as planned. She walks towards the RiverClan border, excited to meet up with him again.

I think I should let him know how I really feel tonight. Sagepool thinks as she walks. Then, once she nears the border, she spots Stonefoot standing at the other side of the thunderpath. He had beat her there again.

"Stonefoot!" Sagepool meows happily, beginning to dash towards the thunderpath.

"Sagepool!" Stonefoot replies, happy to see her again. She then reaches the thunderpath.

"How are things?" Sagepool asks Stonefoot.

"Pretty good, especially since I'm here with you again." Stonefoot replies smoothly. Sagepool can feel her pelt getting hot again. "How about you?" He asks.

"I'm pretty much the same." Sagepool replies, feeling a little flustered. "Actually.. there's something I want to say to you tonight." She meows.

"Me too." Stonefoot replies. "You can go first though." He meows. Sagepool nods in response.

"Stonefoot, I love you. I love everything about you. Every time I'm near you, my heart beats faster and my pelt gets hot. I know I'm breaking many rules by doing this, but I just can't help myself. You're irresistible." Sagepool admit shyly.

"Sagepool.." Stonefoot replies softly. The dark brown tom begins to purr. "I was about to say the same thing about you." He admits.

"You were?" Sagepool asks. Stonefoot replies with a nod.

"You're one of the only few things that make my life worth living right now." Stonefoot replies. "So, because of that, I have a proposition for you." He meows.

"What is it?" Sagepool asks curiously.

"Let's run away, Sagepool. Away from the lake, away from the code, and away from the clans. We will be happy and free that way. We can love each other with no limits. We can't keep on risking this. I don't want us to get caught. So, we can just run away, and our clans will accept us as dead." Stonefoot proposes.

"No." Sagepool replies.

"No?" Stonefoot asks, tilting his head.

"No. I won't run away with you." Sagepool replies.

"Why not?" Stonefoot asks the silver tabby.

"My clan needs me, Stonefoot. My position as medicine cat is very important. Also, there are cats in ShadowClan that I know will be very hurt if I disappear." Sagepool replies. "I love you very much, Stonefoot, but my clan is more important." She meows.

"Okay then. I understand that. So, we will keep on meeting up like this?" Stonefoot asks.

"Yes." Sagepool replies.

"Okay, I'm cool with that." Stonefoot meows. "As long as I still get to love you, I'm fine with anything." He comments. Sagepool begins to purr. The two cats walk up towards each other on the empty thunderpath, meeting up in the middle. They touch noses and then brush their cheeks against the other's.

I am not afraid of anything to show my love to you, Stonefoot. Sagepool thinks. Then, their faces separate.

"Do you want to meet up here every night from now on?" Sagepool asks Stonefoot.

"I'd love to, my love." Stonefoot meows. Sagepool's melt heats up and she purrs louder.

"Should we head back? I'm still very tired." Sagepool suggests. 

"Yeah, we should. You went to the gathering last night. See you tomorrow night then." Stonefoot replies, giving Sagepool a lick on the forehead before going his separate way. Sagepool just watches the tom dash off, admiring him.

Oh, I've fallen, and I've fallen hard. Sagepool thinks. Then, she turns around and begins to walk back to ShadowClan's camp.

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