Chapter 26

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"Daisybloom. Lead a hunting patrol. Take Thornpelt, Mistystorm, Bearclaw, and Ivyleaf and Nettlepaw with you." Swiftfang meows. Mistystorm nods and looks for Daisybloom. She then spots her close to the camp's exit. She pads over to her. Soon, the whole patrol is gathered.

"Let's go." Daisybloom meows. The patrol then exits the camp together, walking out into the rest of ShadowClan's territory. The rest of the patrol follows the half-blind cat closely. However, Bearclaw and Mistystorm slow down, trailing behind the rest of the patrol.

"Mistystorm?" Bearclaw whispers.

"What is it?" Mistystorm asks in a whisper.

"Cloudheart had a dream. She believes that I'm the second cat in the prophecy. Like, she had a dream she was attacked by a bear with its claws." Bearclaw whispers.

"Like the dream she had about the storm where it was misting..!" Mistystorm realizes in a whisper.

"Yeah. I'm just worried about how we're supposed to tell Sagepool. She'll be heartbroken." Bearclaw whispers back.

"I don't even know what we're supposed to do with the prophecy. How are we supposed to save the clans when we don't know what we should do?" Mistystorm whispers.

"Exactly!" Bearclaw whispers back. "We should talk to Cloudheart after the patrol." He whispers. Mistystorm nods in response.

"You two, catch up!" Daisybloom meows from ahead of them.

"Oh, sorry." Bearclaw quickly meows. The two cats then catch up to the rest of the patrol.

"Any signs of prey?" Daisybloom asks the rest of the patrol. They all respond with a shake of their heads.

"I don't smell a thing." Thornpelt comments.

"We need to keep on moving." Daisybloom meows. The patrol begins to walk faster through the territory. Then, Mistystorm catches the scent of squirrel. She stops, crouches low, and begins to follow the scent. Eventually, she spots the squirrel beside a tree. This is a risky catch, but Mistystorm decides to risk it anyways. She sneaks closer, trying her best not to make a single sound. Then, she leaps for the squirrel, catching it by surprise. She bites into the squirrel's neck, feeling it go limp in her jaws.

"Nice catch, Mistystorm!" Nettlepaw comments.

"Thank you, Nettlepaw." Mistystorm replies to the younger cat. The patrol continues to walk. Mistystorm continues to carry the squirrel in her jaws. Eventually, the patrol was finished with four pieces of fresh kill total. This includes Mistystorm's squirrel, Nettlepaw's mouse, Bearclaw's tiny snake, and Daisybloom's bird. The four pieces of fresh kill are placed in the fresh kill pile.

"Are you ready to go talk to Cloudheart?" Bearclaw asks Mistystorm. Mistystorm nods in response.

"Let's go then." Bearclaw replies. The two cats walk into the medicine cat den together, hoping Sagepool isn't in there. Unfortunately, when they walk inside, they see Sagepool sorting herbs.

"Hey Sagepool." Bearclaw meows, greeting his littermate.

"Oh, hey Bearclaw and Mistystorm. What's up? Are you hurt? Not feeling well?" Sagepool asks the two warriors.

"No, actually, we are just wondering where Cloudheart is." Mistystorm replies.

"Oh, okay. She's in the leader's den chatting with Ashstar." Sagepool replies. "See you two later." She meows.

"Okay, thank you." Bearclaw replies. Then, the two warriors exit the medicine cat den and pad towards the leader's den. The two cats walk inside slowly, being careful not to intrude on something they shouldn't.

"So, what does this prophecy mean for ShadowClan?" Ashstar asks Cloudheart.

"I have no idea, but it obviously is talking about a possible downfall of the five clans." Cloudheart replies.

"Speaking of the prophecy, hello Bearclaw and Mistystorm." Ashstar meows, warmly welcoming the two young warriors.

"We just want to ask Cloudheart something about the prophecy." Mistystorm tells her leader.

"Okay, go ahead then." Ashstar replies.

"How are we supposed to save the clans when we don't know what we should do?" Bearclaw asks Cloudheart.

"I don't know either, but my advice is to just follow your hearts. Do what you think is right. Eventually, you will know what you have to do." Cloudheart replies.

"Thank you, Cloudheart." Mistystorm replies with a respectful nod.

"Yes, thank you." Bearclaw then meows.

"You're welcome. Now, do what you need to do.  I'm going to talk to Ashstar a bit longer." Cloudheart meows. The two young warriors nod and leave the leader's den.

That didn't really answer much. Mistystorm thinks as she exits.

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