Chapter 33

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Mistystorm nudges Bearclaw awake.

"What is it?" Bearclaw groans.

"Let's go spy on SkyClan and Blacktail. I think it would be a good idea to do it at night." Mistystorm meows. "I have a good feeling about this one." She adds.

"I'd rather sleep, but I guess this is more important." Bearclaw meows, getting up out of his nest, stretching out.

"Let's go then!" Mistystorm whispers, trying not to wake up the other cats in the warriors' den.

"Okay." Bearclaw replies. Then, the two mates exit the warriors' den and exit camp, knowing that they have permission from Ashstar to. Not long after they exit, they spot Sagepool.

"Hey, Sagepool! What are you doing out here?" Bearclaw asks his littermate.

"I was just looking for herbs." Sagepool explains.

"This late?" Mistystorm questions.

"Yeah. Cloudheart suggested I should. I didn't have any luck though." Sagepool replies.

"Okay then. See you later!" Bearclaw meows.

"Yeah, see you later." Mistystorm also meows.

"Bye!" Sagepool replies, heading back towards ShadowClan's camp.

Mistystorm and Bearclaw continue to walk side-by-side through ShadowClan's territory, heading towards the SkyClan border. Very soon, they make it. Once they get there, they are shocked to see Foxstar and Blacktail chatting nearby. Mistystorm lets out a small gasp and the two cats crouch low underneath a bush on their side of the twolegpath, listening on to the two cats' conversation.

"Foxstar, are you sure this is a good idea?" Blacktail asks the leader.

"Yeah, of course! They don't see it coming!" Foxstar replies.

Who is they? Mistystorm thinks.

"How exactly are we going to do this though? It won't be easy. ShadowClan is pretty tough and I say this as a former ShadowClan warrior." Blacktail replies.

"So, tomorrow night, when it's the darkest, we will have a sneak attack on ShadowClan's camp. We can jump down from the trees! They wouldn't see us coming! They will have no chance since we will catch them by surprise and we have more numbers than them." Foxstar suggests.

"That sounds smart, actually. They won't know what to do when SkyClan cats begin to come down from the trees. What's our main goal with this though? This isn't a part of our plan to unite the clans." Blacktail asks.

"Our main target should be to go for the stronger and more important cats. Ashstar and Swiftfang to be more specific. If they end up with no leader or deputy after our attack, they won't have any idea what to do. So, maybe you can take over." Foxstar suggests.

"That's a great idea, Foxstar. Should we go tell your clan and my rogues about this?" Blacktail asks.

"We will tomorrow during the day when everyone is awake." Foxstar meows. "We need to be prepared to fight to the death." He meows.

"Okay, got it." Blacktail replies.

Oh StarClan! This is a lot of information. Perfect timing too! We have to tell Ashstar and the rest of the clan about this as soon as possible tomorrow! Mistystorm thinks.

"Let's head back to camp." Foxstar meows.

"Okay." Blacktail replies. Then, Mistystorm and Bearclaw watch as the two villains walk off. Mistystorm immediately looks over at Bearclaw, giving him a fearful look. Bearclaw does the exact same to Mistystorm.

"We have to tell the rest of the clan about this and prepare ourselves." Bearclaw meows.

"You're right. If we don't, our clan could be in trouble." Mistystorm replies. Then, the two cats quickly head back to camp, getting there very soon. The both of them go back in their nests, but they are unable to fall back asleep with the next nights' battle on their minds.

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