Chapter 20

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Ashstar has just arranged a rescue patrol to try to get Dovekit and Sootkit back from SkyClan. Both Mistystorm and Bearclaw were chosen to be on it since they are one of the warriors with only a few small wound from the battle the two nights previously. Ivyleaf was chosen to lead the patrol. The other cats on the rescue patrol are Graycloud, Icewhisker, Daisybloom, Applebranch, Smokefur, and Frostpaw. They exit ShadowClan's camp and walk towards SkyClan's territory.

"I am not familiar with SkyClan's camp, or even SkyClan's territory for that matter, but I think we should try to find a way to sneak in and take the kits back without any SkyClan cat noticing." Ivyleaf meows.

"That sounds like a good idea." Mistystorm replies, and everyone else agrees.

"After their attack, we should try to get the kits back without any wounds." Icewhisker replies.

It wasn't very long until they reached the border.

"Here we go." Daisybloom comments as the patrol walks across the twoleg path.

"I hope Dovekit and Sootkit are okay." Applebranch meows. "I was surprised that Wolfclaw decided to have another litter since she's quite old now. I won't be surprised if she moves into the elders' den soon." He meows.

"So you're calling me old too?" Icewhisker replies, a little offended.

"Well, you've lived for many, many moons now. Sometimes I even feel old. Whenever I feel old, I wonder how old you probably feel. Then, I feel young again." Applebranch replies to his mother.

"You're so much like your father." Icewhisker comments.

"Cloudheart was always the better kit, wasn't she?" Applebranch asks. Icewhisker nods honestly.

"I wanted her to be a warrior though, but when she chose to become Acornfall's apprentice, I respected her decision. It's her life, you know." Icewhisker replies.

"Be quiet!" Ivyleaf scolds her father and grandmother. "There's cats over there." She meows, pointing at them with her tail. Mistystorm spots them.

I don't think these are SkyClan cats.. I don't think I've seen them before. Mistystorm thinks.

"Let's keep going, but we need to be as quiet as possible." Ivyleaf meows.

"Ivyleaf, you're a natural leader. You're a lot like your mother." Icewhisker comments quietly. The patrol continues to walk close together on the cold ground, using the trees and hills as ways to hide from any possible cats.

"Wait a minute, is that Blacktail?" Ivyleaf meows, looking off in the distance closely. Mistystorm decides to take a look and she sees him too.

"It is!" Mistystorm replies, feeling a bit of fear. The other cats begin to feel fear and hatred as well after spotting him.

What is he doing here?! What if he's... aligning with SkyClan? Mistystorm thinks.

"I told you to be quiet." Ivyleaf whispers.

"Sorry." Mistystorm replies.

"We better get going quickly. We have to find SkyClan's camp and get Dovekit and Sootkit back as soon as we can." Ivyleaf meows. They continue to walk.

"Do you think.. there's any chance that they killed Dovekit and Sootkit..?" Bearclaw asks the others worriedly.

"No," Graycloud quickly replies to her kit. "If they wanted to kill them, wouldn't they have done it right away? They probably want to train them to become SkyClan warriors." She meows.

"Oh, that makes sense." Bearclaw replies to his mother.

"She's too smart to be my kit." Smokefur comments with a purr of amusement. Some of the other cats on the patrol purr with amusement as well.

"Oh, that must be it." Ivyleaf whispers, looking over at what seems to look like it would be a camp.

"I don't think there's a way we can sneak through without being noticed.." Applebranch meows.

"I guess we might have have to fight then. But, we would do anything to get Dovekit and Sootkit back, so let's try our best." Ivyleaf replies.

"They would probably be in the nursery, right?" Frostpaw asks.

"Most likely." Ivyleaf replies. "Let's go." She meows, leading the way. The rest of the rescue patrol follows. They quickly and quietly pad into SkyClan's camp, hoping to not be noticed. Then, it happened.

"Hey! ShadowClan cats! What are you doing here?!" A black warrior growls. Then, the entire camp's eyes are on them. Mistystorm hears a few growls.

"We're here to save Dovekit and Sootkit." Ivyleaf steps up bravely.

"Oh, you must be Ivyleaf?" Foxstar meows as he exits his den, looking at the rescue patrol. "I've heard a lot about you. Good things, actually." He meows.

"Can you please let us have our kits back? We don't want a battle, but we are willing to fight for our kits." Ivyleaf replies.

"They're in the nursery with Bristlefur." Fozstar replies. "They are good kits. They get along very well with Sorrelkit and Pinekit already and Bristlefur is taking good care of them. They will definitely become great SkyClan warriors in the future. They seem to be hitting six moons very soon." Foxstar meows.

"No, they will be great ShadowClan warriors in the future." Ivyleaf snaps back.

"Feisty, huh?" Foxstar responds with a purr of amusement. "How about we make a deal. You take one kit back, we keep the other. SkyClan needs more warriors." He meows.

"No! We want both of them!" Ivyleaf replies angrily. Mistystorm hides behind Bearclaw nervously. "How about we let the kits choose?" Ivyleaf suggests, believing with her whole heart that they will choose to go back home.

"Okay then, seems pretty fair." Foxstar replies. He then turns his head towards what seems to be the nursery. "Bristlefur! Bring Dovekit and Sootkit out!" He yowls. A ginger she-cat peeks out of the nursery with wide yellow eyes and nods. Then, she walks out of the nursery with both Dovekit and Sootkit trailing behind her. Dovekit and Sootkit get very excited once they spot the rescue patrol. They dash over to the ShadowClan cats.

"Did you come to save us?" Dovekit asks the patrol happily.

"Yes, we did." Graycloud replies.

"Yay! I want to go back to ShadowClan!" Sootkit replies.

"Yeah!" Dovekit meows happily. Mistystorm watches as Ivyleaf gives Foxstar a smirk as the kits cheer.

"Fine then, they're yours. Just remember that your clan will pay later on." Foxstar meows with a growl.

"Okay. Thank you Foxstar." Ivyleaf replies. "Let's head back to camp." She meows. Then, the patrol walks back to ShadowClan's camp along with the two kits. Every cat returns safely.

Mission successful. Mistystorm thinks.

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