Chapter 31

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A/N: 8 more chapters until the end!

It is a few days later. Mistystorm pads over to Bearclaw.

"Do you think we should go and try to spy on Foxstar and Blacktail now?" Mistystorm asks the tom.

"Sure, I think it's a good time to do so." Bearclaw replies. Then, the two warriors exit ShadowClan's camp together, walking side by side as they head towards the SkyClan border. Mistystorm stays in a state of deep though as the two of them walk together.

Bearclaw just gets more and more attractive and handsome as time goes on. Mistystorm thinks. If I was told I would be like this back when we were apprentices, then I would be disgusted. But, I think my feelings for Bearclaw might be more than friendship. I'm not sure he feels the same way though. She thinks. Thinking back to when I was angry at him for meeting up with Rainpaw and when I worried about him while he was on patrol makes me think I might've had stronger feeling for him earlier than I thought. Maybe the prophecy will bring us closer together.

"Are you okay, Mistystorm?" Bearclaw asks, noticing her odd expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just worried about spying on Foxstar and Blacktail again." Mistystorm lies, feeling her pelt get a little hot.

"It's okay. I got you~" Bearclaw meows, partially teasing the gray she-cat.

Soon, the two cats reach the SkyClan border. They crouch down low, looking for any signs of either Foxstar or Blacktail, but there's nothing.

"Well, that was a waste." Bearclaw meows.

"Wait, let's walk along the whole border." Mistystorm meows.

"Okay." Bearclaw replies. Then, the two cats carefully walk across the whole border together. However, there is no sign of either Foxstar or Blacktail.

"Yeah, what a waste of time." Mistystorm comments. "Let's head back." She meows, beginning to walk back toward ShadowClan's camp.

"Mistystorm?" Bearclaw asks the other warrior.

"What is it?" Mistystorm replies, looking over into the tom's emerald eyes.

"I have something important I need to tell you, so listen very closely." Bearclaw meows.

"Okay, now what is it?" Mistystorm asks. She notices Bearclaw's nervous expression, waiting impatiently for what the brown tom has to say.

"I like you. Like, a lot." Bearclaw meows. "As more than a friend. Ever since we were apprentices, I thought you were beautiful, but every day you get more and more beautiful as you mature." He admits. "I had a small liking to you since were young apprentices. So, when Toadpaw flirted with you, I felt jealous and sick to my belly. After that, I started to meet up with Rainpaw, knowing that Toadpaw would probably win you over when we got older. But now, my feelings for you have grown uncontrollable and stronger. So, do you feel the same way?" He asks her. Mistystorm feels her pelt go very hot. Her heart is beating very fast.

I can't believe this! Mistystorm thinks.

"Yes, I do feel the same way. Back when we were apprentices, I would've been disgusted by the though of being mates with you in the future. But, now my feelings for you have blossomed and grown." Mistystorm admits.

"So, you'll be mates with me?" Bearclaw asks, his face lighting up with happiness. Mistystorm lets out a purr of amusement.

"Yes." Mistystorm replies happily.

"Yay!" Bearclaw cheers. "I'll beat you to camp!" He meows, dashing off.

"Hey, wait up! Mousebrain!" Mistystorm meows, chasing after her new mate.

Maybe leaving camp wasn't a waste after all. Mistystorm thinks.

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