Some Information

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• This book will be much longer than Addertooth's Story. With my planning, I'm already at chapter 28 and the main characters just became warriors recently. To make this more clear, Addertooth's Story had 30 chapters and focused on Addertooth's entire life.
• So much happens in this book. It's basically an entire Warriors series packed into one book.

Things that happened in between this story and Addertooth's Story
• Sparrowpaw, Beetlenose, Ebonyfrost, Frogleap, and Luckyspirit died from greencough. SkyClan's Honeystar lost her last life by the same cause.
• Graycloud and Thornpelt's existences (Daisybloom and Marshshade's kits)
• As you already know, Wolfclaw is expecting a second litter.
• The beginning of Foxstar's cruel reign

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