Chapter 6

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I'm sorry for the long wait you guys! The next chapter was going to feature a gathering, but I decided to skip over it since I got bored while writing it and it led to no motivation. In summary, it is Mistypaw, Bearpaw, and Sagepaw's first gathering. They are very excited. They go there and everything seems well, but SkyClan did not go to the gathering, which confuses the three apprentices. Applebranch tells the apprentices about Foxstar. Foxstar is the cruel and terrible leader of SkyClan who constantly breaks the warrior code and is known for killing cats.
Now, let's get to the next chapter!


Sagepaw walks out of the medicine cat den. She had just helped Cloudheart gather some herbs.

"Sagepaw, I know you probably won't want to do this, but can you help me grab herbs? I found a large patch of catmint by the SkyClan border and I will need another mouth to help me carry some of them back. We need to be ready for the upcoming leaf-bare." Cloudheart said to her. "You were just right here and you didn't seem busy so I decided to ask you." She meowed.

"Oh, sure. It's no problem. I'm kind of bored right now anyways." Sagepaw had replied. Then, she went with Cloudheart to grab some catmint and she just returned. She turns her head to peek at the sight occurring outside the nursery.

"Froststar, you are trespassing on ShadowClan territory!" Toadkit meows with a bit of false aggression. Frostkit lifts his head up with pride.

"I know." Frostkit replies with a little smirk. "ShadowClan has always been weak. Your clan does not deserve to be at the lake. I, Froststar, Nettletail, and the rest of SkyClan will destroy ShadowClan!" He says with a purr.

"Weak? Well, I'll show you weak!" Toadkit replies with false aggression. Sagepaw watches as Toadkit crouches, does a little rear wiggle, and pounces on his littermate. Frostkit lets out a small squeal as he pushes Toadkit off of him with one of his hinds.

"I'll help you, Froststar!" Nettlekit meows, charging at her littermates.

"No!" Frostkit then meows and flops over. He lays on the ground, faking death.

"No, Froststar!" Nettlekit wails. She looks over at Toadkit, giving him a glare. "You will pay for this later!" She meows coldly. The she-kit then dashes away, pretending to return back to SkyClan territory. Sagepaw watches as Frostkit gets back up from the ground. She purrs at the cuteness of the three kits.

I hope I can have kits of my own someday. Sagepaw thinks. But, I know it's way too early to be even thinking about that. She thinks. On another note, I'm glad that Toadkit, Frostkit, and Nettlekit are lively now. She also thinks, thinking about their poor health condition a few moons ago. Much of the clan thought that the kits wouldn't make it, but look at them now. They're still small for their age, but they are growing quickly.

"That was fun!" Frostkit meows happily.

"Yeah! Once we become apprentices, we will stop Foxstar!" Nettlekit replies.

"Yeah! Down with the evil!" Toadkit cheers.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the high branch for a meeting!" Sagepaw suddenly hears Ashstar's voice call.

Hm, I wonder what this is for. Sagepaw thinks as she walks closer to the high branch.

"Three young kits have regained strength recently and are finally ready to become apprentices." Ashstar announces.

Oh, yay! They're finally going to be apprentices too! Sagepaw thinks.

Sagepaw watches as the three kits walk over to where the clan is gathered. Moonheart, Tigerstripe's littermate and the kits' mother, follows behind them. She sits down with the three kits.

"Toadkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Toadpaw. Your mentor will be Icewhisker. I hope Icewhisker will pass down all she knows on to you." Ashstar says, her icy gaze looking down at the kit, but then it shifts over to a white-furred warrior. "Icewhisker, you are ready to have another apprentice. You have shown yourself to be a strong and clever warrior. You will be the mentor of Toadpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him."

Toadpaw walks over to Icewhisker and touches noses with the warrior.

"Toadpaw! Toadpaw!" The clan cheers.

Then, Ashstar's gaze changes. Sagepaw watches as it shifts over to Frostkit.

"Frostkit, you have also reached the age of six moons, and it is also time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Frostpaw. Your mentor will be Smokefur. I hope Smokefur will pass down all she knows on to you." Ashstar says, her gaze shifts over to Smokefur. "Smokefur, you are ready to take on another apprentice. You have received excellent training from Beetlenose and you have shown yourself to be a determined and kind-hearted warrior. You will be the mentor of
Frostpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him."

Sagepaw watches as Frostpaw walks over to Smokefur. They touch noses and the clan cheers. "Frostpaw! Frostpaw!"

"Finally, Nettlekit, you have also reached the age of six moons, and it is also time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Nettlepaw. Your mentor will be Marshshade. I hope Marshshade will pass down all he knows on to you." Ashstar says, her gaze shifts over to the gray tom. "Marshshade, you are ready to take on your first apprentice. You have received excellent training from Fernpool, and you have shown yourself to be a skilled and clever warrior. You will be the mentor of Nettlepaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her."

Sagepaw watches as Nettlepaw dashes over to Marshshade. They then touch noses. "Nettlepaw! Nettlepaw!" The clan cheers.

"The clan meeting is now dismissed." Ashstar then meows, leaping down from the high branch.

Now we can have more fun with that training tradition. Sagepaw thinks.

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