Chapter 32

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Sagepool has been meeting up with Stonefoot every night for a moon now without being caught. Sagepool is very glad that they haven't been caught yet, but something has been bothering her the past few days.

Her belly has grown even though she hasn't overeaten and she's been feeling ill from time to time. This has been severely bothering Sagepool. She can't stop thinking about it.

Oh StarClan, what if I'm expecting kits? How am I supposed to hide my secret from the clans then?! I'm a medicine cat and medicine cats aren't supposed to have a mate or kits, especially with a cat from another clan Sagepool thinks, worrying like crazy. I need to talk to Stonefoot about this tonight.

Sagepool successfully sneaks out of camp yet again, padding in the forest towards the RiverClan border. She eventually makes it, but she doesn't dash over to Stonefoot like she usually does, which makes him worry about her.

"Sagepool, are you okay?" Stonefoot asks his mate, his voice full of concern.

"Not really." Sagepool answers honestly.

"What's the matter, love?" Stonefoot asks. They stand on the empty thunderpath together.

"Stonefoot, I might be expecting your kits." Sagepool replies.

"What makes you think that?" Stonefoot asks.

"Well, my belly has gotten bigger and I haven't overeaten. Plus, I haven't felt the greatest." Sagepool admits.

"Oh.." Stonefoot replies. "Then.. I'm afraid we're expecting kits. You have been getting a bit larger recently. I noticed it too, but I was afraid to bring it up. Some she-cats are sensitive about that stuff, you know." He meows.

"Oh StarClan, Stonefoot! What are we going to do?!" Sagepool meows, beginning to panic. Stonefoot places his nose against Sagepool's and wraps his tail around her.

"Calm down, Sagepool. We're going to find a way out of this." Stonefoot meows.

"No, we aren't! I'm going to be exiled if they find out, Stonefoot! I can't just simply hide the fact that I'm expecting kits or the kits themselves when they're born!" Sagepool replies. She lets out a small wail and buries her face into Stonefoot's chest.

"I bet you'll find a way. You're the smartest cat I know." Stonefoot replies. "You can just pretend that you're gaining weight while you're expecting. But, when the kits are born, if there's no way for you to take care of them in ShadowClan, then I'll take care of them in RiverClan. I can just say that they're some abandoned kits that I found and the whole clan will believe me. That's only if there's no queens that can take care of them in ShadowClan though. It will be easier for the both of us if they stay in ShadowClan since they will probably be born on ShadowClan soil." He explains. "Everything will be okay, I promise." He meows. Sagepool begins to calm down a little.

"Thank you for everything, Stonefoot. I love you a lot." Sagepool meows.

"I love you too." Stonefoot replies. "I love our kits already as well. If they have your smarts and my battle skills, they'll be unstoppable." He comments, which makes Sagepool purr a little from amusement.

The two cats spent time on the thunderpath together for a little bit, until it was time for them to separate.

"Goodbye, Sagepool. I wish you the best of luck with kit thing tomorrow. See you again tomorrow night, my love." Stonefoot meows.

"Goodbye and thank you! You shouldn't have made it so I'm expecting kits though!" Sagepool meows.

"It wasn't completely my fault! You were and still are completely in love with me!" Stonefoot replies. Sagepool lets out a purr of amusement before walking back to ShadowClan's camp.

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