Chapter 25

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"Bearclaw, I need to speak to you in private." Cloudheart says to him so suddenly. Bearclaw was just minding his own business after eating a skinny mouse when she came to him so urgently.

"Oh.. okay." Bearclaw simply replies.

"Okay, come inside the medicine cat den with me. Sagepool is out looking for herbs, so she won't be there." Cloudheart meows. Bearclaw just nods and follows the fluffy medicine cat into the medicine cat den.

"So, what is it that you need to speak to me about?" Bearclaw asks, starting to get curious about what it may be.

"I had a dream last night." Cloudheart meows. "I think it has to do with the prophecy, especially regarding you." She tells him.

"That's interesting.." Bearclaw replies. "Can you tell me more?" He asks her.

"In the dream, I was attacked by a bear using its claws. It was pretty terrifying, but after I woke up I thought to myself. Bear... Claws... Bearclaw!" Cloudheart meows. "I have no idea why everything is so clear but, you're the second cat in the prophecy! The prophecy is about you and Mistystorm!" She meows, obviously overreacting about the whole thing.

"Are you okay, Cloudheart?" Bearclaw asks with concern.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about the dream. It wasn't just me who was attacked by the bear, so the dream was horrifying." Cloudheart replies, taking a few deep breaths.

"Who else was attacked by the bear? Whoever it is, they must be important to you." Bearclaw meows.

"Oh, you don't know her. She joined StarClan long before you were born." Cloudheart meows. "My dream was both a nightmare and a sign put into one." She meows. "It makes me worry about her. You know that the spirits of cats can be killed too, right? Then, they would be completely wiped out from existence." She continues to ramble on.

"It's okay. I bet she's okay. It was just a nightmare." Bearclaw meows, trying to calm the medicine cat down.

"I'm sorry, Bearclaw. The dream just really bothered me." Cloudheart apologizes.

"No, it's okay. You have nothing to apologize for." Bearclaw meows. "Now, am I allowed to tell Mistystorm about this?" He asks. "Or Sagepool?"

"Only Mistystorm. We have to wait for the right time to tell Sagepool. I don't want her feelings to be hurt." Cloudheart replies.

"Okay." Bearclaw replies.

Poor Sagepool. I feel really bad about the fact that she's not a part of the prophecy. She was really excited about it. I would give my spot to her if I could, but I know she will shine without being a prophecy cat. She's that good. Bearclaw thinks.

"Thank you." Bearclaw then tells Cloudheart.

"Oh, you're welcome! Good luck! If you have any questions about the prophecy, I will try to see if I can answer. If I get any more signs about the prophecy, I will let you and Mistystorm know." Cloudheart replies.

"Okay!" Bearclaw meows, leaving the medicine cat den.

Now, I just have to wait for he right time to tell Mistystorm. Bearclaw thinks.

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