Chapter 17

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Bearclaw pads out of the warriors' den and into the snowy camp. Snow is falling from the sky, which gives Bearclaw a feeling of excitement despite the bitter cold.

"Hey Bearclaw!" He hears. He looks over in the direction of the voice and spots Cloudheart.

"Come into the medicine cat den with me. I need to speak to you and Sagepaw." She tells him.

"Oh, okay." Bearclaw replies.

I wonder what this is for. Bearclaw thinks. He then walks towards the medicine cat den, his paws crunching in the snow. He enters the den behind Cloudheart, seeing that Sagepaw is already there.

"What is it you want to talk to us about, Cloudheart?" Sagepaw asks her mentor.

"Please listen carefully because this is very important." Cloudheart tells them beforehand. The littermates nod in agreement.

"When the two of you were kits, I received a prophecy." Cloudheart meows. "Please take this very seriously because I was told this may determine the survival or downfall of the clans." She tells them. The two cats nod yet again.

"Now can you tell us what the prophecy said?" Bearclaw asks.

"Yes, I was about to get to that." Cloudheart replies. "The prophecy said that two small kits will grow into very strong cats, work together, and save all five clans from eventual doom." She meows. "Ever since I received the prophecy, I have believed that it's about the two of you." She says. "Especially since you're both grandkits of Addertooth." She adds.

"Wow, that's amazing.." Bearclaw meows. "I hope it's really us." He says. "It would be so cool to have that much power!" He meows excitedly.

"Calm down, Bearclaw. You should be careful not to tell anyone else about this, okay? Especially Mistystorm or the apprentices. You hear me?" Cloudheart meows.

"Yeah, I'll be careful." Bearclaw replies.

"Are you sure this about me? I don't think I'm very strong." Sagepaw asks.

"Yes. You are strong already, but you will get even stronger as time goes on and you become a full medicine cat." Cloudheart replies.

"Okay, if you say so, Cloudheart." Sagepaw replies.

"The two of you can go and do your own thing now. I just thought it was a good time to tell the two of you about this." Cloudheart meows.

"Thank you, Cloudheart." Bearclaw meows.

"Yeah, thank you." Sagepaw then meows.

"You're welcome." Cloudheart replies and then the two littermates leave the medicine cat den. Once they exit the den, Bearclaw and Sagepaw begin to talk about the prophecy to each other excitedly.

"Can you believe it?" Bearclaw meows. "If this is true, it would be so amazing!" He says.

"If what would be true?" Mistystorm asks the two littermates, approaching the two of them.

"Uh.." Bearclaw replies, giving Sagepaw a nervous gaze. Sagepaw gives him a nervous gaze back.

"If... there is more prey than usual this leaf-bare!" Bearclaw quickly attempts to save, but it doesn't work.

"The two of you are hiding something from me, aren't you?" Mistystorm asks the littermates, seeming a little upset.

"No, we aren't, really!" Sagepaw quickly replies.

"Are you sure?" Mistystorm asks them.

"Yes, we're sure! We aren't hiding anything from you." Bearclaw replies.

"Whatever you say, but I still don't believe what the two of you are saying. You're definitely hiding something from me, and I don't like that. We're supposed to be best friends and best friends share everything with each other." Mistystorm meows, feeling betrayed.

"I'm sorry, Mistystorm.." Bearclaw meows.

"Yeah, we're very sorry." Sagepaw meows. "Is there anything we can do to make it up to you?" She asks.

"Maybe tell me what you're hiding from me?" Mistystorm suggests. Bearclaw lets out a deep sigh.

"Fine, let's go out of camp to tell you this though." Bearclaw gives in. Then, the three cats exit ShadowClan's camp and out into the rest of the snowy territory. Once they've walked far enough from camp, the three cats stop walking in the middle of the dense forest.

"Cloudheart told us about a prophecy and she thinks it's about the two of us." Sagepaw reveals to Mistystorm.

"Oh wow.." Mistystorm replies. "That's amazing and I'm happy for the two of you if the prophecy is about the two of you." She meows, despite the fact that she seemed pretty disappointed to Bearclaw.

Does she wish she's a part of the prophecy too?  She's seems upset... Bearclaw thinks.

"That's it, so let's head back to camp." Bearclaw meows. The three cats then walk back to camp together with the prophecy on each of their minds.

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