Chapter 37

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Sagepool was sleeping peacefully in her nest when she feels a big nudge hit her shoulder. The silver tabby opens her eyes to spot Ivyleaf looking down at her, her eyes wide.

"Sagepool... I think I'm about to have my kits. How about you?" Ivyleaf asks, her eyes wide.

"Why in StarClan did you leave the nursery?" Sagepool asks quietly, trying her best not to awaken Cloudheart.

"I wanted to check in you, since I am going to pretend your kits are mine after all." Ivyleaf replies.

"I think I'm fine." Sagepool replies, slowing beginning to get up out of her nest. Then, that's when she feels a very sharp pain in her belly. She tries her best not to let out a sound. "Nevermind, I'm not fine. Mine must be coming to. Let's sneak out of camp, quickly." Sagepool meows. Then, the two she-cats who are luckily in labor at the same time sneak out of ShadowClan's camp together.

They walk towards the spot where they shared their secrets together. Eventually making it without having to stop due to the pain. The two she-cats then lay down, trying to make themselves comfortable on the wet forest ground. As they give birth, the two she-cats do not keep their eyes off each other and say a few encouraging words to each other.

"You can do it, Ivyleaf. You're the strongest she-cat I know! I'm sorry Mistystorm." Sagepool meows, despite being in pain. Soon, Ivyleaf gives birth to her kits first. There are two kits.

"Come on Sagepool, if I can do it, so can you!" Ivyleaf cheers. Not long after, Sagepool gives birth to three beautiful kits.

"Five kits are a lot for one she-cat to have in one litter, but I don't think it's impossible. We can pull this off." Ivyleaf meows. The two she-cats begin to nurse their newborn kits.

"So, what are you naming yours?" Ivyleaf asks Sagepool.

"I'm thinking about naming the dark gray tom-kit with a little bit of brown on him Owlkit since his fur reminds me of an owl's feathers." Sagepool replies. "I think Fawnkit fits the dark brown tabby she-kit because she reminds me of a little fawn. Also, Cinderkit would be a good name for the silver tabby. She looks so much like me." Sagepool meows. "How about yours, Ivyleaf?" She asks, still exhausted from giving birth.

"I'm think about naming she ginger she-kit Amberkit because of her fur and the black she-kit Blackkit also because of her fur." Ivyleaf replies.

"No." Sagepool replies.

"What?" Ivyleaf asks, a little confused.

"Don't name her Blackkit. That would make things too obvious. Choose a different name that goes along with her fur." Sagepool advises.

"Okay, fine. That makes sense." Ivyleaf replies. "Ravenkit then." She meows.

"That's much better." Sagepool replies.

"Should we head back to camp?" Ivyleaf asks the silver tabby.

"Yes, we shouldn't be out here for too long. Cats should be waking up for the dawn patrol soon." Sagepool meows. Then, Sagepool grabs her three kits by the scruff at the same time. They let out little squeaks and Sagepool can't help but feel warm inside.

Stonefoot, don't worry about our kits, they will be in good care. Sagepool thinks. He would probably want to see them.. She thinks. She watches as Ivyleaf picks up her two kits by the scruff.

"Let's go." Ivyleaf meows. Then, the two cats walk back to camp together, happily carrying the newborn kits.

When they get back to camp, most of the clan was already awake. They are in shock to see Sagepool and Ivyleaf walk into camp with five kits. Sagepool takes this quick opportunity to explain, gently putting her kits down, being careful not to harm their fragile bodies.

"I went out looking for herbs early this morning and Ivyleaf said she had trouble sleeping and asked if she could come with me. I said she could, but while we were away from camp, Ivyleaf surprisingly gave birth to five kits. She was very lucky I was there to help her give birth. Congratulations to her and Frostpath. She also gave them names while we were outside of camp." Sagepool explains.

"The dark gray tom-kit is Owlkit, the dark brown tabby she-kit is Fawnkit, the silver tabby she-kit is Cinderkit, the ginger she-kit is Amberkit, and the black she-kit is Ravenkit." Ivyleaf explains with a muffled voice. The clan congratulates Ivyleaf and Frostpath walks over and greets the five kits happily, going along with the plan. Sagepool sits on the side and watches the kits with a purr.

I'm sorry you will never know your real parents, but I know for sure Ivyleaf and Frostpath will take good care of the three of you. I can't wait to watch all five of you to grow into strong warriors. Sagepool thinks.

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