Chapter 15

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A/N: Sorry for a shorter chapter! This is all I had planned for this chapter. Hopefully next chapter will make up for it.

Mistypaw wakes up from her slumber. She looks around at the other cats in the apprentice den and sees both Nettlepaw and Bearpaw missing. They were chosen to be on dawn patrol, so that's probably what they're doing. However, Mistypaw couldn't help but start to worry.

What if they get attacked too and their opponents are much stronger? Mistypaw worries. I don't want Bearpaw to get hurt or even die. She thinks.

The worried gray she-cat gets up out of her nest and stretches her legs. Then, she heads over to the entrance of the camp, waiting impatiently for the dawn patrol to return.

Why am I so worried about Bearpaw? Mistypaw asks herself. He's just a friend and adoptive littermate. Plus, he can defend himself very well if they are attacked. She thinks. What if my feelings for him are.. more than that? She thinks.

"Hey Mistypaw, what are you doing?" Mistypaw hears a familiar voice ask her. She turns her head to see Sagepaw standing by her. "Are you waiting for Bearpaw to get back?" She asks her.

"I am." Mistypaw replies.

"You never did this before. Are you worried about him?" Sagepaw then asks.

"You ask too many questions." Mistypaw meows in response.

"I'm assuming that you are worried about him. You got into a battle while on dawn patrol the day before, so you're worried he will too." Sagepaw meows.

"How do you know?" Mistypaw asks Sagepaw, her eyes widening a little.

"It's just an assumption." Sagepaw replies, beginning to walk away. "I should go over to Cloudheart now. See you later." She meows, walking off. Mistypaw sighs and continues to wait impatiently. Not that long after, the patrol finally returns after what felt like an eternity to Mistypaw. Mistypaw rushes over to Bearpaw.

"Hey! I'm glad you're okay!" Mistypaw says happily, since the patrol seems like they weren't in a battle.

"Woah, are you okay, Mistypaw?" Bearpaw asks. "You usually aren't like this." He meows.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just.. a little worried." Mistypaw admits.

"A little? You've been waiting at the camp entrance ever since you woke up!" Mistypaw hears Toadpaw claim from behind her. Mistypaw turns her head and gives Toadpaw a glare.

"Okay, okay, sorry." Toadpaw replies, lowing his head.

"Why were you watching me?" Mistypaw asks the other apprentice.

"I don't know, I was curious." Toadpaw replies. Mistypaw turns her head back to Bearpaw.

"Well, thank you for worrying about me, I guess." Bearpaw meows.

"I couldn't help but do so. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." Mistypaw meows.

"Cute." Toadpaw then comments.

"Do you want to die?" Mistypaw says and turns back to Toadpaw.

"N-No." Toadpaw replies.

"Good." Mistypaw meows, turning back to Bearpaw. Toadpaw has seemingly gained a bit of a fear of Mistypaw, which she has been using to her advantage.

"Mistypaw." She hears a voice say. She looks and spots Applebranch. "Let's go train a little bit, okay? We need to focus a bit more on your battle skills." He meows.

"Okay." Mistypaw meows. She looks back at the other two apprentices. "I have to go. See you two later." She meows. Her and Applebranch then headed out of ShadowClan's camp and out into the territory.

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