Chapter 36

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Luckily for the clans, a moon has passed with no battles against SkyClan and the rogues. During this time, ShadowClan has gained two new warriors, named Doveflight and Sootwhisker.

Even though things may seem perfectly fine for ShadowClan, Mistystorm and Bearclaw just gained information about Blacktail and Foxstar's evil plan to unite the clans under their rule. The two warriors hid underneath a bush and listening on to their plan. Mistystorm finally knows what the prophecy meant.

We will change the fate of the clans by spying on Foxstar and Blacktail and stopping their plans. We did not have to do much effort either, like we were worried. Everything came to us naturally, as if it was fate. Mistystorm thinks. The two sinister toms had just headed back to SkyClan's camp. Mistystorm quickly looks over to Bearclaw.

"We have to tell Ashstar about this now." She meows to her mate, the fur on her back sticking up a bit. The tom's green eyes are wide.

"Yes, let's go." Bearclaw replies. Then, the two cats dash towards ShadowClan's camp together. However, Mistystorm begins to lose her breath. Bearclaw stops himself and goes over to his mate.

"Are you okay, Mistystorm?" He asks her with strong concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine, let's keep going." Mistystorm replies.

"Sure, but we are walking the rest of the way. Do you feel sick? This isn't normal of you." Bearclaw meows.

"No, I feel fine. I think I just moved too quick and did not breathe correctly. It must be due to my fear after hearing Blacktail and Foxstar's plan." Mistystorm replies.

"Okay, let's walk now." Bearclaw meows, beginning to walk alongside Mistystorm.

Very soon, the two young warriors returned back to camp. They quickly head over to Ashstar's den, heading inside. Once they walk in, they hear a welcoming meow from Ashstar.

"Hello, you two. What's going on?" Ashstar asks.

"We heard Foxstar and Blacktail's plan to take over the clans." Mistystorm explains.

"They're going to have a surprise attack at the next gathering while it's going on!" Bearclaw tells his leader.

"Oh StarClan... thank you two so much. The clans would be in danger without you. Before the attack at the next gathering, I will make sure to inform the other leaders and to bring our strongest warriors to this gathering. You two might've just saved the clans. You might've changed our horrible fate to a good one." Ashstar explains.

"You're welcome, Ashstar. We are very honored to be a part of this." Mistystorm replies, while Bearclaw nods, agreeing with his mate's words.

"Now, you two can go on. I will make sure to inform the rest of the clan." Ashstar meows.

"Thank you, Ashstar." Bearclaw and Mistystorm meow in unison. Then, the two young warriors leave the leader's den.

"I can't believe what Foxstar and Blacktail are planning to do... that's just pure evil." Mistystorm meows.

"Yeah.. but imagine the look on their faces once they realize that we were prepared for their surprise attack. It will be like when they attacked us before, but even funnier since it was their master plan." Bearclaw replies. "We should tell Sagepool about this!" He meows.

"Yeah!" Mistystorm replies. The two cats then head over to the medicine cat den, walking inside to find Bearclaw's littermate, who has seemingly gained quite some weight.

"Hey Sagepool!" Bearclaw meows happily.

"Oh, hey." Sagepool replies, looking over at her brother and his mate.

"SkyClan and the rogues are planning to attack at the gathering." Bearclaw meows.

"Yep." Mistystorm meows. "Also, when are you planning on losing some of that weight? You look like some of the kittypets I knew as a kit."

"Soon. I've been working on it. I guess that's what happens when you overeat and the only exercise you get is when you are looking for some herbs." Sagepool replies.

"That's good to hear." Bearclaw meows. "Anyways, talk to you later!" He meows happily. "Let's go, Mistystorm."

Then, the two mates leave the medicine cat den.

Foxstar and Blacktail will be stopped. Mistystorm thinks.

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