Chapter 35

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It has been a few days after the battle with SkyClan and the rogues. The past few days, Sagepool has been tending to wounds. But, her mind hasn't been on the battle wounds at all. Her mind has been focused on the kits inside of her. She has been wondering what she's going to do. It's been troubling her ever since she found out. She's been eating more so it just seems like she's been gaining weight, despite the fact that she has felt ill from time to time. So far, the rest of the clan has fallen for her trick. She has faith that no one will figure out while she's expecting, but she has no idea what she's going to do once the kits are born. She walks out of the medicine cat den, enjoying the warmer air. There is no other cat really close to her. Until, Ivyleaf approaches her.

"Sagepool." Ivyleaf meows.

"What is it, Ivyleaf?" Sagepool asks the ginger warrior. "Are you feeling ill?" She asks. Ivyleaf shakes her head in response.

"I want to speak to you in private. Most likely outside of camp, where no one can hear us." Ivyleaf meows quietly. A shiver runs down Sagepool's spine.

Oh no, has she found out? Sagepool thinks, feeling ill. If she has... I'm in big trouble. She has always been a strict follower of the warrior code. She thinks.

"Oh, sure. Let's go." Sagepool replies calmly, despite feeling nervous on the inside. Then, the two she-cat walk out of camp together, heading to a dense part of the forest in ShadowClan's territory. Once they arrive, the expression on Ivyleaf's face changes to one Sagepool has never seen before. Instead of a serious and calm face, it is one of worry.

"What's wrong, Ivyleaf?" Sagepool replies. Then, Ivyleaf's expression goes back to her cold one.

"I have a secret, but I will only share mine if you share your own." Ivyleaf replies, looking at Sagepool's belly. Sagepool gulps nervously.

Oh, mouse-dung! She knows! Sagepool thinks.

"H-How did you know...?" Sagepool replies nervously.

"Any cat as smart as me can tell that you're expecting kits. So, who's the lucky tom?" Ivyleaf asks with a small purr.

Oh wow, I haven't seen this side of Ivyleaf before. Sagepool replies.

"Stonefoot. A RiverClan warrior." Sagepool replies honestly with a frightened tone.

"Ooh, interesting. Three rules broken at once. So you two have been meeting in secret?" Ivyleaf asks the silver tabby. Sagepool nods in response.

"Nice job keeping yourself hidden. No cat suspects a thing. You're clever." Ivyleaf compliments.

"T-Thank you.." Sagepool replies, still nervous. "What's your secret, Ivyleaf?" She asks the ginger she-cat.

"Oh StarClan, if you thought your secret was interesting, hear mine. I, too, am expecting kits." Ivyleaf announces.

Wow! I couldn't tell! Sagepool replies.

"And, what's the interesting part? The father?" Sagepool asks. Ivyleaf nods, looking away with a bit of shame in her eyes.

"Who is he? Tell me, Ivyleaf." Sagepool replies curiously.

"Sagepool, Blacktail is the father." Ivyleaf replies with a disappointed tone.

"Oh, poor you." Sagepool replies. "Poor kits too." She quickly adds. "So, you two have been meeting in secret too?" She asks the ginger warrior. She replies with a nod.

"Oh wow... how did that happen? He murdered your littermate, didn't he?!" Sagepool asks. Ivyleaf nods.

"We were mates before the event, actually. Even after her killed our clanmates and got exiled, my heart couldn't stop myself from loving him. I will always think of him as the sweet tom I knew before." Ivyleaf replies.

"I'm... shocked." Sagepool replies. "Blacktail was never sweet for as long as I've known him." She adds.

"Well, he was sweet to me. He was someone I thought was just like me. But, he became sinister and evil.." Ivyleaf replies.

"I'm so sorry, Ivyleaf." Sagepool replies. "On another note, how are you doing?" She asks, going into full medicine cat mode. She looks over and notices Ivyleaf's expanded belly. To Sagepool, she seems to be just as far along as she is.

"I'm good physically. But emotionally? I'm not good." Ivyleaf replies.

"That's understandable." Sagepool replies. 

"I promise to keep your secret. But, do you promise to keep mine?" Ivyleaf asks the medicine cat.

"I promise." Sagepool replies.

"Okay, good. The thing I wanted to ask about is that I would gladly take in your kits once they are born. I talked to the nicest tom in the clan, Frostpath, and he agreed to pretend to be the father of my kits despite being kin. I promise that your kits will be healthy under my care once they are born and your secret is safe with me." Ivyleaf suggests.

"Oh StarClan, that's perfect. Frostpath really is the nicest tom in the clan. Thank you so much, Ivyleaf. My words can't express how grateful I am for this. I've been worrying about it ever since I found out." Sagepool replies, purring from happiness.

"You're welcome." Ivyleaf replies, purring as well. "Our kits will know each other as littermates." She meows happily. "Should we head back to camp now that this is settled?" Ivyleaf asks the silver tabby.

"Sure." Sagepool replies. Then, the two pregnant she-cats walk back to ShadowClan's camp together.

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