Chapter 14

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Mistypaw wakes up just in time, right before dawn. Applebranch and her were chosen to go on the dawn patrol, so she was hoping she wouldn't sleep in too late. She ended up waking up at the right time. The gray she-cat walks out of the apprentice den, looking around for the leader of the patrol, Tigerstripe, or Applebranch. Then, she spots Tigerstripe standing near the camp entrance. She pads over to him.

"Hello Mistypaw. Did you sleep well?" Tigerstripe asks her.

"Yeah." Mistypaw replies.

"Good." Tigerstripe meows. The two cats are sort of distant despite the fact that Tigerstripe is technically her adoptive father, but Mistypaw can tell that he cares about her.

Soon, everyone else, including Applebranch, has gathered up together at the camp entrance. The cats on the patrol are Tigerstripe, Applebranch, and Mistypaw of course, along with Thornpelt, Smokefur and her apprentice Frostpaw, and Ivyleaf and her apprentice Nettlepaw.

"Let's go." Tigerstripe then meows, starting to walk off towards the SkyClan border. They were told by Ashstar to check the SkyClan border specifically due to how sketchy they have been acting lately. The patrol walks off towards the SkyClan border together with Tigerstripe leading the way.

"I have an odd feeling about this." Mistypaw admits as the patrol pads through the forest.

"Don't worry, Mistypaw." Mistypaw then hears Smokefur reply. "Everything will be perfectly fine!" She says happily.

"Are you sure?" Mistypaw asks the older warrior.

"Yes. SkyClan can't mess with us!" Smokefur meows confidently.

"Thank you, Smokefur." Mistypaw replies.

"You're welcome! Just try to look on the bright side more often." Smokefur advises. Mistypaw responds with a nod. Soon, the patrol reached the SkyClan border.

"Hey, I think I've found SkyClan scent in our territory." Thornpelt meows.

"You sure did." Mistypaw then hears an unfamiliar voice meow. She turns her head to see an entire SkyClan patrol in ShadowClan's territory.

"What are you doing here?! This is our territory!" Tigerstripe meows, beginning to growl.

"Not anymore. This belongs to SkyClan now." A dark brown tom replies.

"This side of the twoleg path is and always will be ShadowClan territory!" Applebranch hisses, stepping in.

"Foxstar wants it, so it's ours now." The dark brown tom meows. "If you want it, you have to fight for it." He tells the ShadowClan patrol.

"Okay then! If that's what it takes to protect our territory, then bring it on!" Tigerstripe hisses.

"Alright, you asked for it!" The dark brown tom meows. "SkyClan, attack!" He yowls. Mistypaw watches in terror as SkyClan cats begin to lunge for her clanmates. She is frozen in shock.

This is my first real battle! What do I do?! Mistypaw thinks, panicking on the inside. Then, she feels a heavy weight slam into her and she hits the ground. That's when she snaps back into reality. She looks up and sees a black tom pinning her down. He seems to be not much older than Mistypaw. She assumes that the tom is an apprentice just like her.

Remember your training, remember your training. Mistypaw thinks. Then, she lifts up one of her hinds and uses it to shove the black tom off herself, which is a success. The force of her shove throws the tom right off her. That's when Mistypaw realizes that the tom is not in good shape.

He's very skinny.. Mistypaw thinks. A little bit of guilt hits her, but she remembers what she has to do and continues to fight the black tom. She leaps for the black tom and successfully tackles him down. She then uses her claws to leave a small scratch on the tom's belly. He lets out a small yowl due to the pain.

"Get off of me please." The black tom then meows.

"Why would I get off of you? You're trying to take away our territory!" Mistypaw replies.

"No, get off of me because I give in. I surrender." The black tom replies.

"After only one scratch?" Mistypaw asks.

"Stop questioning me and just get off!" The black tom meows with frustration. Mistypaw lets out a sigh and gets off of the black tom.

"Thank you." The black tom replies and quickly dashes off back to his own side of the twoleg path. Mistypaw takes this moment to look around at what is going on around her. But, all she sees is her clanmates with barely any wounds.

"That was easy. They're so weak right now. I had no idea why they thought they had a chance." Thornpelt meows.

"We need to remark our territory and then head back to camp. We have to tell Ashstar what happened." Tigerstripe meows. The other cats in the patrol nod in response and they work together to remark the territory with SkyClan's scent.

"Now, let's head back to camp." Tigerstripe meows. The patrol walks back to camp together with Tigerstripe leading the way. Soon, they get back.

"What happened?" Is what many of their clanmates asks once they got back to camp. They had very few wounds, but it was enough that it was noticeable.

"We found SkyClan cats on our side of the border and they attacked us." Tigerstripe explains to the clan. "We easily fought them off though, so everything is okay. No cat is badly wounded." He meows. "They were very weak and seemed to be on the verge of starvation." He adds.

"Thank you for telling us this, Tigerstripe." Ashstar then meows. "Each of you must have fought well, good job." She says. "We need to be more careful whenever we're around the SkyClan border from now on." She meows. Many of the ShadowClan cats nod in response to what their leader said.

"Wow, you were in your first real battle!" Bearpaw meows once he walks up to Mistypaw. "I'm glad you're okay." He says.

"Thank you, Bearpaw." Mistypaw replies.

"If any cat has any injuries they need to be checked, you can come over here in the medicine cat den." Mistypaw hears Cloudheart meow.

I don't even have a scratch, so I think I'm okay. Mistypaw thinks.

"I wish I was on the patrol." Bearpaw then meows. "I want to get into my first real battle." He meows.

"Be careful what you wish for, Bearpaw." Mistypaw replies.

"No, I just want an easy battle like you had." Bearpaw meows. "If I was on the patrol, SkyClan wouldn't dare to come on ShadowClan territory again!" He claims.

"Yeah because you are so terrible they will leave because any cat can win against you! It wouldn't be a challenge!" Toadpaw meows from a distance.

"Let me live, Toadpaw." Bearpaw replies. Mistypaw purrs from amusement.

The fact that Bearpaw is actually the best at battling out of all of the apprentices makes this even funnier. Mistypaw thinks.

"Can you believe him? He's always messing with me." Bearpaw meows.

"He says all of the things I keep in my head." Mistypaw replies. "I guess it's just his way of showing his friendship to you." She adds. Bearpaw nods in response. Then, the apprentices relax, relying on the sun from warmth during this bitter leaf-bare.

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