Chapter 10

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It is the day after the tragic murders of Mousetuft, Fernpool, and Marshshade. Many cats, including Sagepaw and Mistypaw, have reported Blacktail as the most likely murder suspect. Mistypaw is sitting down in camp, not keeping her mind off of what happened the previous night, when she heard Ashstar's voice.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the high branch for a meeting!" She hears her say. Then, the clan gathers beneath the high branch, including Blacktail. Mistypaw gives Blacktail a cold stare. All of the apprentices are very sure that it was Blacktail who murdered their three clanmates. They had discussed it earlier, and she realized that Sagepaw, Bearpaw, and Frostpaw had all seen the hidden blood on Blacktail's paws and his emotionless stare. But, what really bothers Mistypaw is not the fact that he did it, but why he did it. There was no good reason for him to kill his own clanmates. They did nothing to harm him.

"Last night, we all woke up to the tragic deaths of Mousetuft, Fernpool, and Marshshade." Ashstar meows. Mistypaw can see the pain in the gray leader's eyes.

Marshshade was Ashstar's kit and I'm pretty sure Smokefur told me that Ashstar's mentor was Mousetuft when I asked her. I was curious about who mentored such a great leader. It's a shame that we lost three wonderful warriors. On top of that, Fernpool and Swiftfang are littermates. Did Blacktail purposely target cats who are special to our leader and deputy? Mistypaw thinks.

"Ashstar has lost so much." Mistypaw overhears Icewhisker whisper to Daisybloom.

"Yeah, she has." Daisybloom whispers back.

"She lost Ivycloud, Marshpaw, Addertooth, Frogleap, and now Mousetuft and Marshshade. Now Applebranch and Ivyleaf are all she has.." Icewhisker whispers to the younger cat.

"I just can't believe Blacktail would do such a thing.." Daisybloom whispers back. "Maybe things would've been different if Luckyspirit was still here.." She whispers.

I don't even know most of these cats. Mistypaw thinks. I've heard about Addertooth though. The clan likes to tell kits stories about him.

"We have all been wondering who did such a terrible thing. I received many reports about one cat in particular who didn't really seem to try too hard to hide his crime. There was even a warrior who watched his crime play out." Ashstar meows. Mistypaw watches as the leader's gaze glares coldly directly at Blacktail.

"Blacktail, you committed a terrible crime. With many witnesses, you have been proven to be the murderer of your own clanmates. You are a truly evil cat and I am ashamed that you would even think about doing such a thing. Killing your own clanmates is something that is unforgivable in my eyes. Blacktail, because of this, you are now exiled from ShadowClan. Leave ShadowClan's territory and never come back again." Ashstar meows angrily with a hiss.  Mistypaw hears Blacktail let out a huff.

"Fine then, I didn't care about whether or not I got caught anyways." Blacktail speaks up. "ShadowClan and the rest of the clans are bound to crumble into pieces anyways." He meows.

"Stop talking and leave." Mistypaw hears Ashstar says coldly. At that moment, Blacktail dashes out of ShadowClan's camp. As he runs past, yowls of anger, betrayal, and hatred come from the clan. Once he is out of sight, Ashstar speaks up again.

"The clan meeting is now dismissed." She says, leaping down from the high branch.


Sagepaw walks over to Ashstar once the leader leaps off of the high branch.

"Ashstar, may I speak with you again for a moment, in your den?" Sagepaw asks her.

"Sure, let's go." Ashstar replies and begins to walk to her den. Sagepaw follows behind her. Soon, they enter Ashstar's den.

"So, what is it that you want to talk to me about?" Ashstar asks Sagepaw.

"Um.." Sagepaw replies. "Last night, I had a dream. A StarClan cat named Acornfall told me that I'm destined to become a medicine cat." She reveals.

"Oh, that's interesting. I've always gotten a medicine cat vibe from you." Ashstar replies.

"Really?" Sagepaw asks. "How did you tell?"

"I just got that feeling from you. I don't know if it's your demeanor or what." Ashstar replies, purring a little at the apprentice. Sagepaw begins to purr as well. "How about you go get Cloudheart? We need to make sure she is included in this." She then says. Sagepaw nods and dashes out the den and towards the medicine cat den, where she assumes Cloudheart must be. When she stepped in, she spotted Cloudheart looking at her herb supply. The fluffy white she-cat then turns her head at the sound of Sagepaw's entrance.

"Hey Sagepaw. What's up? Are you hurt? Feeling ill?" Cloudheart quickly says.

I guess I'm really not the only one who asks too many questions. Sagepaw thinks.

"Can you head to Ashstar's den with me? She wants to speak to you." Sagepaw replies.

"Okay." Cloudheart replies. Then, the two cats walks over to the leader's den together. Once they enter, Ashstar was just like she was when Sagepaw left.

"Cloudheart, make sure you listen because this is very important." Ashstar meows. "Tell her, Sagepaw." She then says, looking over at the silver tabby apprentice.

"Last night, I had a dream. In the dream, a StarClan cat named Acornfall told me that I'm destined to become a medicine cat." Sagepaw reveals. Cloudheart's eyes widen at the news.

"Oh! That's wonderful!" Cloudheart meows happily. "So, are you going to follow your destiny and become my apprentice?" She asks. Sagepaw replies simply with a nod.

"There's really no other choice. It's my destiny." Sagepaw meows.

And my warrior mentor was just murdered for StarClan's sake. Sagepaw thinks.

"Yay! I was waiting for the time I'll have an apprentice!" Cloudheart says happily, brushing against the young apprentice. The two cats touch noses and purr.

"I'll go make an announcement to the rest of the clan." Ashstar meows, exiting her den. Cloudheart and Sagepaw follow not far behind. Sagepaw watches as the gray leader leaps onto the high branch yet again.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the high branch for a meeting!" Ashstar calls out again. Sagepaw could hear a few groans coming from her clanmates as they gather around the high branch.

"Lighten up, ShadowClan!" Ashstar meows with a purr of amusement. "We need a bit more enthusiasm!" She says.

She just lost her mentor and her kit and she's still staying strong. I know she's going through a lot of pain inside though. She has to stay strong for her clan. Sagepaw thinks.

"Today, I was given some exciting news." Ashstar meows. "One of our young apprentices, Sagepaw, has decided to become Cloudheart's apprentice." She announces. A few gasps can be heard from the clan as Sagepaw notices that the entire clan is staring at her. Her gaze shifts over to Bearpaw and Mistypaw, who are sitting together. They seem to be the most shocked, especially Bearpaw.

Bearpaw's eyes are wider than the sun! Sagepaw thinks. She then walks over to Cloudheart and they touch noses again.

"The clan meeting is now dismissed." Ashstar meows, leaping down from the high branch.

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