Chapter 28

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Sagepool sneaks out of ShadowClan's camp in the darkness of the night. The dim light of the almost full moon illuminates the night sky. She quietly pads over towards the RiverClan border, meeting up again with Stonefoot as the two of them have planned. Eventually, she arrives. She spots Stonefoot, who is already there at the other side of the thunderpath. Her walking quickens up to a dash as she gets closer to the border.

"Hey, Sagepaw! How are you?" Stonefoot meows once Sagepool comes close.

"I'm Sagepool now." Sagepool replies. "I'm a full medicine cat." She meows.

"Congratulations! You deserve it. Your name is pretty too." Stonefoot responds happily.

"Thank you." Sagepool replies. "How's your life as a RiverClan warrior?" She asks.

"Okay, I guess." Stonefoot replies.

"You guess?" Sagepool meows, tilting her head. "What's wrong?" She asks.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just get a lot of pressure from my clanmates, being the great Cloverstar's only warrior kit, you know?" Stonefoot replies. "I always feel like I need to fulfill my clan's expectations of me." He meows.

"Well, you don't have to fulfill their expectations. Stand up for yourself." Sagepool replies. "Make it known that you aren't perfect and you have, like every cat has, flaws." She meows.

"Thank you, Sagepool. I really appreciate your words." Stonefoot replies. "I just need to let them know that I'm not like my father." He meows.

"Yeah." Sagepool meows.

"Anyways, want to go swimming again?" Stonefoot suggests happily.

"No. Thank you." Sagepool replies.

"Come on, it's fun!" Stonefoot meows, trying to convince Sagepool.

"Or.. we can go to the island. I've never been there without all the clans being there. It will be just the two of us." Sagepool suggests.

"That sounds like fun, actually. We should do something new every time we meet up." Stonefoot meows. "We need to be careful when we cross the log bridge though." He meows. Sagepool nods in response. "Also, are you sure you can go? The log bridge is in RiverClan territory, remember?" He asks.

"Yeah, but the gathering is tomorrow. The other clans will be on RiverClan territory. My scent won't be caught since the clans will walk on RiverClan territory anyways." Sagepool meows.

"Okay, you have a point. I still hope you don't get caught though." Stonefoot meows.

"Don't worry about it. Let's go!" Sagepool meows happily, dashing acrosss the empty thunderpath, heading towards the log bridge. Stonefoot chases after her, making sure to follow exactly where she goes to try to mask her scent with his own. Soon, the two friends make it to the log bridge.

"She-cats first." Stonefoot comments once they get there. Sagepool gets onto the log bridge and carefully and slowly crosses it. Stonefoot follows close behind her. Soon, they both make it to the island.

"We're here!" Stonefoot meows excitedly. The two cats walk around the island, enjoying the beauty of it without all of the other cats there.

"I've never really got to appreciate the beauty of this place since it's always filled with cats whenever I go." Sagepool meows.

"Me neither." Stonefoot replies. Soon, the two cats find a clearing, which is where the gatherings usually take place. The two cats lay down underneath the moon's light and begin to share tongues with each other.

"Your fur is really beautiful." Stonefoot meows as he grooms her.

"I like yours too. It's dark, but it's still brown." Sagepool meows in between licks. She begins to feel her pelt getting hot.

Do I like Stonefoot as more than a friend? Sagepool thinks. I'm afraid I do.. and it seems like he might feel the same way.

"I'm glad we can spend time together like this. I really enjoy your company." Stonefoot meows.

"Me too." Sagepool replies. Stonefoot stops grooming her and rests his chin on her flank. Sagepool can feel her pelt getting ever hotter.

"You're warm." Stonefoot comments. "It's chilly tonight, so you're really warming me up." He meows.

"You are too." Sagepool replies.

"I could fall asleep like this, but I know I shouldn't. We can't stay together like this for long." Stonefoot meows.

"Yeah, sadly." Sagepool replies. The two cats relax together underneath the silver light of the moon. Until, sadly, it was time for them to split apart.

"We should head back." Stonefoot meows.

"Yeah, you're right. It won't be much longer until dawn." Sagepool replies. The two cats then get up off the ground. They cross the log bridge again, with Sagepool leading the way. Stonefoot walks with Sagepool back to the border, trailing behind her to try to mask her scent. Once they get back to the thunderpath, they say their goodbyes.

"Goodbye, Sagepool. I enjoyed my time with you tonight. Do you want to meet up again the night after the gathering?" Stonefoot asks.

"Sure, I'd love to." Sagepool replies. "Goodbye!" She meows.

"Goodbye." Stonefoot meows again. Then, the two cats go their separate ways.

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