The Story

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Lucy's POV
"I cheerfully walked into the guild, it was a sunny day, a perfect day, a perfect day for everything to go downhill."

"It's been months since the Grand Magic Games, and Fairy Tail came in dead last. Well dead last considering it was Saber tooth versus us in the end."

"Our hopes had been high, our best mages were on the battlefield with Fairy Tail in the lead. But hope.. you can never rely on it."

"Our mages were beaten. Bruised. Shamed. After fighting so hard, enemy after enemy, we lost. Sting had come out and done the unexpected, taking down Erza... Grey... Juvia... Gajeel... even Laxus..."

"And with those points he had earned, Saber Tooth had won... One point. That one point. Was all it took to snatch the winning spot right under from our noses."

"And they all blame me, naturally. I was the weakest out there, I was so lame... so weak. If only I had beaten Flare... or Minerva... the strongest guild in Fiore would've been us but I was too weak."

"And day after day after day my guild reminded me of that. They shamed me worse than anyone we've ever beat. And they wanted me gone. From their guild, their home, their lives. And so I complied."

"I doubt they have yet to even notice, why would they? If I remember correctly though.. Mas-- Makarov is supposed to be handing my letters out soon! My.. final goodbyes to them."

"Oh.. how I wish I could see their faces."

I opened my eyes and was met with the tearful eyes of four mages.

"G-guys! I didn't think the story was that sad! Please stop crying.." I begged. They had asked her to tell them her story, they just didn't expect it to be so sad.

"How can we not cry Celeste? That story was too sad!" A boy cried in front of her. Lucy smiled, or rather Celeste smiled, since that was the name she was now going by. "We should kick Fairy Tail's butts for torturing you!" He cried.

"Yeah!" The other three yelled enthusiastically.

"Gale! James! Sapphy! Ian!" Lucy laughed at her friends, "I assure you, I'm over them. Have been for about.." She counted on her fingers, "two years now." I pointed out.

"But Celesteeeee!" Sapphy cried, she was probably the most emotional person Lucy knew. "H-how could they j-just kick you out like that! You're so strong and-- and cool!" Sapphy said.

"I may be strong and cool now Sapphy, but I wasn't always like this.. I used to be pretty weak. Weaker than most my guild actually.." I frowned.

"Ahh! Good going you idiot you made Celeste upset! Now she's gonna flood the guild agaaain." Gale exclaimed knocking Sapphy on the head.

"Ow! I wasn't trying to! I was just trying to reassure her of how cool she is!" She yelled at Gale. The two glared at each other, causing me to laugh, in a way their bickering reminded me of Natsu and Grey.

"Well maybe think before you speak! Oh wait you have to have a brain to do that!" Gale said smugly.

"Ooh burnnnn." Ian whispered.

"Oh you wanna go!? Let's go! You and James versus Ian and I. May the best mages win!" Sapphy exclaimed, Ian was right behind her already smirking.

"It's an easy win, sis." James said smugly, "No one can compete with our magic."

"Oh yeah! Well no one can compete with Ian and I! Right Ian?" Sapphy looked at him. He nodded and glared at the brother and sister across from them.

"Outside. Five minutes." Sapphy and Gale said at the same time before stomping off in seperate directions, followed closely by their teammates for the duel.

"Oh good grief what am I going to do with those four..." I facepalmed before getting ready to referee the match like I always did.

10 Minutes Later
Narrator's POV
"Let the match begin!" Lucy yelled and quickly ran away before getting trampled by the enraged mages.

"Lightning Devil's thunderclap!" Gale yelled, thunder boomed causing the opponents to cover their ears. "Lightning Devil's lightning barrage!" Gale said while her opponents were caught off guard. Lightning bolts flew at Ian and Sapphy, grazing their arms and legs as they tried to dodge them.

"Is that all you got Gale?" Sapphy said, "Earth Angel's rock fall!" Sapphy scream in retaliation at Gale's previous attacks. Rocks flew at Gale and James, one rock hitting him square in the head.

"Ow!" James rubbed his forehead, "oh now you've done it!" He clapped his hands in excitement "Solid Script: Crack!" He threw the word at the ground where Ian and Sapphy stood. The ground fell apart and Ian barely saved the two of themselves from falling in.

"Aera!" He yelled and wings protruded from his back, he swooped up Sapphy in his arms, putting her down back on solid ground.

James ran at Ian, he went to kick him but was suddenly transported from his original spot to Ian's with Ian being the one to give the kick.

"Urgh.. I forgot you had that territory magic.." James groaned, "Lightning make: sword!" A sword of lightning appeared in the hands of James. He sliced at Ian who teleported away, putting Gale in his place. Gale quickly dodged the sword before focusing back on their opponents.

Ian interrupted though, "Takeover! Satan soul!" Ian transformed, his hair stuck up and his eyes glowed red. His outfit was pure black with a blood red sash/cape, his boots were high and two scars went over his unopen eyes.

"Oh shi--" all three of them exclaimed, even Sapphy. "We're/you're doomed" they chorused.

Ian shot at them with incredible speed. Just before he was about to collide with them a force stopped him.

"Ian, what did I say about using that soul?" Lucy asked sweetly, she had activated her own Satan soul, her hair was in a high pony tail, and had a blood red dress with dark blue lining. "We agreed that soul was only for emergencies." She locked eyes with him.

"Sorry Celeste.." he mumbled and disabled his Satan soul. Lucy disabled hers as well.

"Now let's call that a draw then, shall we?" Lucy questioned, "since Ian did use that soul after all" she added.

"Y-yes Celeste!" They all said together, "A draw it is then!" They chorused again as Lucy smiled sweetly.

"Now, time to train!" Lucy said excitedly while her friends groaned.

"Train for what?" Gale asked her curious.

"The grand magic games" she answered with an evil glint in her eyes, "for this year the winner will not be Saber tooth nor Fairy Tail. It will be Stellar Zodiac!" She exclaimed and cheers erupted from her teammates.


Hello lovely people and thank you for checking out this story! If you have any questions so far comment them down below to ask!

If you're confused about what magic the characters have then question no more!

James- Solid Script and maker magic

Ian- aera, territory, and takeover magic

Gale- devil slayer magic and requip magic

Sapphy- Angel slayer magic and gun magic

Lucy/Celeste- takeover, celestial, and more to come!

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