The Truth

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"Oh dear, seems Mira Jane has forfeited! That means.. Stellar Zodiacs team B can join!" Mato yelled in disbelief, "they managed to take down some of the strongest mages in Fiore!"

"Yeah! Go Levy! You guys did awesome!" James yelled from the balcony, Sapphy snickered from next to him, "what?" He asked her.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you have a little crush on Levy." Sapphy smirked.

"That's.. that is ridiculous!" James remarked, he felt his face flush and he turned away, "we're just friends is all." Sapphy rolled her eyes at him before going back to cheering for team B.

"Juvia knew we could do it!" Juvia cried happily, "Juvia's powers really have gotten stronger!"

"Of course they have, we trained under Lucy after all." Gray remarked to which the others nodded their heads in agreement, "it's really all thanks to her."

"Wait.. Lucy taught you guys that magic?" Mira Jane asked, "so you weren't lying after all.." Mira mumbled.

"You really didn't believe us after all that? Then why'd you forfeit?" Wendy asked her, she saw no reason as to why Mira would forfeit the match, she absolutely adored Fairy Tail.

"I thought I'd be able to fight you... but I just couldn't bring myself to do it." She whispered, "you guys are.. were my family."

Levy sighed, she extended a hand to Mira, "and we still are. Come with us, to Stellar Zodiacs." She smiled at Mira, Mira extended her hand out but stopped.

"But what about Fairy Tail.. Lisanna.. Elfman.." Mira thought about how hurt they'd be if she joined another guild.

"They're your family Mira, they'd understand." Gray told her, "I'm sure of it." He smirked looking at her.

Mira looked from the Zodiacs to the Fairies, Fairy Tail had been her home for so long, but home meant nothing if the people you cared about so much weren't there.

"I'm sorry Lisanna, Elfman." She cried silently, she grabbed Levy's hand and let her lead her towards the Zodiacs balcony.

"Mira?" Lisanna laughed, "Mira where are you going? Our balcony's over here."

Mira pretended to not hear her, she kept walking to the Zodiacs's balcony, "ignore her... ignore her..." Mira mumbled.

"Big sis? What're you doing?" Elfman said, "why're you going over... there.." he had a sudden realization of what was happening, "not you too, big sis."

"What? What do you mean not her too?" Lisanna asked, "what is she... oh. Oh." Lisanna frowned looking at Mira, "oh Mira, not you too."

"They have nothing they can offer you Mira." Erza stated coldly, "they're probably lying about seeing Lucy at all."

"You still think we're lying?!" Levy said in outrage, "four of us have literally joined Stellar Zodiacs because they've shown us Lucy!" She yelled.

"Really? And is there any proof?" Erza glared at her, "the only 'evidence' we have is your word." She told them.

"And you don't trust us." Juvia said, "you don't trust your friends."

"No I do trust my friends. I don't trust you." Erza said, her words hurt the former fairies who glared up at her.

Lucy watched them argue, she frowned at the sight of them fighting each other over her sake.

"They do have proof, Titania." Lucy said coolly, Ezra's attention was focused on Lucy, "they have the best proof in the world."

"And what is that, Zodiac?" She spat at her in annoyance.

"Celeste wait—" Levy started to say.

"No, I think they need to know the truth." Lucy smiled coldly.

"Are you sure Celeste?" Sapphy put her hand on Lucy's shoulder, "you don't have to.."

"Yes. I do." Lucy stated, she mumbled a spell and suddenly her hair started to grow, going from brown to blonde, her eyes turned dark brown and her face shape changed. Instead of looking like Celeste anymore, she looked like Lucy.

"No.. no. That's just an illusion." Erza said in shock, "you aren't really her."

"But I am Erza, I have all of her memories, I have her face, her voice. I'm her." Lucy said calmly.

"No, there's no way." Natsu said staring at Lucy, "Luce?"

Lucy stiffened and glared at Natsu, "I'm not your 'Luce' anymore. You lost that privilege a long time ago, most of you did." She said coldly.

"We're sorry Lucy, we didn't know how much we were hurting you.." Natsu told her, he sounded sincere, but she knew it was fake.

"Levy, if you will." Lucy nodded at her and Levy nodded back.

"Primordial slayer, Morpheus's dream!" Levy spoke and many figures appeared in front of her, almost every member of the Fairy Tail guild stood there, and they each took turns hurting, physically or mentally, the person crouching in front of them, Lucy.

"You knew perfectly well." Tears formed in the corners of her eyes, "yet you never stopped."

The crowds booed at Fairy Tail when they saw the sight in front of them.

"What a nasty par-fume." Ichiya said and shook his head.

"That's real uncool." Hibiki frowned at the Fairy Tail guild.

"You can't just treat a woman like that!" Beth yelled from the Mermaid Heel balcony.

"And here I thought Fairy Tail treated everyone like family." Lyon sighed.

Fairy Tail stared in shock at the sight before them, themselves beating up Lucy, the crowd booing at them, and friends being disappointed in them.

"And now everyone knows." Lucy smiled.

Levy, Gray, Wendy, Juvia, and Cammie made their way to their balcony. Mira did one last look at Fairy Tail before turning away and following the Zodiacs to their balcony.

"How does it feel to be shamed?" Lucy asked, "I can tell you all about it."

Wow what an eventful part. Fairy Tail has been found out! So what's in store next for them?

Find out in the next part! Stay tuned!

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