A Note

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating today, I just don't have much inspiration for this story anymore and don't know where to go with it. I want to start a new story to take it's place, but don't know if I should just suck it up and continue making FFFT? Of course I want to do what will make the readers happy, and if it makes you all happy I will gladly continue the story to my best ability.

But then again I also have ideas for other stories as well, and I plan on making an original story soon too. I'll put down some options for you all to vote on, and the most wanted one will win!

•the girls of the series get powers based on the different full moons of the months. (Which means 12 main characters!)

•some of the girls die during a job, but the celestial spirit king takes pity on them and turns them into constellations.

•the girls meet the season overseers, and are gifted their power over the different seasons.

•mages of Fairy Tail are taken hostage by a dark guild and their memories are wiped, will the guild be able to restore them?

•keep this story going

Sorry for the short descriptions, I don't want to give all of the plot away!

Please vote on what story you would like to see created or carried on, it would mean a lot to me! I will also try to update this story either tomorrow or the day after if inspiration strikes me!

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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