Nothing Less, Nothing More

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Narrator's POV
"Oh how I've missed you!" Wendy cried into Lucy's shoulder, Lucy patted her on the back reassuringly. The young mage could barely speak through her tears of happiness at seeing her friend once more after such a long time.

"At least someone from that guild remembers Celeste." Gale rolled her eyes, she glanced over at the Fairy Tail teams who were giving the Zodiacs a look of pure disgust and hatred. Gale, Sapphy, and James returned the looks of disgust right back at them.

"They have the nerve to even look at us right now?" Natsu said in outrage, "right after they have stolen not one, but two, of our guild mates! They have no right to!" Some agreed with his statement and nodded their heads, while others looked uncertain about his proclamation.

"Juvia thinks there is a reason that Levy and Wendy would leave the guild. Juvia doesn't think they would simply leave like that with no reason behind it." Juvia told Gray, Gray nodded, agreeing with her.

"Juvia thinks maybe one of the Stellar Zodiacs is perhaps brainwashing or blackmailing Wendy and Levy," Juvia stated, taking her eyes off of Gray to look at Celeste, who still held the small sky mage in her arms, "Gray, my darling, perhaps we should investigate behind this guild, and their members?" She offered.

"Maybe you're right, Juvia. Maybe there's something behind all this that we just don't see." He met her eyes, his eyes were cold and had a far away look to them, they had been that way ever since Lucy had left, and seeing that look in his eye Juvia knew he saw Lucy as much more than a guild mate, team mate, or even friend. But she couldn't bring herself to admit it.

"And our number one suspect, Celeste." He looked at her, "Both Levy and Wendy talk to her like they've always known her, as if they're old friends." He stated, Juvia nodded seeing as she had already seen this.

"She's got to be the one behind it." Gray said coldly, glaring at the mage across the arena. Lucy stiffened when she felt someone's eyes staring at her, she turned to see Gray, her chest tightened when she saw the sour expression on his face. She smiled at him but he only frowned more.

Levy turned to see where Lucy was looking and saw her staring at the ice mage. Levy sighed and laughed at her best friend, "Lu— Celeste, he really misses you" Levy said, emphasizing on the word 'you'. Lucy looked at her with a saddened expression.

"I've.. I've missed him as well. But I've also moved on from him. We were always friends, nothing less, nothing.. nothing more." She spoke, her voice rang with sadness and heartache, and Levy being Levy knew that the words her friend spoke weren't exactly the whole truth.

Lucy rubbed her eyes, "Besides, he has Juvia? Right?" She looked from Levy to Wendy, they both frowned and shook their heads no.

"You know he never really thought of her that way, he never really thought of anyone that way..." Wendy piped in. Lucy looked shocked at her statement, she had thought they had been getting closer, Lucy guessed that was just friendship rather than romance.

"Poor Juvia," Lucy muttered, "I'm guessing she still has feelings for 'her darling'?" Lucy stated and laughed. Once again though, and very much to her surprise, Levy and Wendy shook their heads no.

"She's started to understand more that she isn't the one for Gray, at least not right now." Levy told her, "Besides, she has someone else on her mind right now. She may or may not of stolen Mirajane's last issue of Sorcerer Weekly, and may or may not of been checking out the number one mage last month." Levy giggled, Lucy's eyes widened in shock.

"Wait. But the number one mage last month was... Ian?!" Lucy exclaimed, she looked towards Juvia, her former friend was staring at their balcony, her eyes snapped back when she saw Lucy looking her way, or perhaps when she realized a certain mage was doing okay after being injured by his team only minutes prior.

"Poor Juvia, Ian's never liked anyone that I know of since I've been at the guild," Lucy shook her head.

"Well—" Wendy started, only to be cut off by Mato announcing who would be fighting who in the battles today.

"First up is Stellar Zodiacs, Levy and Celeste!" Mato yelled, thunderous applause came from the crowds as Lucy and Levy made their way to the middle of the stadium.

"And fighting them today, from Fairy Tail team B, Juvia and Laxus!" Cheers came from those supporting Fairy Tail, Juvia and Laxus walked to the stadium, meeting Levy and Lucy in the middle.

"Juvia, Laxus, its an honor to fight you two." Lucy said sweetly, while already forming a plan to take the two mages out.

"The pleasure is all Juvia's, Juvia looks forward to fighting you." She nodded before taking a few steps back to put some distance between them.

"Now, are we keeping tradition with last year's games?" Lucy smirked, "Placing bets always makes things much more exciting!"

"Depends on what the bet is." Laxus said coldly, Levy and Lucy just smirked at each other.

"If we win, we take one of your guild for our own guild!" Levy stated, the Fairy Tail guild yelled in outrage at her bet, she put up her hands to silence them, "and if you win, Stellar Zodiacs will return myself and Wendy to you guys."

"Ha! With Laxus fighting there's no way Fairy Tail will lose!" Natsu yelled in glee, "pack your things now Levy and Wendy, cause you're coming home!"

"Fine then, we accept the bet. May the best team win." Laxus said before walking back to join his teammate.

"Oh, we plan to." Levy and Lucy said in sync.

"Since both teams are in position..." Mato started, "GO!"

Ooh what an exciting fight! Who do you think will win Juvia and Laxus, or Levy and Lucy!

To find out make sure you stay tuned for the next part!

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