A Children's Fight

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"Alright Takara! You know what to do!" Reina called out to him, he nodded and took a key off of a small chain. "Iron make sword!" She roared as a sword appeared in her hands. She swung it around towards their opponents who backed off warily. All while Takara was looking around for something, but what would he be looking for?

"Storm dragon's lightning claw!" Kouki roared, magic raced towards Reina and knocked her off her feet, she rolled backwards and somehow managed to roll into a standing position. Kouki frowned, "Storm dragon's roar!" He cried, a barrage of dark clouds and small, electric, sparks raced towards Reina. She dodged just in time, using an iron shield she had made with her magic. Reina smirked, she looked over at Kishiko and seemed to be waiting for her to use her magic.

"Water make lion!" She cried, the lion roared and leaked over Kouki and Reina and landed right in front of Takara. This caused Takara and Reina to smirk, like they had already won the match. Everyone around them watched as Takara plunged one of his keys into the water lion, although this key wasn't one they had seen before. It was golden, so definitely a Zodiac key, but this key had two parallel waves on it's bow.

"Open! Gate of the water bearer! Aquarius!" Takara yelled, Kouki and Kishiko watched in shock as a woman with a blue mermaid tail, tattoo right under her collarbone, and an urn in her hands. "Let's go Aquarius!" Takara said, pumping his fist into the air in excitement, Aquarius simply rolled her eyes at the young fool.

"Alright Takara, but make it quick. I have a date with my boyfrie—." She cut herself short as she made eye contact with Lucy, judging by their expressions Takara had told neither about the other. "Lucy..?" She asked.

"Aquarius.. I've missed you." Lucy smiled at her, Lucy had visible tears in her eyes, and made no effort to hide them. While Aquarius stubbornly held back her own tears, while she glared down at Takara.

"Why didn't you tell me Lucy was your mom?" Aquarius asked angrily, she tapped her tail on the ground, as if she was tapping her foot impatiently, "You little twerp. I knew you reminded me of someone." Lucy sweat dropped from across the room, Aquarius never changed, which she didn't know if it was a good thing or bad thing.

"Sorry! But you'll have to catch up later! We're in the middle of a battle right now!" Takara groaned, "just get rid of these idiots!" He said, Aquarius rolled her eyes and stubbornly shot a beam of water from her urn towards the two mages. Kishiko dodged the attack but Kouki wasn't so lucky, and got swept up in the wave of water. "Alright! Thanks Aquarius! You can go on your date now!" He told her, trying to high five her but she simply turned away from him, annoyed, Takara closed her gate and Aquarius disappeared in a shimmer.

"I thought you only had two keys!" Kouki said annoyed as he stood back up after being slammed into a table by the water, "liar!" He hissed. Takara simply shrugged his words off as if they didn't matter, and to him they definitely didn't.

"Hehe, he's not the only one hiding things." Reina cooed, she cracked her fingers "You aren't the only one with a dragon slayer lacrima in you!" She told Kouki, their eyes widened in understanding and each made a silent 'oh'. "I'm the gem/metal dragon slayer! Cool huh? Also called the mineral dragon slayer!" She said, most of the other kids were in awe, except for those who knew Reina, of course, they just rolled their eyes, her magic was old news to them.

"Come on Takara! Let's take them down!" Reina yelled, they were far too young to do a unison raid, but that didn't mean they didn't have other ways of combing their powers. "Mineral dragon's metal minefield!" Chunks of different metals from the under the ground rose up, since there was a floor to block them though the minerals could not even make it up to the surface to use the magic, this made Kishiko and Kouki sigh in relief, and they completely forgot about Takara. Takara had summoned Taurus, using his giant axe Taurus swung down on the floor and cracked it in many places, allowing the metals to move to the surface. Once they touched air the metals grew extremely warm, once they reached a certain heat they did what happens in most minefields, explode. The force caused Kouki and Kishiko to tumble backwards into a wall, once it looked as if they had enough the spell subsided. Leaving an almost completely uninjured Takara and Reina, and a more injured Kouki and Kishiko.

"Ugh, I give up!" Kishiko sighed in defeat, her opponents high fived each other in victory, "how are you guys so strong?" She asked them, they were pretty much the same age yet their power seemed much higher than her's, or Kouki's.

"Simple, Kishiko." Takara said as he smirked down at her, "we just train, a lot." The other kids who were children of the dark guild members nodded their heads. Their parents wanted them to be strong in case an emergency ever came up and they needed to fight for themselves, so their daily lives involved a lot of training, and if they didn't get the hang of something they trained until they got it right.

"No fair! I want a rematch!" Kouki whined, causing the others to laugh at him, "we thought you guys were equals with us! Not freaking super strong kids!" He exclaimed, Takara and Reina smiled at the compliment, or at least they took it as a compliment.

"Okay, Kouki. In six years." Reina teased, "when you've had enough time to train yourself to beat us. That's when we'll fight you again. I bet by then we'll be great friends!" She promised him, Kouki smiled, he was sure to beat them next time!

Little did they know, that the next time they'd be fighting.. some promises would be broken.

Reina and Takara won! Are they really stronger or was it just luck? Is Kouki really okay with the embarrassing loss? What promise will be unkept?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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