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"Er.. did something happen after Kishiko ran off?" Rin asked Takara, team Stellar Zodiac and Celestial Cross had met up and regrouped at their inn a few minutes ago as the sun was already set and the stars shone in the sky.. but even in that short moment the six mages who hadn't witnessed Kishiko's and Takara's 'kiss' could tell them along with Reina and Kouki were on edge.. and definitely not in the best of moods to compete to their fullest in the Grand Magic Games..

Takara scratched the back of his hair with his left hand, ever since leaving that dark alleyway Reina refuses to let go of his hand so he would remain in her sights.. sure it was a little overprotective but Takara knew she had her reasons.. plus he didn't mind holding his girlfriend's hand either..

Takara looked at the clock which read 11:58 pm.. two minutes until the games began.. Takara sighed as he looked at his brother, "Listen here Rin, you can't tell anyone this but.." Takara quickly looked around to make sure no one was listening in on their conversation, "Kishiko kind of, sort of.. kissed me?" Takara told him, still unsure the entire thing had even happened at all.. but seeing the look on Reina's and Kouki's faces just kept reminding him it had happened for real..

Rin's face turned to one of shock, "she did what?!" He yelled, earning himself odd looks from everyone in the room, and a small glare from Kouki who didn't really want everyone knowing his girlfriend kissed another guy.. all because of a stupid misunderstanding! Rin smiled shyly as he turned back to Takara, "Are you sure it wasn't just a friendly peck?" He asked, it didn't really make sense to him either but.. some people did things like that? But he couldn't really imagine Kishiko to be a person to kiss people as a friend..

Takara snorted as he showed his and Reina's tightly interlocked hands, "pretty sure no one here thinks it was a 'friendly peck', Rin." He said bluntly, "she meant to kiss me, she tried to kiss me how a girlfriend would.. but I just don't like Kishiko like that." He shrugged, turning to Reina and smirking at her as she looked annoyed at the memory of her best friend kissing her boyfriend, Reina seemed to feel the boy staring at her as she turned and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Reina asked, confused as to why Takara was staring at her, a faint pink showing on her cheeks as she hid her face with her other hand, "do I got something on my face?" She asked, rubbing it slightly as Takara laughed.

He smirked at her, "yeah you do, right there." He pointed to her lips before giving her a kiss, laughing when he pulled away to see her shocked expression, "oops, it was just me!" He teased, getting pushed slightly by a flustered Reina.

"What a dork." Reina mumbled, tugging a piece of her hair behind her ear as she turned to surprise-kiss Takara, only to be surprised herself when Takara returned the kiss before their lips even touched. Reina smiled as the kiss deepened, both forgetting Rin was there and watching them with a horrified look on his face, as the other mages in the room looked equally horrified/amused.

"I love the show, really, but if you two could just stop-." He was suddenly cut off by their inn shaking.. but instead of going up in the sky like it had in previous years.. their inn started to sink into the ground! Rin and Takara felt their inn sinking deeper and deeper down as Reina rushed to the window to look out at the city.. only there was no longer any city around them.. only dirt and rocks proved to be their only scenery around..

"This isn't the Sky Labyrinth!" Reina yelled, their building stopped moving, and the window now showed a long tunnel leading farther and farther away from their building.. "this isn't right.." she mumbled, examining the dark tunnel as she tried to peer further down it.

"Hold still, pumpkins! No starting just yet!" Mato's voice rang out of nowhere, echoing inside all of the mages heads, "I have to explain the rules! Unlike previous years, we will not be doing the Sky Labyrinth! Instead we have this new, and extreme, Earth Labyrinth! Made up of narrow and confusing tunnels meant to get you lost inside! But don't fret, after the first six teams make it to the middle of the Labyrinth everyone will be magically transported back to the surface!" He announced, the mages looked worried, they were meant to get lost in the maze? What happened if their magic failed and they were stuck in the maze forever..? What if something went wrong and one of them.. died.. in the Labyrinth..?

"The maze is littered with traps and other ways to dwindle down our teams more and more!" Mato went on, sounding eerily excited about the traps that could potentially kill them.. "I hope you're all prepared for this! Because the Earth Labyrinth preliminary round.. starts.. now!"

Team Celestial Cross started running as soon as Mato got the words out of his mouth, Stellar Zodiac tried following only to be stopped by a wall of ice appearing in front of them, a triumphant Rin smirked as his breath was frosty.. using his ice magic made his body much colder then his surrounding area most of the time, "you guys need to chill out." He joked, turning quick on his heels to catch up with his team who kept marching forward, not even caring they had just left their friends trapped at their inn just so they could get a head start..

"Hey! Get back here! I thought we were all a team!?" Kouki yelled, feeling betrayed by his friends who ran ahead without a care in the world.. sure the two guilds were great friends and for along well..

But this was a competition.

A competition Celestial Cross planned on winning.

The prelims have started! But how could Celestial Cross do that to their friends? How long until Stellar Zodiac breaks out? How will Stellar Zodiac even be able to work as a team with Kouki and Kishiko now practically broken up?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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