Author's Note

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Hello lovely readers! It is I, the author! I'm just here to quickly let you know that this story will be going on an update schedule instead of every other day like I've been doing. Having to write a new story with the very limited time is hard and most of the time I'm not happy with what I'm posting, so I'm here to let you know the schedule this story will now be following!

Fled From Fairy Tail will not be updated every Monday, Thursday and possibly Saturdays as well if I have the free time to do another new story part. I hope everyone who reads this story understands and will keep on enjoying the story as I will be more able to create story parts I actually like.

And as I'm writing this I've just realized 'Fleed' is not a word... so the title is also changing to 'Fled From Fairy Tail' ;-;.

Also a little heads up if you read my other story, Elements Of Sabertooth, that story will also most likely be going on a schedule as well, most likely 2-3 times a week like I plan for this one.

I hope this doesn't upset anyone and you will keep reading my story nonetheless.

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!!

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