The Reveal

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After the first day of games the Stellar Zodiac guild retreated to a bar close to their inn. They all celebrated their victories from the day and celebrated the addition of four new members to the guild.

"All right, all right! Hold your horses people, let's all calm down!" Lucy yelled at the mages who were causing a bigger ruckus than Fairy Tail ever did. They ignored her though and kept celebrating, she sighed and sat down next to Levy, Gray, Juvia, and Wendy.

"Juvia still cannot believe you've been here all this time." Juvia looked at Lucy who simply shrugged, "The guild all thought you had died, but Juvia knew better, Juvia knew you couldn't of died!" She exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, it's nice though, that you found people who accept you and stuff," Gray said, "only I wish you didn't lie to them by calling yourself 'Celeste Ashley', are you going to tell them who you really are?" He asked her, Lucy looked down at the ground and played with her hair.

"I don't know.. I've been Celeste for so long now.. it feels almost natural," Lucy laughed but her four friends frowned, "what?"

"It's better not to tell lies to those you trust." Wendy said and Levy nodded, "if you really trust these people then tell them who you really are, I'm sure they'll understand."

"But I can do so many things as Celeste!" Lucy argued, not wanting to give up the identity.

"Yeah but there's one thing you can't do as Celeste." Gray told her, she looked at him confused.

"And what is that exactly?" She asked him, curious to what he thought she couldn't do.

"This." Gray said before going in and kissing her, Lucy was shocked before her eyes fluttered shut and she kissed him back, their lips parted and Lucy put her head in her hands, embarrassed.

"I g-guess you're right." She said as red as a tomato, she looked at the four, "You really think I should tell them?" They all shook their heads yes.

"Absolutely!" Wendy said.

"Well duh!" Levy laughed.

"Juvia thinks so." She smiled.

"Show them who you really are Lucy." Gray smiled at her, Lucy looked at the four, determined.

"Everyone may I have your attention!" Lucy yelled, the guild turned their heads to look at her, "There's something I have to tell you all... I.. err.." Lucy started, she looked at her four friends who gave her thumbs up.

"My name isn't really Celeste Ashley." Lucy said looking down at the ground, "It's Lucy Heartfilia." She looked up to see most of the guild smirking at her, "what?"

"Well it's about time you told us the truth!" James sighed and rubbed the back of his head, "it was beginning to become a hassle trying to pretend we didn't know anymore."

"What? But how did you—" Lucy started to ask but was cut off by Sapphy.

"Well you see Cele- Lucy, we've had our suspicions for awhile now, but seeing how you got four Fairies to join our guild and how they talk to you, well it sort of confirmed our suspicions." Sapphy said in her bubbly voice, "we're happy you told us."

"And just cause you aren't who you said you were.. doesn't mean we are gonna treat you any different, to the world you may be 'Lucy Heartfilia' But to us your our friend, Celeste." Gale smiled, Lucy felt the corners of her eyes filling with tears.

"Thanks you guys," She said in between of sniffles, "thank you all so much," she hugged Gale, Sapphy, James, and Ian as the rest of the guild cheered for her.

"But just so you know, we aren't going to stop calling you Celeste any time soon." Ian smirked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way guys!" Lucy cried as her friends patted her on the back, "you guys are the best..."

"We know." The four said in sync, they looked at each other before laughing, except for Ian or just cracked a smile.

"Now, let's show those pesky Fairies they made a great mistake letting you go." Gale smirked, she looked at Lucy who smirked right back.

"I mean, I didn't learn Fairy slayer magic for nothing ya know!" Lucy told them, Sapphy giggled at her statement.

"And with Juvia, Gray, Levy, and Wendy, we're bound to win!" Sapphy exclaimed in glee, "they're so powerful for being mages from Fairy Tail, no offense." She looked at the former fairies.

"None taken," Levy said, "actually though Lucy trained me in a time bubble so I could become months of training stronger in only a few minutes."

"Really?" Gray asked intrigued, he looked at Lucy, "could you do that for us to then?" He asked her, Lucy nodded. "Great!" He quickly kissed her before pulling away.

"Juvia would love to become stronger."

"Me too!" Wendy piped up.

"We can all train in the time bubble, and maybe if we convince Mato we could even include another GMG team!" Lucy said excitedly.

"But we need five people and there are only four of us, who else would join our team?"

"How about Cammie? She's pretty strong and some training would make her even stronger." Gale suggested, "besides she's been dying to take part in the GMG for ages."

"Alright sounds good, when do you guys want to do the time bubble?" Lucy looked around, she expected them to say later, maybe tomorrow or something, instead all of them, besides Ian, blurted out an answer right away.

"Now!" They said in sync, Lucy looked at them then laughed.

"Okay, someone go get Cammie so she can—" Lucy started to say, just then Cammie appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey Celeste! Heard ya needed me for some training? And possibly the GMG?" Cammie talked quickly, it was almost impossible to hear what she was saying but somehow the group managed to listen.

"Exactly, hope you're ready for training cause we're starting right now!" Sapphy told her happily.

"Time magic! Time bubble!" Lucy yelled and a barrier formed around the group of ten, the Zodiacs looked at the bubble in awe.

"So in here we'll be training for about two years, but outside only two hours will pass real time." Lucy explained to them, "so we shouldn't miss any of the GMG."

"Neat." Gray said and looked outside the bubble where everyone seemed to be frozen still.

"It's just how the time bubble works, don't worry Gray." Lucy reassured him, "eventually they'll move.. a tiny bit. Anyyyways time to train!" She said trying to change the subject. The group cheered and quickly hurried to train.

Which is exactly what they did for 2+ quick years.

Third post in one day. I've been having a lot of motivation to write so enjoy these updates while you can!

I'm probably not gonna write their training since all it is is well.... training.

So stay tuned until the next part! Hope you enjoyed

(Btw here's what Cammie looks like)

(Btw here's what Cammie looks like)

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(Cammie ^^)

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